
Parallel Lines

The door open as an army of other gangs entered. A man made his way to the table, a scar under his eye, dressed in white suit. He grin at the seating in the room. Jong Kook was the last to enter with his army of followers guarding him. The leaders from the table looked over at him, his serial face and unchanged demeanor. He slightly bowed his head and took a seat at the end of the long table.

Jong Kook was in the club’s top VIP room. He dressed in his suit and took a shot. His men were standing around him as he looked over the table with suitcases and drinks.

“You must be Business man K.” The leader from Python spoke. Everyone looked at him. Jong Kook only nodded in admittance.

“I heard that you were the one who killed Sky’s leader.” Another added. “Is it true?”

Jong Kook didn’t speak but only played with his cup, his fingers tracing the tip of the cup.

 “I heard that you also recruited the underground players around here. Are you trying to overthrow us and climb the hierarchy ladder?” One man from the other side said, he was Sky’s right hand man.

“What’s this about? White Tiger gang? What a joke.” The man in white suit chuckled and gulped his drink.

Jong Kook twitch the side of his mouth into a grin. He then look at them, looking carefully at each and every one of their faces. He leaned back in his chair and smiled.

“Isn’t this what the underground life is about?” He gestured to the army of thugs. “Recruiting and building your own castle for it to grow stronger and trampling any one that gets in your way?” Eyes shot up at him.

He turned his smiling face into a faint one and signal his men for something. One of them came to the table and handed a suitcase in front of him. The other leaders’ thugs shield in front in case he brought something dangerous to the table.

“Oh, don’t be so afraid.” Jong Kook said before opening it. “Because you’ll be more surprised.” The suit case open and nothing was in there. The others relieve back in anxiety. Jong Kook observed their reactions once again and a smile escaped his lips.

“What kind of joke is this?!” One yelled out.

“No, it’s not.” Jong Kook said as he crossed his hands together and leaned on the table, next to the empty suitcase. “Can’t you see it? It’s full of fear. Nerve-wrecking, anxiety, harm, and threats.” Jong Kook pushed it off the table.

“What is your purpose?” the man in white suit spoke up. That’s what he was waiting for. They knew he wasn’t just there to create fame and money.

“What do I want?” Jong Kook’s eyes flicker. He stared at the man across from him in the other end. The man in white suit’s gaze never left his.

“I want power.”

The whole group looked over at him in surprise.

“Not just power. Immense power that can help me keep my position. I do apologize for letting the poor old man die, but I do not regret it as I wasn’t the one who killed him.”

Sky’s right hand man clenched his fist, Jong Kook was satisfied and let a smirk pass his lips.

“A random man killed him, I was just a bystander. Let’s not talk laws here gentlemen. Because the very existence of the underground world is already a threat to them and the very activities that is acted is against the laws. Citizens are just pathetic nuisances that keeps chattering at the back of our heads. Pretending to bring our acts to justice and act all righteous just to put us behind bars.”

Everyone looked at him intently and perked up their ears as they pretend to keep themselves busy. He took one more deep breath before continuing.

“We are above the law, we break it, we twist it, we bend it with our bare hands. If you,” He gestured toward Sky’s right hand man, “want to avenge your boss’s death, go ahead. But know that he is not a traitor because he bought his freedom before killing him.”

“You!” The man finally lost his temper and banged the table.

“And for your information, he is now a part of my division. If you wish to kill him, just know that I’ll be the one to knock your head. So choose wisely, you are now the leader of your group is that not right?” Jong Kook taunted him.

The right hand man, Lee Seung Gi, got up and fought with Jong Kook. Before he could reach Jong Kook, he was shoved back Jong Kook’s troop. The groups were about to fight each other.

“Stop!” The man in white suit got up. He glance at Jong Kook who did nothing but sit back. He walked to Jong Kook and tapped on the table. He glared at Seung Gi, making him stand back.

Jong Kook looked up at him, the man had an unreadable look. Then a small smile tilted and he reached out his hand to Jong Kook.

