
Parallel Lines

Katashi and Jong Kook entered the tunnel and came across the dealers. The suitcases on the table and the suitcases in the hands of their men were put on the table. Both sides glared at each other.

“You got it?” Tother side opened the box as Katashi examine the drugs.

“The money?” Jong Kook ushered his men to open the suitcase and the money went hand in hand with the drugs. They were about to leave when one of Katashi’s men pointed a gun at Jong Kook, making Jong Kook’s men all take out their gun at each other.

He looked over at Katashi who did nothing only check the drugs. “What’s the meaning of this?” Jong Kook ask.

“What do you mean?” Katashi opened the other bag with weapons in it. Jong Kook started sweating nervously, not because he was afraid to die, but because he didn’t want to be found out yet. “The guy from the cement. What’s your relationship with him?”

“What are you talking about?” Jong Kook asked again. Katashi turned to Jong Kook with a gun in his hand and pointed it at Jong Kook. Seung Hoo intercepted by pointing a gun at Katashi’s head.

“Don’t play dumb with me. You buried him and his girlfriend. You are an accomplice right?” Katashi hissed. Jong Kook only kept a straight face.

“I just thought that, we should be humane to bury someone properly. He got used but only die in vain.” Jong Kook replied which earn a laugh from Katashi.

“Who was the one that said, you trample whoever is in your way to succeed, huh? I see you, K, don’t even live up to your words.”

Jong Kook curled up his fist. He reached for his gun but Katashi showed him something: a video phone call. The content was shaky, but he recognize who it was. Bora’s hands were tied to an anchor above her head, ready to be drown in a tank. gagged and legs tied too.

“You!” Jong Kook took out his gun and pointed it at Katashi but he clicked his gun ready to shoot Jong Kook.

“Uh-uh.” he tuned, “Not so fast mister. If you don’t want her to swim now, don’t even think about it.” Jong Kook gritted his teeth, causing his hands to tremble badly as his eyes grew cold. Seeing that Jong Kook was stepping down from the stare, Katashi let out an evil laugh and turned around. Jong Kook let his hand fall but gripped the gun tightly. Seung Hoo amd the others still held their gun stable at the other gang though. Katashi went to the table and packed the things. Jong Kook exhaled deeply before raising his gun back up.


Jong Kook raised his hand to his back as a pain hit him as his vision became blurry immediately. Losing strength in his legs and control over his body, he walked toward Katashi with the gun pointing warily. He stumbled on the ground and tripped, shaking his head as the images became blurry and unstable. He tried to get up but his eyelids were drooping, he turned to see his men all on the ground with the same expression on their faces. He turned back to face Katashi who hit him with the back of a gun.

The impact made his vision spin as he hit the ground. Katashi pointed the gun at him. He couldn’t move his body up as he grew weak.

“Go to hell.” Katashi said with a wide grin before pulling the trigger.

Am I… going to die?

Suddenly another body laid on top of him. He tried to force his eyes open as he could only see the image slightly. Seung Hoo’s body covered his as he felt the stream of blood touched his skin.

“Y-you…why..?” Jong Kook barely whispered. Seung Hoo curved his lips up a bit and gripped his arm weakly.

“D-don’t forget your promise…*coughs blood*…. P-Protect... my brother…” then he went unconscious.

Jong Kook felt his chest tighten as rage and the drug drown him. Jong Kook closed his eyes as he soon became unconscious too.


A bucket of water flashed over Jong Kook as someone hit him. He gasped for air and cracked his eyes open to see a few of Katashi’s men surrounding him. Katashi was busy up the drug while his men stood still.

“Where are they?” Jong Kook demanded as he tried to free himself from the ropes behind his back that tightly scratched his skin.

“Talking so much, you must not be too weak to die yet.” Katashi mocked.

“Where are they?!”

They kicked the leg to Jong Kook’s wooden chair, making him fall hard on the ground. He grunt in pain as he felt his hands crushed behind him with the weight of the wood. Katashi got up and grabbed his hair before observing him as they wanted to kill each other.

