
Parallel Lines

Jong Kook waited impatiently for the elevator door to open and walked out with a bouquet of roses down the apartment hall. He raised the roses to his nose and smelled them, perfect. He put on the biggest smile as he could no longer wait to see her, excited to hear what she wanted to tell him too.

He walked to the door and was about to punch in the code when he notice it was already opened slightly. His heart grew anxious immediately as he pushed the door to see the content inside.

Shockingly, everything in the house was in ruins. There were glasses that shattered on the ground with paper and the house hold items on the floor. As if there was a robbery as if there was a fight.

(Listen to : Lies Ballad Version by TARA)

Jong Kook dropped the bouquet of roses in his hand and darted off inside. He ran inside only to stop, falling on the floor at the front of the hallway. His eyes widen in terror as he saw her laid at the end of the of the hall scatter in blood. His body grew numb and weak as he blink over and over again.

Jong Kook tried to get up as his legs wobble and jelly as he tripped trying to reach her. His knee started hurting badly as pain shot through his leg. He let out a low grunt helplessly as he dragged himself towards her.

She’s not… This can’t be happening… I’m just dreaming…

Crawling on the floor, he reached her as he could see the back of her body, seeping on her blood.

“Bora…” he whispered her name as he reached to touch her. His vision became blurry as he touched her body. It was cold as ice, he moved her hair out of her face to reveal her pale and wet face.

He pulled her into his arm in a haste when he realized that she was not moving even to breathe. In her hand was a photo of them together smiling happily. He exhaled deeply as he struggled to talk.

“B-Bora.” He lowered himself down and hold her body in his, his hands reached up to hold her face. She wasn’t breathing anymore. Not even a nerve moved.

“T-this is not funny Bora. D-don’t play with me…” He tried to believe that she was just pranking him but deep in his heart he knew that it wasn’t a lie.

Tears dripped from his eyes as he tried to wake her up. He desperately hold her in his arms as he wrapped his arms around her, trying to warm her up.

“Y-Yoon Bora… Don’t be like this… I’m already back…” He choke back tears as his voice crack.

No response from her body, there he knew that he can’t do anything.

“Didn’t you say you have to tell me something?” He cried out.

Why did I leave you?

Bora’s funeral unfolded as the funeral hall was filled with idols and people. Jong Kook stayed in the waiting room as he sat quietly. The reporters were looking for any signs of him so he only wore his dark glasses in his slick black suit. He wore the funeral band with Kye Sang, two lines to emphasize that he was an immediate family member.

People were crying outside in the hall as Jong Kook only sat lifelessly in the empty room. He scanned over them and took out his phone, dialing her number.

“The number your calling is not available, please leave a message at the tone.”

Jong Kook kept dialing the phone number over and over again, but there was no answer.

“When you are available, c-call me.” he mutter on the phone. “No, call when you get this message.” He repeated this until he finally threw his phone away at the door. He curled up in the corner and started crying.

We were happy and smiling not too long ago. But in the blink of an eye… she’s gone forever.

After the hall had been cleared, Jong Kook finally stepped out and enter the room. Bora’s picture frame was surrounded by the white chrysanthemums. She smiled so happily and adorably, but it is now only a frame. He touched her face and fell to his knees before setting a flower there.

Tears started rushing to his eyes and down his cheeks and he held onto his knees. He had forsaken her. Kye Sang and Ji Hoon entered the hall and sees the teary Jong Kook in front of the pictorial of the dead. Kye Sang walked toward him with his fist clenched tight.

He turned Jong Kook around and started punching him. Jong Kook didn’t fight back as he was too out of it. Ji Hoon tried to stop Kye Sang but to no prevail.

“Who do you think you are huh?!” Kye Sang yelled and pushed Jong Kook away. “You have no right to cry for her! None!” Kye Sang kept hitting him.

“Hyung!” Ji Hoon pulled Kye Sang back successfully with all his strength. Jong Kook was left all alone as he didn’t even bother getting up.

