
Parallel Lines

Katashi and Jong Kook stood by the rooftop as a victim in the back was being tortured. They were close to the edge as they looked out into the distance. As much as Jong Kook wanted to push him off the building, he refused to show it to avoid suspicion.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Katashi chirped. “Mt. Fuji is even better, you should visit Japan.”

“Really? Must be better in the spring.”

Katashi nodded in agreement. “Even more beautiful when a body is pushed down there.”

“Of course.” Jong Kook felt a similar tension rising. Katashi turned to the victim that had been beaten up for leaking information to the other gang. He kicked the man’s face and stomped on his back, wiping off the dirt from his shoe. He squatted to see the man and grinned.

“How much did the old man pay you?” Katashi asked, more like demanded. The man said nothing, not even begging for his life. He signal for the men to bring in something. They brought in a wooden barrel. “I’m giving you another chance. Who ordered you?” Yet the man did not dare to look up or speak.

Katashi took off the lid and the image of a bloody woman in there popped out. Even Jong Kook was surprised, but he tried to remain calm. Katashi kicked the barrel over and the woman groaned as she hit the hard ground.

“Look who we have here?” The mole, or man that was beaten up, started struggling to crawl to the woman. “Uh ugh.” Takashi stepped on his hand.

“P-please let her go. She doesn’t know anything.” he begged.

“Who?” his voice gathered hair to his spine. He ordered the men to drag her out and dunk her in the box of wet cement.

She couldn’t even scream or fight back as her hands and feet were bind and was gagged. She was dunk in there as the man tried to help her. Jong Kook wanted to intervene but that would rowdy up Katashi.

“I-I-I’ll tell you. I will tell you everything. Please let her go.” The bloodied man cried out as he kneeled. Katashi grinned in satisfaction and signal for them to take the girl out. She was half alive as she struggled to breath, whimpering and choking.

“I-It’s...” Katashi signal for her to be dunk again, making the man cry out.

“Too slow. Say it again.” No remorse at all.

“It’s Yoon Kye Sang! He made me do it!” Jong Kook’s eyes dilated. Katashi smiled and let the man go help his dear girlfriend from the dunking.

Katashi walked over to the bag beside Jong Kook and took out a golf club. As the man was helping his girl out, Katashi strike the back of his neck, making him go down. The girl managed to scream out as the cloth around was taken off. He continue hitting the man until he became a pulp. Then he grabbed his head and took out a knife, displaying it as if it was a master piece.

He was about to stab him when Jong Kook intervene. “Let them go.” Katashi turned to glare at Jong Kook.

“What did you say?”

Jong Kook stepped up, “You already got the info, leave them be. We don’t need to dirty our hands in this sh*t. A waste of energy.”

Katashi chuckled. “Mr. K, traitors die in the end. Me killing him is better than his boss killing him. At least he will be more remorse.” He slit the man’s throat and laughed evilly. The woman screamed as she tried to stop Katashi but stabbed her chest, silencing her. Jong Kook flinched at the immediate attack on the woman.

“Watashi wa ōdesu.” (I am the king.) Katahsi’s eyes turned cynical as his mouth twitched into a big smile. He pushed the woman back into the cement and left with his men.

Jong Kook didn’t know why but those words stick to him.

King… He doesn’t want to be king. He wants to revenge for Honey. But He’s witnessing more death of innocent people. It seems like Katashi was testing him, as if the saying was targeted toward Jong Kook instead.

He ordered his men to secretly take out the two dead people and properly bury them. He held the necklace that had a tracker in his hand.

You made another innocent person died. Will I make someone else die too? He stared into the night sky. Honey, am I doing the right thing? Kye Sang… He’s trying to avenge you too. Should I stop? Is it too late for me? Will I… become a traitor too? He crunched the tracker in his fist and closed his eyes before deeply inhaling and exhaling. He stood in front of Honey’s grave.


“What are you doing here?” Clara looked at Jong Kook who sat alone in the bar. He sipped the drink in his hand as the bar was restricted only for VIPs. Jong Kook wore his dark glasses to avoid the public wealthy and idols people that could have entered. He was tired of being alone but he didn’t want to be seen.

“Drink with me.” He ordered a drink for her.

“Thanks.” she took the cocktail and clink the glass. “But oppa, being healthy means that you don’t drink.”