“Welcome to our world then, K.” Jong Kook got up and took his hand, letting them shake hands in front of the whole group. “I have been looking for someone like you for a long time now. It’s quite satisfying to finally meet him.”

“Oh really? That’s quite flattering Mr. Mizuka Katashi.” The man’s smile faded as their handshake grew strong and firm.

“You know me?” He hissed.

“Who wouldn’t know the fierce and strongest group in this realm? If it isn’t you then who would it be?” Jong Kook flattered, him, making him chuckle.

“I like you very much.” Katashi let go of his hand and offered him a drink. Jong Kook grinned. “You know more than I thought you would, as a new group.”

“Very much.” Jong Kook took the drink and stared at him before gulping it down satisfyingly.


The gangs went in for a celebration night. Because of Sky’s leader’s sudden death, his right hand man, Lee Seung Gi was put into leadership, shifting the hierarchy to Red Empire, Python, Ax, White Tiger, and the minor groups to take over.

The door open and a few girls were pushed inside. A voice screeched.

“I’m not a e,” she tried to get away as they pushed her inside. Jong Kook look up to see the familiar face. He recognized her immediately. Bora was dressed in a mini skirt that bling in purple. One of the men was about to hit her as he stood up from the table.

“I wouldn’t lay a finger on her if I was you.” Jong Kook said. Katashi turned to him in a suspicious manner.”

Seung Hoo brought her to Jong Kook’s side. He pushed away her hair and smelled her fragrance.

“Flowers like these should not be trampled, isn’t it right?” Jong Kook turned to question Katashi. Katashi pulled his head back and broke into a laugh.

“You seem to know it too Mr. K.” They both laugh. Jong Kook pretended to hold Bora and offer her drinks. She wanted to yell at him, but witnessing the present scene, being surrounded by a bunch of thugs and elderly middle age erts, made her scared so she followed him.

After Katashi and Jong Kook joke around and became drinking buddies, the groups each went on their own business and had their own ladies for the fun night.

Only Jong Kook and his men were left in there. Bora was a bit tipsy but remembering she was an idol, she got up and tried to wake him up.

“Yah, tofu-cut.” But he didn’t move. “Muscular man.” still no response. She quickly put her head on his chest hear if his heart was still beating and if he was still breathing.

Jong Kook moved and his eyes open little by little. He saw Bora looking at him worriedly.

“*Sighs* You scared me.” She yelled at him. “Come on, we need to get out of here before there are reporters.” She tried to get him up but he pulled her back, making her trip into his arms.

He held her face as it got closer to him.

(SNSD – Time Machine)

Bora suddenly turned into Honey as Jong Kook continue blinking slowly. Bora tried to move his hands but he held her still.

“It’s you…” Jong Kook whispered.

“What did you say?” Bora tried to listen. “Speak louder.” He mumbled inaudible words. “What?”

Suddenly he pulled her face towards his and crash their lips on each other. Bora’s eyes widen so as a few of his men, turning away from the scene to face the wall. The kiss was soft but the grip was strong. Bora tried to pull away but her strength was no use against his.

Jong Kook pushed her underneath him, making her sit on the couch’s side. The kiss was slow but then became passionate and rough. He nibbled on her bottom lip and his hands clasp her hand, interlocking their fingers.

Bora felt like she couldn’t breathe as his tongue work its way to hers. He on her bottom lip and bit it softly. She squirm and squirm.

After it took like years for him to finally remove himself from her lips and breathe, Bora felt like she was dying. She wiggle for breath as his hot breath that smelled of alcohol puff in her face. His breath made her face grew hotter.


The punching bag next to Jong Kook was kicked hit him. He scowl and rubbed his back to turn around and see the same girl from yesterday. She was dressed in tight leggings and a red sweater.

He froze seeing her again.

“Why? You scared?” She grin as the dimples on her cheeks showed.