“I won’t kill you just yet. You’re still useful. But I wonder what Kye Sang will do this time. I have his friend and his sister. Just WHO will he save?” Katashi taunted before pushing Jong Kook away. He hit the ground again as the pain throb through his head.

“Argh!” he couldn’t free himself as he still felt weak. “You en b*st*rd!” He yelled. The gang started beating him up, kicking his leg. He groan in pain as his knee felt the strong impact. The rope scraped his wrists and cut into him as he tried to set himself free. After the beating was over, they left him alone. His body felt numb as he couldn’t move his legs.

He didn’t know how long it was, but it did seem like it was an hour later when he started feeling his legs and the strength to his body again. He struggled to get up as his wrist were still sore and the dried blood itch his skin. The members were outside so no one can see him well. He slowly tried to rub the ropes against each other to cause friction. He could feel it slowly loosen as a fresh stream of blood dripped down his hands.

He ignore the pain and continue to do it. Then one of the members were coming to the room to check on him. He pretended to be awake but act weak and pathetic.

“Anyone… help me…” he mumbled lowly as he tried to work the ropes. The member only snickered at him and was leaving.

“Help me.” Jong Kook said louder this time. Before the member could turn back in annoyance, Jong Kook was behind him and grasping over his neck with his muscular arms. “That’s what you are going to say.” Jong Kook whispered before breaking his neck as he twist it.

He made his way out and secretly took out the members who were supposed to watch him get high on the drug. He limped out of the big, dusty room of the warehouse to pass through other rooms. He stumbled upon other members and injured them.

He clash with another and was neck to neck with him when he notice that it was Kye Sang.

“Kye Sang.” He whispered in surprise. Kye Sang pushed them both into the shadows as a pair of members came through. They stayed quiet and stealthily injured them unconscious.

Jong Kook turned to him but before he could say anything Kye Sang handed him a gun.

“Save the talk for later.” Kye Sang got his guns ready as he creeped to the other rooms. Jong Kook wanted to know why he was here alone, knowing that he had dealt with Katashi before, why is he not aware of the group’s gangs.

Wait, if he came to save me… what about Bora? !

He quickly followed Kye Sang as he made his way to the opening of a big room. Katashi was smoking on his cigarette as his men tortured Jong Kook’s men. Seung Hoo was tied with his hands over his head as a rope wrapped around his neck.

“Last time. What is K’s real identity?” yet Seung Hoo kept his mouth shut. He snapped his fingers and the rope tighten around Seung Hoo’s neck as he struggled to breathe. He clenched his teeth as he gasp for air as the rope loosen. “I’ll kill you if you don’ tell me.”

Seung Hoo chuckled as he regain his breath. They had a staring contest as Seung Hoo glared at him. “Do you know what they call losers like you?” Seung Hoo challenged him. “Dogs. I don’t bite my master, but I will bite another crazy dog like me.”

Katashi got up and kicked Seung Hoo’s body, making it swing back and forth as he continue to hit him. He took a gun and pushed it under Seung Hoo’s chin forcefully.

“Watashi wa odesu. (I am the King.)” He claim angrily.

“Yeah,” Seung Hoo grinned. “The king of b*st*rds.” then he spit at Katashi. Katashi laughed crazily.

He moved to put the gun in Seung Hoo’s mouth but Seung Hoo only respond with a laugh.

Bang! Bang!

The rope that held Seung Hoo by the neck and hands loosen as he hit the ground. Katashi was taken aback as he turn around to see Kye Sang and Jong Kook pointing the gun at him. Before he could pull his gun to aim at them, Kye Sang shot his leg.

Katashi knelt on one knee as his men cover him. They started shooting each other as Seung Hoo freed himself and fought with another member and took his gun.

A gun shooting war broke out as they shot each other. Jong Kook saw the bag of guns and kicked them over to his men. They helped each other as Jong Kook helped release them. Now it was an equal number against number.

Men fell and bled as they came closer to each other. Soon Katashi’s men were left to only a few. Katashi used them as shields. Jong Kook and Kye Sang fought off the leftovers as Jong Kook ordered him and the others to take their people out.