“I know.” he nodded as he tiredly answered.

“Did something happen?” she seriously glanced at him. He gulped down the drink harder. Each gulped he swallowed made his head throbbed. “Oppa.”

“It’s nothing serious.” He claim. She touched his forehead, making him flinch back.

“You’re a little warmer than usual. Stop drinking.” She tried to stop him but he refused. “Jong Kook oppa.”

“Just let me drink ok?” He was getting angry and she knew it.


(Listen to this throughout the chapter or whatever you like, maybe something sad. à Luna- It was love )

Clara tried to stop him from drinking but he pushed her away as he was getting drunker.

“I said stop it.” she grabbed the drink away. Jong Kook pulled the drink back.

“G-give it to me.” his voice slurred. She managed to take the drink out of his hand and put it away. They were at the University’s football field.

He fell and kept mumbling around. She frustratingly rustled though her hair.

“You…Honey….I you… Honey!” He talked to himself.

Clara went to pull him up as he was drunk. He was a bit heavy for her so couldn’t help him up.  She pulled the collar of his t-shirt to make him sit up, making her slip and fall on her too.

“Argh What are you-“

“Shut up and look at me,” she commanded.

Jong Kook gave her a silly smile and sat still as she glared at him. He started laughing to himself as he opened his eyes to look at her. He pinched her cheeks.

“Oh… it’s you.” He continued holding to her cheeks. “My love~” Clara just stared at him smiling and being all happy in a split second. “I miss you so much.” he pulled her face in for a peck on her lips.

“You love her don’t you?” She whispered right before their lips touched, making Jong Kook stopped. “Honey right?” Jong Kook let go and let them look at each other face to face as his smile disappeared. Her eyes were teary and hurt.

“You never loved me. You’re just using me.” He felt guilty as her big eyes became watery. “Kim Jong Kook,” his ears perked up. She looked away as she could tell from the sudden change in his eyes. She pushed his hands away and wiped away the blurry vision of hers.

“Let’s breakup.” She exclaimed after turning back to face him. She was ready to leave but he pulled her hand back, making her halt in her steps.

“I’m…sorry *hiccup*.”

She turned back to see his pathetic self-sitting alone in the grass. “For what?”

“For using you.” Her heartache and she held back her tears.

“For using me…” she whispered to herself and looked away. “I hate you Kim Jong Kook.” Jong Kook was ashamed of himself but gripped her hand tighter as she was going to walk away.

“Don’t. Please… don’t tell her. *Hiccup*.” he managed to say as his cheeks was pink and he became drowsy.

She pulled her hand from his grip and took one last glance at the man who broke her. His was shivering as she saw the glimmer of tears fall down to his cheeks and drop on the field.

“I’m…I’m sorry. Pplease don’t tell her. Don’t let them know…*hiccup*.” She had never seen him look so weak before. He was always a playful and strong person. She bent down and grabbed him in her arms, letting his head rest on her shoulder by the crook of her neck.

“I’m-I’m sss—“

“It’s okay.” she patted his head. “I…” she took a deep breath. “I understand.” Although the pain in her heart hurt, it hurts even more when she sees him cry for someone else and apologize to her.

After he was done crying, she pulled him up. She pushed his long bangs from his face to see his puffy eyes. He continued to hiccup as the alcohol reek through his breath. “When we fall, we can only get up by our self.” He lazily opened his eyes and look at her serious face. It was softer than before.

“Clara…” he whispered. “Will you…help me?” he asked.

She didn’t know what to do, she felt pitiful for him but it hurts to know he only used her. Maybe if she stayed by his side, there’s a chance he will fall in love with her too. Can she make him fall in love with her or should she refuse and forget him? The thought of losing him made her head hurt. She nodded slowly as she was fixed to make him fall in love with her and forget Honey.

“Thanks.” Jong Kook whispered as he pulled her closer and kissed her without any warning or signs. She was surprised with his actions but then noticed at the corner of her eyes, Honey and Kye Sang were standing by the gate and walking towards them. Their kiss made the two of them halt. She looked back at Jong Kook who apologetically look back at her as their lips stay together before closing his eyes.

She dragged her hands to his neck and closed her eyes and let the tears fall.