Jong Kook stood his posture and crossed his arm in front of his chest against the black tight t-shirt he had on. His bangs covered his forehead.

“Well, look who’s here?” Jong Kook taunted her. “Why are you here?”

She grin again, teasing him, “You must be pissing your pants now huh?” He chuckled.

“Let’s do it then.” Jong Kook said and step forward to her. Somehow, she just attracted him. She walked to the ring as Jong Kook followed. They entered the ring together as Jong Kook put on his gloves.

She stretched her arms, making her chest and hips shaped up. Jong Kook glanced at her. She took off her sweater, revealing her wearing a white tanks. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail. She put on her red gloves and start a posture.

They signal each other as they were the only ones in the gym.

She ran towards him and started punching and he dodged then moved her arms from hitting him. He lightly punched back to not hurt her, but man she was strong.

They fought neck to neck as Jong Kook block and offend a bit while she was on full offense.

It was around 20 minutes as they were both jumping around, catching their breaths.

She finally broke his defense and kicked against the ropes as she ran back to fling herself on the opposite rope. She planned to punch him with the impact of the ropes’ help. As she fling back to punch him, he suddenly moved, making her almost trip. He took off his glove and pulled her arm, preventing from hitting the edge.

They both rolled on the stage as she was on top of him. Both breathed heavily as they tried to breathe.

She tried to get up weakly but Jong Kook pulled her back to his chest. She tried to squirm but he held her shoulders and made her lie on his chest.

After a while she tried to get up again, this time he flipped her over, making him on top of her.

They stare into each other’s eyes, she was more surprised as he look at her seriously. He leaned in forward closer to her face, as his eyes caught her cherry lips and sparkling eyes look up at him. Without the anger, she was even more adorable, truly beautiful. He leaned in forward as she gulped.

He stopped right before reaching her lips, their noses so close, his breath in her face.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kiss you.” He said. “You’re not my type.” Making her face pink and her eyes went back to a sly smile.

“Me neither.” She slipped her foot in between them, her knee pressing against his chest.

She pushed him away and got up. She tore off the gloves, wore her sweater as sweat dripped down her temple.

Jong Kook smile at her while he still sat on the ring, watching her busying herself. She got out of the ring without another word.

“You are too weak. If you want to beat me, join the club and let me teach you how to fight properly.” Jong Kook shouted behind her as she slammed the door closed.

*Flashback to present.

Jong Kook kept his eyes and his hands landed on her bare shoulder where the straps are left. He held her shoulders firmly as he continuing catching his breath. Bora was afraid he was going to do something to her and gripped his hands from taking off her clothes with tears on the brim of her eyes.

“J-Jong Kook oppa…” She was going to cry, she was so scared.

Jong Kook opened his eyes once again to look at her clearly. Honey’s face faded and turned back to a teary Bora. Realizing that he was drunk and kissed Bora instead, he let go of her and moved far from her.

He rubbed his face and shook his head. He looked at her once again, her lips bruised from the kiss and her hands covering herself.

“I’m… I’m sorry.” Jong Kook apologized. “I thought you were…” his voice trailed off as he turned to look away from her. He saw his men’s back facing him so he got up and ordered them to go out and check for any suspicions.

He turned back to her who was sitting in the corner of the couch alone. He walked up to her and held out his hand.

“Let’s go.”

Instead of taking his hand, she wiped away the tears that were about to fall out back and storm her way out on her own. Jong Kook looked after her as she walked away. He followed behind and made sure his men surround them.

Honey… you drive me crazy… that’s what he was mumbling. How could he have let himself go in that moment, it’s too dangerous.

Before they got to the entrance, there was a suddenly flash at Bora as she walked first. Realizing that it was the paparazzi, she immediately turn back and bumped into Jong Kook. She tried to hide herself as an army of reporters tried to close in on them. He pulled her in his arms and hid her from the cameras as they only captured his back. They were pushed into the lobby as his men protected the cameras.

