
Parallel Lines

Jong Kook punched the punching bag in the gym as he thought about Honey. The excitement that glimmer in her eyes and the laughter that echoed reached his ears. Seeing the strong woman who was always lovely dying had never crossed his mind. On the day of the burial, he will definitely be there.

(Listen if want to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSIHk5cN9fw Turbo- hide and seek)


“Where is Kim Jong Kook?” A female voice called out his name as the gym room’s door was kicked open.

He was shirtless as he turned around to see a tall beautiful girl’s back with her long, wavy, brunette hair flow. Her body well proportionate. Her hips swayed as she entered the room. All the guys in there stare at her.

“Where is Kim Jong Kook?” She asked again loudly. He walked behind her and tapped her shoulder. She suddenly turn to look at him. Her face turned sour and her brows furrow up as her eyes were burning with fire. Her cheeks bounced up as she intensely stared at him.

He found her kind of cute, adorable as her cheeks puffed up.

“There you are.” She stated before pushing his chest. She pushed him back but he stood still like a statue in front of her. “You bully.” She started punching him in the abdomen.

He was taken aback as her punches were really hard, making him laugh a little.

“You’re laughing?” She bit her cherry lips before pulling her sleeves. Before she started hitting him again, he grabbed a hold of her fists. He got a closer look of her eyes as she glared at him. Her eyes shined with the lights.

“I don’t know why you’re here,” he said playfully but tried to sound serious. “but if you don’t leave now, I won’t be nice.” He let go of her.

“Nice? A bully like you knows to be nice too?” She scowl and kicked his knee.

He was a bit irritated and suddenly pushed her against the punching bag with his hands on her tiny shoulders.

“What have I done to you? I don’t remembering bullying you.”

She smirked, “You know humiliated my friend just earlier, how can you forget?”

“Oh,” he remembered it now, “So you’re that loser’s friend. He was too weak to show off anyway.”

“He is not a loser.”

“Then why did he lose to me?” Jong Kook stare into her eyes as he grinned at her.

There was a silence before she spoke again as she pushed away his arms on her shoulder, their faces inches apart.

“To bullies and rich kids like you,” She gritted her teeth, “will never know the courage of a person.” He flinched at hearing her say that. The first time any girl said that to him. Many girls ran after him but this one was different. She bravely kicked the door open and confronted him like no one had.

She pushed the punching bag in his face while he was distracted, making him fall back into another punching bag. She was about to walk away as he called after her.

“That’s right. Rich kids like us have more than we need, but what about poor kids like you? You only try to leech off us.” Jong Kook replied.

She turned to glance at him and walked back to point at his sweaty chest.

“Shut the up and apologize to him.” She ordered and was about to walk away before he reached up and held her hand, it was really soft.

“Make me.” he dared. She was annoyed as she grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled it roughly.

“Yah!” After he managed to take her hands off from his hair after screaming in pain. He reached his arms around her waist and pull her against his sweaty body. They stare into each other’s eyes as they both threw daggers at each other. She punched his shoulder before pushing him away. He gasp for breath with her touch. She walked off.

“If you want me to apologize to him, then beat me.” Jong Kook yelled after her as she ignored him. He touched his chest and rubbed it softly, remembering her touch. The other guys were cheering wildly as Jong Kook smile.

*Flashback to present

Sweat drenched through his white tank that tightly covered him, tracing the six packs on his body and he muscles on his arms. His legs moved quickly back and forth, pacing and fighting the punching back. Thuds and whacks echoed through the empty gym room before he threw the boxing gloves on the floor and headed out.

After showering, Jong Kook was ready to leave as he exited the building. He was heading out to his car in his black hoodie and shorts, covering his face with his dark sunglasses. He was about to enter his car as a woman bumped into him on the street.

She was rather petite as he felt her brush against him. She wore a cap, mask, and big goggle glasses. He was taken aback and twisted her around, locking her arm as her back faced him. Her face hit his window.

“Please help me,” He heard her murmured. The desperate look in her eyes made him stop.  Taking him by surprise, he saw flashes of camera pointing at them so he hurriedly turned away. He was about to leave in his car as she opened his back seat and entered. The people were running after them as Jong Kook speeded the car away.

“Yah, why are you in my car?!”

