
Don't Tell Him Yet

"If any member was a girl who would you date?" The host kept the show going even when the trio was dying of laughter. BamBam looked up at Mark confused. The older quickly translated the question for him.

"Oh, um, Yugeom or Youngjae. They would be nice and help me learn more thing in Korea." Jackson snorted.

"I was going to say Youngjae as well. He is almost like me, so it would be interesting to see." The host nodded, moving along to look at Mark. He didn't hesitate with his answer.

"Jackson." The host was taken aback. He quickly looked down at his paper. That wasn't at all what was written on his notepad sheet. He had thought that Mark would've said Jinyoung. Those two had a close relationship. But he went with it anyway.

"Why?" Mark instantly regretted his decision. He had a part in making the small note script for the host, but he didn't even think to look at for a second opinion. He didn't even want to say that. Fans would see that as a Markson moment, but to him he just let the cat out of the bag. He quickly shook off his feelings to answer the second part of question presented to him.

"We balance each other out and we understand each other. Plus Jackson takes care of me when I really need it." Mark looked over at Jackson to read his face and he wished he hadn't. The younger looked confused and angry all at once. What had he done?


The show ended with the host asking about the next Got7 concert. Jackson did all the taking. Mark couldn't even think of a single thing to say after what he accidentally gave out. He was embarrassed that he had said those things about Jackson. Why didn't say Jinyoung like he had planned. That was what he had written down. It was what he really wanted to say, but now it was to late to take those things back. He just blurted the first thing on his mind, or rather the only thing on his mind. The Hong Kong native never left his thoughts once since he had been sick and now he wished his brain would shut off. Mark couldn't even look at Jackson now that the show was over. He wanted to go home and sleep everything off, but that didn't seem like an option.

"I have to use the restroom. I'll be back." BamBam bowed to the two before running down the hall, leaving Mark with Jackson. So much for being proud of his dongsaeng. Mark sat down, leaning against the wall, trying to keep his gaze off of Jackson. The younger sat down next to Mark, crossing his arms over his knees.

"Aish, that kid. He's got the bladder of a woman. Don't you think?" Mark nodded.

"I guess. I hope he hurries up. I want to go home." Two people can play this game, Jackson, Mark thought. 

"Hey Mark?" Jackson spoke, looking over at the older. He wanted to know what was going on with Mark. He wasn't going to mention what happened while the older was sick, but what was wrong now. "Are you mad at me?" Mark looked at the younger. Mad? At Jackson? He could never be mad at Jackson. No matter how he felt about the younger, he would never be mad.

"No, of course not. What made you think that?" Jackson shrugged.

"I don't know. You just seemed really mad this morning and right after the show. You just look mad. And I thought it was because of something I said or did." Mark chuckled softly. The younger was always like that in private. He worried way too much about things like that.

"I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about. I'm still just a little tired from last week, y'know." Jackson nodded, still not completely sure if Mark was telling the truth or trying to hide something from him. He would have to figure it out later.

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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 10: Aww that ending scene is super cute!! They care about each other so much. Letting Mark sleep in some more is such a Jackson thing to do. And that back-hug was so sweeeeeet. Thank you for sharing this fic!
Xion_15 #2
Chapter 10: Omg this story was so adorable!
LexiLox #3
Chapter 10: This was so cute ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
pinkissmonsta #4
Chapter 10: thank you for the beautiful story ♡
Chapter 10: Awww so sweetttt
Please author make another story cute like this pleaseeee
Chapter 10: Oh my God!!!! That was perfect<3 Markson being cute is the best for me*-* ah~ so lovable I think I'll die because of them :c hahahhahaha and whatever is fine for me, only if it has Markson involved kkkkkkk bye~
Chapter 10: Awwwe that was awesome and so cute! I'm already hoping you to come with another one <<33 thank you a lot for this sweet story!!!
petshopxoxoxo #8
Chapter 9: "Not if that best friend likes you too"
"Mark, I like you"
"I like you too, Ka Ye"
Ok. I'm dead already.
Chapter 9: I'm dying right now!!!!!!!
prettygirl20 #10
Chapter 8: LMAO only Jacks would do something like that to prove his theory. #dead