*Flashback to present

Clara only sat back and observed him. Jong Kook kept taking more drinks and begin to grow flustered. She stopped the next glass from him pulling it up. He turn to her as she only stared at him emotionlessly.

“This is the last time I’m going to do this, so stop drinking.”

He only looked at her through his dark sunglasses. His vision was alright but he could himself becoming drowsy and hyped. He pushed her hand away and gulped down the drink. Clara then got up, payed the bill before leaving.

“Clara…” he called her but she didn’t turn back and only proceeded away. He scratched his head and loosened up his tie. He got up and went after her.

She still loves him and he thought she got over it. Why do I keep hurting her?

Jong Kook was walking toward the hall to the exit and was about to reach her as he bumped into Bora, making them fall back onto the wall in the corner. Clara disappeared from the entrance of the door as Jong Kook looked up to find her.

He looked down and examine Bora in front of him, touching his chest as she whined a bit. She looked up and saw him, her eyes wide.

“What are you-“ Jong Kook started.

“Oh, Jong Kook oppa…” She slurred her words as he could smell the alcohol from her. He pinched his nose but she kept clinging onto him. She suddenly hugged him and turned him around.

Jong Kook had to stop her from falling as she was going to fall on the floor. He held her arm over his shoulder,

“Yah, Bora.” He tried to call her but she only started singing. “Bora.” He was getting irritated, why was this girl always getting drunk and in his way?

He took her out of the club and into his car. Though intoxicated, he told his driver to take him to his place.

He took her out and into his apartment building. On the way there, Bora kept hugging him in the elevator, making some neighbors look at them weirdly. Jong Kook apologized and took Bora out as she by saying sweet things to him.

“Oppa, you know… I really like you right?” She said as they walked through the hall.

“Yeah I know.” Jong Kook answered nonchalantly as he pressed in the code. They entered the apartment as Jong Kook closed it tightly and drag Bora to the couch. She slumped on the couch as Jong Kook took off his blazer in frustration.

“This girl might be the death of me.” He complained to himself and went to get a bottle of water from the fridge to sober up. Bora was still singing in the background, going off tone. “Tch, and I thought you said you were an idol.”

Jong Kook went to her and attempted to carry her to his bedroom. But as he pulled her up, she put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as she rested on the crook of his neck.

“Bora,” he tried to remove her hands. He stepped away from her and ruffle his hair. His phone ring and he picked it up.


“Where are you Hyung?” a familiar voice spoke, Ji Hoon.

“Why?” Why was Ji Hoon calling him.

“Clara said that you were drunk at the bar. Where are you?” That’s why.

“I’m home. Where’s Clara?”

“She’s with me—“ then the phone got cut off. Jong Kook was surprised but tried to redial. Clara must be mad at him.

He looked back at the drunk girl on his couch. What a troublemaker. I can’t even drink and get drunk properly.

He attempted to carry her again this time but she pulled him closer again.

“Oppa,” she whimpered before facing him with her eyes open and closed sleepily. “You know… I love you right?” His heart skipped a beat. “Why don’t you love me back?” His breath stopped. “I love you so much.” He froze as she brought her lips to his.

He was so confused now. Did she really call his name? He thought she was in love with someone else but now here she is, confessing to him again, directly. He felt a sensation grow over him as his hands slowly moved to her cheek.

But Clara’s teary eyes at the field and Honey’s sweaty face at the boxing training came back to him. He quickly pushed her away. Bora hit the couch as Jong Kook backed from her.

“Yah piglet. If you joke around again, I’m going to send you out to the hall or you can lay here or the couch for the whole night.” He threaten as he tried to calm his heart and move the guilt away. She looked up at him with watery eyes as he stepped away from her. She looked down and pouted her lips like a kid throwing a tantrum. “Yah! No crying.” But then she started crying. Jong Kook scratched his head. Aish, I should have sent her to Ji Hoon’s place!

He went to pick her up in bridal style and took her down the hall to his bedroom as she clutched onto his white dress shirt. He can’t deny the attraction he felt towards her but his mind won’t allow him to. He put her on the bed as she slung her hand over his neck, making him fall forward too. Their faces were inches apart as he tried to pull away.

Jong Kook looked over her face as she seductively, innocently stare at him. “Oppa…”

He tried to fight off the feeling and push himself away from her. His eyes turned cold as he swiftly turn his back and turned to walkout.