“I-Ahjussi watch out!” She yelled as Jong Kook almost crashed into another reporter’s car. He made a left turn before the car reached the other one, making the girl tumbling over to the other side. He speeded up until he reached Cheondongdam. He got out of the car and went to pull her out forcefully.

“Ouch, can’t you be gentle?” She complained as he yanked her harshly. With that, he immediately let go of her, making sure she didn’t fall towards the street.

“Who are you?” He demanded. She fixed her hair and tried to walk off as Jong Kook pulled her against the car. Her head bump into the window again.

“Aish, ahjussi! It hurts.” She squeal and whispered angrily. Seeing her squealing, he took off her mask and looked at her carefully. She stomped on his feet and push him off. “Yah, look where you’re touching.” She quickly covered her face again.

“I see, mole for reporters huh?” He grabbed her fake glasses and broke them.

“Yah!” she screamed.

He ignored her and return to his car and drove off. She was extremely angry now and wanted to beat him up but her image won’t allow it.


Today was the three day ritual of the memorial site. Everyone had attended the burial. Kye Sang slumped over with his suit on. Ji Hoon slung his arm around Kye Sang and tried to cheer him up.

“Ji Hoon, aren’t you mad at me?” He asked as they walked towards the site.

“I am.”

“Then why are you always by my side when Jong Kook hyung is going crazy?”

Ji Hoon turn to look at him. “I am satisfied that he hit you for me already. If I hit you anymore, I might be the one to hold your funeral.”

“Can’t you just stop joking and be serious?” Kye Sang was irritated. “I know you are mad at me too. Here, hit me, scold me.” He pushed Ji Hoon away.

Ji Hoon stops and looked at him.

“I let her die. I cause her death. I did, I did! I’d rather you blame me and hit me instead of pitying me and pretending to be nice.”

“Kye Sang Hyung!” Ji Hoon yelled, for the first time after so many years.

“She was someone important to you too. She took care of you when all you had was yourself. I took away your noona, your idol. I killed my own child!”

“It hurts doesn’t it?” Ji Hoon said calmly. Kye Sang stood confuse as Ji Hoon stepped up. “Your heart.” as he pointed to Kye Sang’s chest.

“Seeing the woman of your life die in front of you when you were seconds from saving her hurt is really upsetting right?” Ji Hoon took away his hand signal a crazy gesture at his own head. “Makes you totally crazy and paranoid.”

That was the reason Kye Sang rushed for her cremation. He couldn’t bear to see her face and begged for forgiveness. To see her bruised face and bloody body stung him. When he begged and kneeled on the ground for them to let her go, pleading for her life to be spared and giving them everything.

“Jong Kook had his share for punishing you already. There’s no need for me to uselessly beat you up for something that cannot be undone.”

“Go to Jong Kook Hyung. Don’t serve me anymore.” Kye Sang tried to shrug it off. But Ji Hoon pulled his blazer from the front.

“Don’t make excuses.”

“I don’t you to be hurt! You should be someone like him. He is stronger than I am! I am nothing but a useless piece of crap!” Ji Hoon finally threw a punch at him and caused Kye Sang’s lip to bleed.

“As much as I respect Jong Kook hyung so do I for you. Jong Kook Hyung has everyone. Parents and well educated, well off in wealth and business. Anyone would want to be with him.” Ji Hoon’s voice shook and cracked from the anger that flushed over him before her let go of Kye Sang and patted his chest and fixed his blazer.

“But you, my brother, only has me.” Ji Hoon concluded and walked away to the site first, leaving Kye Sang alone in his misery.

The thing about Ji hoon was that he has loyalty for his two brothers. No matter how tough life may be for them, they had always stuck through it and succeed.

They arrived at the burial site of the cemetery only to see Jong Kook already there. As the ashes were buried, everyone bid their goodbyes to Honey. Kye Sang was left alone to bid her farewell. He was on his knees as he cried to her and begged for forgiveness. Next it was Ji Hoon’s turn.

“Honey-ah, don’t hate Kye Sang hyung too much. He did what he could. Rest in peace noona.”

Next, Jong Kook came up to her with a baby breath and white lily bouquet and set it on her grave.

“Honey-ah, these were your favorite right?” He smiles. “I’m sorry to only visit you again when you were gone. You trust oppa right? I’ll avenge your death.” He concluded as he got up to leave.