“You killed my sister!”Kye Sang screamed his head off as Jong Kook got up and walked away. Ji Hoon turned to Kye Sang and flung him over went after Jong Kook.

“Jong Kook Hyung!” He called after Jong Kook and pulled his shoulder. Jong Kook stopped and turned to face him. “Kye Sang Hyung didn’t mean to say that. He was just too angry. Don’t-“

Jong Kook put his arm on Ji Hoon’s shoulder and put a finger his own lips to signal him to hush. He pat Ji Hoon’s shoulder and ruffle his head.

“He was right. I couldn’t protect his sister.” Jong Kook admit with a fake smile. Before Ji Hoon could protest, Jong Kook gave him a sincere smile and patted his back as the corner of his lips was still bleeding. “Make sure to take care of yourself and Kye Sang well.” Jong Kook then walked away.

“Where are you going?!” Ji Hoon called out but Jong Kook had already disappeared and drove his car away with his men.


(Listen to: Light them up by Fall Out Boy)

The thugs at Red empire were beaten up by White Tiger. Jong Kook walked into the red mansion and kicked whatever was in his way. He looked at the throne at the top of the stairs as he made his way inside. He grabbed a red carton and spilled it all over the throne as Red Empire’s men groan in disagreement.

Jong Kook then kicked the big carton down the stairs as it pooled down and trailed. He walked down the steps and dragged the carton behind him as his men followed, avoiding the contents. Some covered their noses as the gasoline reeked around.

When he reached the entrance of the mansion, he then let go of the gasoline box and fling away. He took one last glance at the mansion.

“What do you want us to do next sir?” one asked as the Red Empire thugs were circled up.

Jong Kook curved his lips up into a malicious grin and glint at them with the darkest look he had. He blew out a hot breath and said,

“Light them up.”

The match hit the dripping gasoline and traveled inside the mansion, blowing a huge fire. He walked away without looking back as his men started killing the rest of the Red Empire thugs. His steps grew heavy but he looked up to the sky and smiled sadly before disappearing from the surface again.

In my victory comes my defeat. All alone without it all.

He left everything in the underground as his men split up like he promised. His company was still under his name but under the management of one of his trustworthy assistant, Ha Dong Hoon.



I thank you all for reading, commenting, and subscribing. It was a pleasure writing this story. I hope you enjoyed it. The next chapter will officially be the last chapter. ^^

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spadenoace #1
Chapter 13: Wow thanks you for the story! Had fun reading it but I guess I gotta check out that other one sometime
spadenoace #2
Chapter 12: That's sad after getting revenge he is left with nothing.
But really a red mansion like that mistake be so ooo inconspicuous. And why did Bora die? That was kind of out of nowhere but it seems sad like right after he has the permission to marry who he wants
spadenoace #3
Chapter 11: Woop woop go Clara atta girl it must have been so sad to standem up for him and her like that except on this case she does love him but he doesn't love her.
You did the right thing girl go find someone that deserves you
spadenoace #4
Chapter 10: Nice wrap up and yeah moments like thus makes me root for the whole JK and Kye Sung bromance. It's such a. Classic though being in a gang together through tough times and then fighting and later making up like
spadenoace #5
Chapter 8: The parallel between Clara and Honey and JK and Borax was pretty cool that's a good way to think about it
spadenoace #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the summary btw! I actually didn't get that feeling from Joo Ji Joon though the more funny and one with more conscience kind of feeling through the chapters but it's nice to know what kind of character you designed up for him

spadenoace #7
Chapter 6: Nooooo the friends like this they slowly crumble Holy the part where Kakashi? Used honey as a ashtray was really cruel wow
spadenoace #8
Chapter 5: *raises eyebrows at the strange mix of morr korean sounding names and like fully Anglo Saxon ones like Clara... and Honey*
Interesting so far. You have good dialogue I really like how it shows the personality and dynamic between two characters
spadenoace #9
Chapter 4: That bit about how they are the law and the twist it and bend it to their own will was so so cool wow
dewiwi #10
Chapter 8: Nice story...I like Jk character in here... Keep writing!