Chapter 12: 081916


December 6, 2019, Saturday


7:00PM Karaoke

It was the day of karaoke nightand most of the girls were already at karaoke with Bora. 


Chorong links arms with Bora, "Bora-Bora~ How are you?"

Bora chuckles, "I'm good. How are you?"

Chorong pouts, "I'm not good because I know that you're not good. Don't lie to me! I can read right through you!"

Before Bora could react, the girls all go into the karaoke room and start getting ready.

Namjoo and Bomi first grab the mics and immediatly start punching in numbers for songs. The rest of the girls sit down and wait for their turn.

The first song turns on and Eunji and Hayoung grab the tamborines and shake them to the beat. The song was 'Bubibu' by Apurple (A/N: 'cause it'd be weird if the school group and kpop group were the same!!). 

The girls start singing, dancing, and clapping throughout every song. Then Bora stands up and quietly leaves the room.

She heads to the restroom and washes her hands. As she dries her hands, she looks up into the mirror. She leans in and realizes that she had dark circles, really bad dark circles. It made sense though... since she hasn't been able to sleep since the night she got that text from V.

Bora sighs, throws the towel away, and walks back into the room. She sits next to Chorong and Chorong puts her arm around Bora.


Chorong slightly smiles, "Are you really okay..?"

Bora scoffs and then shakes her head, "No, I'm not."

Chorong takes a deep breath and then pats Bora's head, "What's going on?"

Bora gulps since she didn't tell anybody about what happened, "I don't know how to feel, Chorong... The other day, V went to his friend's house to hang out with a couple of his school friends. They played games like truth or dare and the Pepero game... He kissed two girls and told me flat out. At first, it didn't seem like a problem but after thinking about it... it really hurt. And on Thursday, I saw Jungkook for a little bit and for some reason, he seemed different. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way since I broke up with Jungkook. But when I saw him again, I felt like I was meeting the Jungkook from the first time I met him. He changed.. right after we broke up."

Chorong squeezes Bora's arm and sighs, "It's alright.. You'll be okay... After a little more thinking, everything is going to go in place and you'll know what to do with no hesitation. Trust me."

Bora smiles and nods.


Bora went home early and lied down on her bed. 


December 25, 2019, Wednesday



It was Christmas Day and Bora's phone was ringing at 7 in the morning.


Bora groans and answers the phone with a groggy voice, "Hello?"

Bora could hear chuckling, "Did you wake up just now?"

Bora sighs and checks the caller ID. It was V, "Oh... hey, V. Why are you calling so early? It's winter break."

V sighs, "I wanted to hang out with you early so that I wouldn't waste my time with sleeping. Get ready and come out."



Bora walks out of her house and sees V parked.


She walks into the car and sits in the passenger seat, "Good morning."

V smiles and kisses Bora on the cheek, "Merry Christmas."

There was a silence then Bora takes a deep breath, "Can we keep things down today? I'm not feeling too good so I don't think I can really keep up."

"Oh.. what? But I had all kinds of things planned today. I was going to introduce you to those girls that---"

V starts laughing and Bora flinches because she had a headache, "Oh, gosh. I'm introducing you to my friends from my school not just the girls. I wouldn't do that."

Bora takes another deep breath, "I don't think today's a good day to introduce me to them. Can we just go get breakfast and then chill out or something? I told you I'm not feeling good."

V groans and rolls his eyes, "I just said I planned everything. Why are you so selfish?"

"You didn't even tell me that you were coming. You gave me 30 minutes to get ready and I came out even though I'm sick because it's Christmas. I'm not feeling good so I asked if we could have a calm day. I didn't say I wasn't going to hang out with you. I want to be with you. I just don't want to be surrounded with people."

"You should still say hi. We've been dating for over a month and I met all your friends, but I haven't been able to show you off."

"I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow. I can't today. You should've let me know before you came."

"It was a surprise!"

V was yelling. And Bora stops talking.


V reaches over to Bora, but before he can touch her, she blows, "Let's break up. You kissed two other girls and I don't like that. Who, in their right mind, just kisses two other girls because of a game? We're breaking up."

Bora gets out of the car and goes back into her house.


A week passed since Bora and V broke up. There were no calls. There was nothing. He didn't visit her. He didn't text her. No communication. He didn't care.

It was a New Year, but no one believed in the whole 'new year, new me' bull. Especially Bora.


January 1, 2019, Wednesday



Bora and the crew planned to meet up at Hyorin's house for a New Year's party. The party was at 8, but Bora and Hyorin were going to set everything up before everyone showed up. It was like this every year.

Bora was pouring in some chips into a bowl while Hyorin pours juice into a bowl.


Hyorin sets the juice down on the counter, "You know that V and Jungkook are both going to be here, right?"

Bora nods, "I know. I'm alright with that. I'm good with avoiding people."

Hyorin sighs, "I wasn't going to invite them, but the Apink kids invited V and the EXO kids invited Jungkook so I was going to kick them both out."

Bora shakes her head, "Don't do that just because of me. This has been our thing since years ago. It won't be the same if Apink and EXO aren't here. As long if you, Dasom, and Soyou are here, I'm okay."

Hyorin smiles, "They'll be coming at 7 to help us set up."




Everyone was at the party and Bora was talking to Lay on the couches.


Lay laughs, "You thought I was Korean?"

Bora nods and shrugs, "It's reasonable! I mean I've never heard such a good pronounciation from a non-Korean! I love meeting people who aren't Korean but enjoy Korean things! It reminds me that Korea isn't that bad and is influencial."

Lay scoffs, "Yeah, Korea is pretty great."

"So what's your Chinese name?"

"Zhang Yixing is my real name."

Jungkook chimes in, "Really, that's what you want to talk about at a party?"

Lay looks up, "I'll be right back. I ran out of my drink."

Lay leaves quickly and Jungkook sits in his seat.


Bora takes a big gulp of her drink, "Can I talk to you?"

Jungkook nods, "Don't you want to talk somewhere more private? It's kind of loud out here."

Bora nods and Jungkook grabs Bora's hand and takes her into one of the rooms. 


Jungkook sighs, "It's so much quieter in here. What's up?"

Bora slightly smiles, "I'm really sorry."

Jungkook was confused, "Sorry about what?"

Bora hesitates, "For breaking up with you even though I still like you. For dating someone else when I still liked you. For... being confused."

Jungkook grabs Bora's waist and pulls her closer and leans in.


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kaifa96 #1
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE!!!! please.....
kaifa96 #2
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE!!!! please.....
Chapter 15: Aww i was hoping for a longer chapter hahaha, like... nothing about Jungkook or V? But it's okay~ i hope someone will really save bora from this negativity that she's probably drowning in while putting up a mask to show everyone that she's doing okay;;
Sisfinitearmy #4
Chapter 14: Were still waiting for your update miss Author~nim. This was the best FANFIC story for me haha
Sisfinitearmy #5
Please update every characters' personality are really interesting same goes with the plot. I was like WHAT? WHY?
Chapter 14: A lot happened in this chapter but damn, the news came to Bora without any warning.. poor Bora.. ;;
Chapter 13: Whoa whoa.. what is happening now?? Jungkook!!! How can you do this?!