Katashi hid behind a pole and was ready to shoot them but the split off and rounded Katashi alone. They fought with him bare hands as they all ran out of bullets and couldn’t pull their other guns fast enough. Jong Kook hit the upper body while Kye Sang hit the lower body. Katashi tried to block and were able to hit them a bit but they were both strong in their own ways, causing him to stumble and be pushed around by them.

He was bleeding when he hit the ground, smearing his white suit. Jong Kook clench his fist as the scene of Honey crawling to get away came back. He stepped on Katashi’s hand and head, grinding it onto the ground. Kye Sang came and kicked the side of his head a couple of times, causing Katashi to cough out blood.

Kye Sang flipped him over to punch him. Jong Kook knelt as the pain to his knee came back and spread the pain to his foot.

“Aren’t you afraid?” Kye Sang proceeded to punching him, making him stop talking. He got punched a few times before Kye Sang stop after cutting his face with blood on his fist.

He coughed for air and inhaled deeply. “Your sister.” he said as Kye Sang was ready to punch him again.

Kye Sang stopped in midair. Katashi grinned.

“You’re here… You chose to save your friend and not your sister. Ha!” Katashi started laughing as Kye Sang and Jong Kook froze. He continue to laugh in triumph.

He saved me… Bora…. Jong Kook felt guilty immediately. It was strange, his face felt hot as his eyes were burning, forming tears. It’s because of me…

Then there was another low laugh. Kye Sang was laughing, catching Jong Kook’s attention.

“Katashi… You were always right about everything. But not this time.”

“Why? You must have gone crazy huh?” Katashi laughed. “Your sister.” He tuned out a slicing sound and laughed again.

“You think that I would care about such a useless woman?” Katashi’s smile faded. “Well let me tell you something ancient samurai.” Kye Sang glared at him in satisfaction. “I. Don’t. Care. I only do what is beneficial for me.”

Jong Kook shot his head up and glared at Kye Sang in disbelief. Your sister is nothing to you? Your very own kin?!

Kye Sang pushed Katashi on the ground and went to Jong Kook. He helped Jong Kook up as Jong Kook was only hanging his head down grimly.

“Let’s finish this up.” Kye Sang was walking back to Katashi.


Kye Sang stopped and turned back to Jong Kook who pointed the gun at him. Jong Kook look up with his eyes red and fury.

“Hyung.” the word escape Kye Sang’s lips.

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spadenoace #1
Chapter 13: Wow thanks you for the story! Had fun reading it but I guess I gotta check out that other one sometime
spadenoace #2
Chapter 12: That's sad after getting revenge he is left with nothing.
But really a red mansion like that mistake be so ooo inconspicuous. And why did Bora die? That was kind of out of nowhere but it seems sad like right after he has the permission to marry who he wants
spadenoace #3
Chapter 11: Woop woop go Clara atta girl it must have been so sad to standem up for him and her like that except on this case she does love him but he doesn't love her.
You did the right thing girl go find someone that deserves you
spadenoace #4
Chapter 10: Nice wrap up and yeah moments like thus makes me root for the whole JK and Kye Sung bromance. It's such a. Classic though being in a gang together through tough times and then fighting and later making up like
spadenoace #5
Chapter 8: The parallel between Clara and Honey and JK and Borax was pretty cool that's a good way to think about it
spadenoace #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the summary btw! I actually didn't get that feeling from Joo Ji Joon though the more funny and one with more conscience kind of feeling through the chapters but it's nice to know what kind of character you designed up for him

spadenoace #7
Chapter 6: Nooooo the friends like this they slowly crumble Holy the part where Kakashi? Used honey as a ashtray was really cruel wow
spadenoace #8
Chapter 5: *raises eyebrows at the strange mix of morr korean sounding names and like fully Anglo Saxon ones like Clara... and Honey*
Interesting so far. You have good dialogue I really like how it shows the personality and dynamic between two characters
spadenoace #9
Chapter 4: That bit about how they are the law and the twist it and bend it to their own will was so so cool wow
dewiwi #10
Chapter 8: Nice story...I like Jk character in here... Keep writing!