
Parallel Lines

Ji Hoon stood in front of Bora’s grave. He looked down at her and coldly said, “Are you satisfied now? In the end, it comes down to this. Just why did you…choose this path?”


The clicked of a gun that is ready to shoot is heard. Ji Hoon pointed the gun at the man in front of him with his eyes dark and cold. Bora turned around to look at him in fright.

“Get away from him.” Ji Hoon ordered. He kept the gun pointing straight at the man. Bora slowly get up and let go of the man as he held onto her hand. She was frighten but tugged off his fingers from her, assuring him with her smile and nodded for him to let go.

She helped him up and they both stood in front of Ji Hoon. Ji Hoon signal for her to come to him and she hesitantly stepped forward. As she got closer, he pulled her behind him.

“Get lost.” He commanded the man. The man glared at him before walking out of the scene after wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth. When he was gone Ji Hoon then turned to Bora who looked down in despair. His eyes threatening in disbelief.

“Why did you do this?” he asked her. She didn’t answer so he nodded his head in confirmation. “Were you planning to hide this forever?”

She said nothing and closed her eyes in guilt , biting her bottom lip.

“If you don’t tell him, then I will.” Ji Hoon was getting ready to leave but Bora suddenly knelt down and held his leg, her face changed into disbelief and fear.

“Please. Please don’t tell him yet. I- I’ll tell him. I’ll be the one to tell him everything.” She begged Ji Hoon. He tried to take another step and release her hand from holding him but she held tight. “Please Ji Hoon oppa. I beg you.”

“You beg me?” Ji Hoon glared at her in frustration. “Yoon Bora… I never thought that you were like this… How could you?”

“Oppa, I beg you please. Let me be the one to tell him the truth. I promise I will tell Jong Kook oppa everything.” She started crying. “T-think of this as a favor from me… please… as a favor from your friend’s sister. Please oppa. I am so sorry. Let me be the one to say it.”

Ji Hoon closed his eyes and took a deep breath and stop trying to make her release him. He just stood there as she cried. He was so conflicted now, stuck in a dilemma. Should he tell Jong Kook or not?

Am I doing the right thing? Who would have thought this could happen?


Ji Hoon closed his eyes and stepped on the flower next her grave and left the scene. He headed towards the Choi mansion and entered through the gate.

Mr. Choi looked at him in confusion.

“Oh my, what do we have here?”

Ji Hoon got onto his knees in front of the old man.

“Please… let me join you.” Ji Hoon then bowed to the ground as the man laughed evilly in satisfaction.



We have come to the end of Jong Kook's back story. Please check out Timeless if you would like to know what really happened. lol until next time bunnies. Thank you once again for keeping up with me. I'm not the best with action stories but I will try to improve. Happy late birthday to our Commander! Hwaiting!

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spadenoace #1
Chapter 13: Wow thanks you for the story! Had fun reading it but I guess I gotta check out that other one sometime
spadenoace #2
Chapter 12: That's sad after getting revenge he is left with nothing.
But really a red mansion like that mistake be so ooo inconspicuous. And why did Bora die? That was kind of out of nowhere but it seems sad like right after he has the permission to marry who he wants
spadenoace #3
Chapter 11: Woop woop go Clara atta girl it must have been so sad to standem up for him and her like that except on this case she does love him but he doesn't love her.
You did the right thing girl go find someone that deserves you
spadenoace #4
Chapter 10: Nice wrap up and yeah moments like thus makes me root for the whole JK and Kye Sung bromance. It's such a. Classic though being in a gang together through tough times and then fighting and later making up like
spadenoace #5
Chapter 8: The parallel between Clara and Honey and JK and Borax was pretty cool that's a good way to think about it
spadenoace #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the summary btw! I actually didn't get that feeling from Joo Ji Joon though the more funny and one with more conscience kind of feeling through the chapters but it's nice to know what kind of character you designed up for him

spadenoace #7
Chapter 6: Nooooo the friends like this they slowly crumble Holy the part where Kakashi? Used honey as a ashtray was really cruel wow
spadenoace #8
Chapter 5: *raises eyebrows at the strange mix of morr korean sounding names and like fully Anglo Saxon ones like Clara... and Honey*
Interesting so far. You have good dialogue I really like how it shows the personality and dynamic between two characters
spadenoace #9
Chapter 4: That bit about how they are the law and the twist it and bend it to their own will was so so cool wow
dewiwi #10
Chapter 8: Nice story...I like Jk character in here... Keep writing!