Bora look up to see Jong Kook’s icy stare. The cameras that flashed did not seem to catch her attention anymore but the look in his eyes.

“Yoon Bora.” Jong Kook called her name, catching her attention. “Are you ready?” She wonder what he meant then he cocked his head to the reporters. She then understood and nodded her head quietly. He took off his blazer and a small smile went over his lips and his eyes slightly smiled too.

“Ready?” he asked again.

She blinked quickly and answered, “Ready.”

“Ready, ready?” he asked a bit louder.


‘Yah piglet, you ready?’ Jong Kook shouted at Bora. She was still chubby.

*flashback to present

“Ready, ready.” She shouted louder in determination.

With that last confirmation, Jong Kook wrapped both of them under his blazer, making sure to cover their faces, her put his arms around her shoulder and rushed towards the reporters that stood in the way. His men made way for them and helped them get out of the club. He protected her from all the people, making sure she doesn’t trip. They entered the car safely and the car speeded off.

As soon as they got in the car Bora laughed at the reporters outside of the car and made a face through the tinted window although they couldn’t see her. Jong Kook chuckled at her childishness.

After she was done laughing she turned to see Jong Kook who looked at her and covered her with his blazer.

“Those parasites.” Bora annoyingly complain.

“Huh, so they are your motivation to run and lose weight.”

“Yah, being an idol is hard. Don’t you know that even the angle of the photo has to come out right so I’ll look even more beautiful?” She flipped her hair.

This little brat has grown up. Jong Kook smiled to himself but became serious again.

“Bora.” Jong called her.


“Why were you at the club?” his sudden question caught her off guard.

“Just,” she tried to think, “clubbing.”

“Really?” he looked at her seriously.

“O-of course. What else?” But he kept looking her clothes. She covered herself quickly. “Yah, I’m not e.” He only chuckled and look out the window.

She seriously glance at him. “Why were you there? With those people…” Bora asked. Jong Kook only looked out the window and closed his eyes, ignoring her. “I’m talking to you dude.” but he ignored her.

“If you don’t want me to tell your brother that you went clubbing dressing like this and almost became a e then I suggest you zip your lips.” He gesture the zipping part to her, making her pout. But it worked.



Sorry for the delay bunnies! sorry if it's too long >.<

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spadenoace #1
Chapter 13: Wow thanks you for the story! Had fun reading it but I guess I gotta check out that other one sometime
spadenoace #2
Chapter 12: That's sad after getting revenge he is left with nothing.
But really a red mansion like that mistake be so ooo inconspicuous. And why did Bora die? That was kind of out of nowhere but it seems sad like right after he has the permission to marry who he wants
spadenoace #3
Chapter 11: Woop woop go Clara atta girl it must have been so sad to standem up for him and her like that except on this case she does love him but he doesn't love her.
You did the right thing girl go find someone that deserves you
spadenoace #4
Chapter 10: Nice wrap up and yeah moments like thus makes me root for the whole JK and Kye Sung bromance. It's such a. Classic though being in a gang together through tough times and then fighting and later making up like
spadenoace #5
Chapter 8: The parallel between Clara and Honey and JK and Borax was pretty cool that's a good way to think about it
spadenoace #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the summary btw! I actually didn't get that feeling from Joo Ji Joon though the more funny and one with more conscience kind of feeling through the chapters but it's nice to know what kind of character you designed up for him

spadenoace #7
Chapter 6: Nooooo the friends like this they slowly crumble Holy the part where Kakashi? Used honey as a ashtray was really cruel wow
spadenoace #8
Chapter 5: *raises eyebrows at the strange mix of morr korean sounding names and like fully Anglo Saxon ones like Clara... and Honey*
Interesting so far. You have good dialogue I really like how it shows the personality and dynamic between two characters
spadenoace #9
Chapter 4: That bit about how they are the law and the twist it and bend it to their own will was so so cool wow
dewiwi #10
Chapter 8: Nice story...I like Jk character in here... Keep writing!