“Why are you here?” a feminine voice asked. He looked up to see her, the girl from last night in a black dress and hat looking at him weirdly. “You’re ruined em enough and here you are trying to ruin my brother’s life?” She threw her heel at him, missing as he dodged.

What’s this annoying pig doing here?

Jong Kook walks up to her, his height obviously taller than her, cowering over the girl.

“Leave.” He ordered her. She put her hands on her hips.

“Just who are you to tell me to leave? Who~~~???!”

“You’re here?” Ji Hoon called after them. They turned to see him.

“Oppa, this is the weird dude who hurt me last night.” she tattled as Ji Hon was confused.

“Who is she?” Jong Kook impatiently ask.

“Hyung you don’t remember? Really, the two of you?” The two looked at each other back and forth. “You’re making me lose my mind. Kim Jong Kook, Yoon Bora. Yoon Bora, Kim Jong Kook.” he reintroduced them quickly. Now, that makes their brain ticked then –ding!

“The tofu-cut health jerk?”

“The piglet?”

“Yah!” they both yelled. Now they remember really well.

Jong Kook saw that everyone was looking at them so he quickly rush to remove them from Honey’s grave.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She called after him.

Kye Sang encounter them as he hard his sister’s screeching voice.

“Can’t you be quiet for once?” He seriously asked her.


“Today is her burial, I want her to go quietly.” She bowed her head and apologize to her brother as Jong Kook parted farther away. After bidding her goodbyes, she went to find him.

“Tofu-cut!” She called out although she tried to walk femininely. He ignored her. “Kim Jong Kook!” She yelled out louder.

He turned to see her running after him as he was still on the phone.

“Are you ignoring me?” He only turned back to talk on his phone.

“I’ll be there.” then hanged up.

“Yah.” She called one more time, making Jong Kook immediately his head to face her. His immediate action made her jump. He looked at her for a second, or few seconds before she interrupted him. “Why? Haven’t thought that I would be this pretty right?”

Jong Kook only nod his head, taunting her before talking. “Actually, not much of a difference,” making her face turn sour and the smile faded as she rolled her eyes at him.

“You,” she tried to calm down. “Well just so you know, I have become the beautiful and successful person you told me that I’ll never be.”

“Oh really?”

“But I need you to go out and clear up those rumors right now.” But he only look at her confused. “Because of a certain someone last night, I am being bombarded with dating rumors.” She lowered her voice.

He only looked at her weirdly before leaving her alone with his car speeding off.

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spadenoace #1
Chapter 13: Wow thanks you for the story! Had fun reading it but I guess I gotta check out that other one sometime
spadenoace #2
Chapter 12: That's sad after getting revenge he is left with nothing.
But really a red mansion like that mistake be so ooo inconspicuous. And why did Bora die? That was kind of out of nowhere but it seems sad like right after he has the permission to marry who he wants
spadenoace #3
Chapter 11: Woop woop go Clara atta girl it must have been so sad to standem up for him and her like that except on this case she does love him but he doesn't love her.
You did the right thing girl go find someone that deserves you
spadenoace #4
Chapter 10: Nice wrap up and yeah moments like thus makes me root for the whole JK and Kye Sung bromance. It's such a. Classic though being in a gang together through tough times and then fighting and later making up like
spadenoace #5
Chapter 8: The parallel between Clara and Honey and JK and Borax was pretty cool that's a good way to think about it
spadenoace #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the summary btw! I actually didn't get that feeling from Joo Ji Joon though the more funny and one with more conscience kind of feeling through the chapters but it's nice to know what kind of character you designed up for him

spadenoace #7
Chapter 6: Nooooo the friends like this they slowly crumble Holy the part where Kakashi? Used honey as a ashtray was really cruel wow
spadenoace #8
Chapter 5: *raises eyebrows at the strange mix of morr korean sounding names and like fully Anglo Saxon ones like Clara... and Honey*
Interesting so far. You have good dialogue I really like how it shows the personality and dynamic between two characters
spadenoace #9
Chapter 4: That bit about how they are the law and the twist it and bend it to their own will was so so cool wow
dewiwi #10
Chapter 8: Nice story...I like Jk character in here... Keep writing!