He felt a pair of petite hands wrapping around his waist as he reached the door. Her head rested on his back.

“Bora,” he tugged off her fingers that held tightly.

“Can’t you love me?” Jong Kook stopped tugging her fingers. “Can’t you forget everything and turn to love me oppa?” Bora’s voice shake. “Forget about Honey unnie and love me, uh? Forget about revenge and everything please?” She asked as she spoke close to his ear.

Jong Kook’s heart soften. He didn’t know why but he felt warm with her. Then the image of Honey’s face full of bruises and pain keep haunting him. He clenched his fists. Should I?

He was conflicted as he felt warm drops of water on his back. Honey didn’t even cry for help when she was captured. Her eyes were full of disappointment when she confirmed that Kye Sang entered the underground. Her parents were killed by those of the underground too, that’s why she hates them and keeps trying to learn self-defense from Jong Kook.

Her eyes full of hope when she was about to die. Her pains and screams kept haunting him. Jong Kook gathered all his strength that was left and took Bora’s hands off from his waist. He turned back to her and held her shoulders, leading her to the bed. She looked up at him as the light’s hit his eyes that were hidden.

He kept his eyes cold and emotionless as he let her sit on the bed before getting a water bottle from the drawer top and taking out something in his pocket. She only look at him and his actions. He closed her hands as he put the tracker from the guy earlier in her palm. He then looked at her.

“I’m sorry. But I can’t love you.” Her face twisted into disappointment as Jong Kook maintain his stone face. He got out of the room and closed the door shut.

He was in the shower as he drown himself under the shower.

“Can’t you love me?” Clara looked at him with the sweetest sadness in her eyes as she looked at him and their breaths showed in the cold air.

“Can’t you love me?” Bora crying on his shoulder and asking him vulnerably.

“Can’t he love me?” Honey asked with lovable smile as they stand opposite of each other at the University’s festival.

Why can’t you love me? Jong Kook hit the wall as he knuckles bleed as he shouted in the shower. He fell to his feet and cried. His heartache as the guilt linger his heart. He was the greatest traitor of all.


Jong Kook enter his room as it was midnight and Bora had fell asleep. He sat on the bed beside hers. He tucked away the hair in her face and covered her with the covers.

“Don’t wait for me. It will only make me feel guilty and… I won’t be able to do anything to make you feel better.” He sincerely spoke to her in a whisper. He was about to get out but decided to lower himself and left a peck on her plump cheek. As he got out, she opened her eyes and looked at the closed door.

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spadenoace #1
Chapter 13: Wow thanks you for the story! Had fun reading it but I guess I gotta check out that other one sometime
spadenoace #2
Chapter 12: That's sad after getting revenge he is left with nothing.
But really a red mansion like that mistake be so ooo inconspicuous. And why did Bora die? That was kind of out of nowhere but it seems sad like right after he has the permission to marry who he wants
spadenoace #3
Chapter 11: Woop woop go Clara atta girl it must have been so sad to standem up for him and her like that except on this case she does love him but he doesn't love her.
You did the right thing girl go find someone that deserves you
spadenoace #4
Chapter 10: Nice wrap up and yeah moments like thus makes me root for the whole JK and Kye Sung bromance. It's such a. Classic though being in a gang together through tough times and then fighting and later making up like
spadenoace #5
Chapter 8: The parallel between Clara and Honey and JK and Borax was pretty cool that's a good way to think about it
spadenoace #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the summary btw! I actually didn't get that feeling from Joo Ji Joon though the more funny and one with more conscience kind of feeling through the chapters but it's nice to know what kind of character you designed up for him

spadenoace #7
Chapter 6: Nooooo the friends like this they slowly crumble Holy the part where Kakashi? Used honey as a ashtray was really cruel wow
spadenoace #8
Chapter 5: *raises eyebrows at the strange mix of morr korean sounding names and like fully Anglo Saxon ones like Clara... and Honey*
Interesting so far. You have good dialogue I really like how it shows the personality and dynamic between two characters
spadenoace #9
Chapter 4: That bit about how they are the law and the twist it and bend it to their own will was so so cool wow
dewiwi #10
Chapter 8: Nice story...I like Jk character in here... Keep writing!