
Don't Tell Him Yet

"Wait, Jackson! Where are you going?" It was right before dinner when Jackson decided that he would make a scene. After learning that Mark was serious about liking him, he wanted to test the theory. 

"I just need to get out. I can't be here right now." Jackson quickly slippewd his shoes on and began walking throuhg the door.

"Jackson! Yah! Wa- Aish that kid." Jaebum turned to Mark, who had just walked into the living room from the hallway. "What did you do to Jackson? Did you two fight?" The older stared at Jaebum.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Jaebum pointed at the door that Jackson had just walked through.

"Jackson just left saying something about not being able to be here. And he came from your guy's room. So what did you do?" Mark looked up at the door. Why was Jackson acting like that? The older threw done whatever was in his hand. He couldn't even think straight. Jackson was his only priority right now. He rushed to through the door, not bothering to put shoes on. "Hyung, where are you... Yah!" Jaebum ran a hand through his hair. "Why doesn't anyone listen to what I have to say?"


Mark ran down the street blindly. He had no idea where to go. He hadn't even seen Jackosn leave the dorm. Where could he have gone? "Jackson!" It was late at nihgt and he knew that he shouldn't have been running around the streets, but he had to find Jackson. Things had gotten out of hand. And it was all his fault. "Jackson!" There was only on eplace he could think of that Jackson would be. It would their park. There was one park that Mark could never remember the name of, but Jackson had dhown it to him and ever since they went the first time Mark has taken to calling it their park. He ran as fast he could without shoes to the park.

"Jackson!" Mark was out of breath and sweaty. He had never ran that hard before. Where had Jackson gone? "Wang Ka Ye! I'll kill you if you don't show your face! Ka Ye!" Mark's throat hurt from all the yelling he was doing. He hadn't been this loud before. Only Jackson seemed to make him do things that he wasn't used too. Why was he being like this. The older sat down in the mulch, defeated. What was he doing now? Jackson wasn't anywhere around here and he was just screaming to empty night air. It was pointless.


Jackson watched as Mark practically threw himself in the dirt. He smirked. Did he really mean that much to the older? "Ka Ye!" The younger's smirk grew into a smile as he moved around the tree he was hiding behind.

"Yelling isn't good for rappers you know?" Mark looked up at the voice. "Need a hand?" Jackson stuck his hand out for the older to take. Mark smacked his extended hand away before standing up on his own.

"Do you know what I went through to find you? Do you know how it felt to hear that you ran out on Jaebum? Do you ever think of anything but yourself!" Mark's voice raised slightly and fell back to a normal pitch. Jackson sighed, looking up at Mark with half lidded eyes.


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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 10: Aww that ending scene is super cute!! They care about each other so much. Letting Mark sleep in some more is such a Jackson thing to do. And that back-hug was so sweeeeeet. Thank you for sharing this fic!
Xion_15 #2
Chapter 10: Omg this story was so adorable!
LexiLox #3
Chapter 10: This was so cute ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
pinkissmonsta #4
Chapter 10: thank you for the beautiful story ♡
Chapter 10: Awww so sweetttt
Please author make another story cute like this pleaseeee
Chapter 10: Oh my God!!!! That was perfect<3 Markson being cute is the best for me*-* ah~ so lovable I think I'll die because of them :c hahahhahaha and whatever is fine for me, only if it has Markson involved kkkkkkk bye~
Chapter 10: Awwwe that was awesome and so cute! I'm already hoping you to come with another one <<33 thank you a lot for this sweet story!!!
petshopxoxoxo #8
Chapter 9: "Not if that best friend likes you too"
"Mark, I like you"
"I like you too, Ka Ye"
Ok. I'm dead already.
Chapter 9: I'm dying right now!!!!!!!
prettygirl20 #10
Chapter 8: LMAO only Jacks would do something like that to prove his theory. #dead