Chapter 8

Broken Rules

Baekhyun dragged his feet reluctantly into the classroom which was as usual filled with all the other students' chattering. 

"Yo Baek! Did you finish your homework?"

Speaking of homework, Baekhyun groaned as he dropped his bag onto the ground beside him before planting himself onto his seat. 

"You should better finish it up! You won't want to get scolded by Mr Park. Do you want my answers to copy?"

The name "Mr Park" made him jerked up from his seat as he recalled whatever that happened yesterday. He groaned with frustration as he took Jong In's answer script and began to copy down all the steps to those questions that he had not done. He was grateful to Jong In who kindly offered his answer script to him as he thought about the past in his previous school, no one will never do that.

Just then, a familiar voice broke Baekhyun's train of thoughts.

"Good morning class!"

Baekhyun looked up from his homework, only to face Mr Park who was staring straight at him. He gulped as he quickly stood up, together with the rest of the classmates. After greeting Mr Park, they took their seat and remained silent as all of them waited for Mr Park's instructions.

"Alright, let's do our usual routine. Those who have not finished their work, please stand."

A few students began to stand with fear. Baekhyun looked them as he bit his lips. He did not want to be punished by Mr Park again. In fact, he did not want to see Mr Park again as he did not know how he was going to react or face when he's alone with Mr Park again. 

"Please own up yourself because if I find out myself, I will be even more angry and you won't like it."

Upon hearing that, Baekhyun looked down as he closed his eyes and made a silent prayer.

Please help you... Please don't let Mr Park do weird things to me again...

"So no one else, right?"

Just then, Baekhyun stood up as he bit his lips and avoided Mr Park's gaze.

"Alright, five of you please see me after class. Please take a seat and then we shall start our lessons."

Baekhyun heaved a sigh of relief as he took a seat.

Nothing weird so far...

The lesson went all well and smooth and Mr Park did not give or do any weird signs or gestures to Baekhyun.

Soon, class ended and five of them had to see Mr Park during their break time.

"Hey! You're Baekhyun right?"

Baekhyun gave a confused look as he stared at a guy with a black spectacles who was carrying some books in his hands. Even though Baekhyun was in the same class as others, he was not familiar with the other students except Jong In, Sehun and Jong Dae and he did not know some of them at all.

"I'm Jun Myeon. Nice to meet you!"

Baekhyun extended his hand and shaked his hand.

"Aren't you the most famous nerd in class?"

Jun Myeon laughed as he waved that comment off in embarrassment.

"You hear rumors fast, don't you? Then how about you, the first brave who denied Mr Park's instructions?"

Both of them began snickering as they headed towards Mr Park's direction.

"So Kim Jun Myeon, Park Dae Min, Song Jae Mi, Kim Min Seok and Byun Baekhyun have not finished your work, am I right?"

All of them nodded their heads with remorse.

"Well, then I expect all of you to finish all the homework by tomorrow and please write a five pages long of reflection and please spend some effort helping the cleaners to clean up the whole school for one week."

A guy who had obvious biceps and chestnut brown hair let out a groan by accident but was unfortunately caught by Mr Park.

"Min Seok, you seem to want more right? Then, please run around the field five times now."

"Mr Park, I didn't-"

"Right now please."

The guy who was identified as Min Seok headed to the field immediately and began his punishment.

"Alright, you are dismissed. Baekhyun, please follow me to my office for a moment."

The other three whirled to face Baekhyun with a puzzled look. Question marks could be seen all around Baekhyun as he silently trailed behind Mr Park.

Once they stepped into the office, Mr Park closed the door behind Baekhyun as he went towards his work table which was piled up with mountains of worksheets and some admin documents.

"So Baekhyun, have you choose a club to join? The submission deadline is tomorrow so can I expect an answer from you by tomorrow break time?"

"I'm not quite sure what clubs are there..."

"Alright then let me give you some pamphlets to help you."

Mr Park stood up and began walking towards Baekhyun. He towered over Baekhyun from the back which made Baekhyun tense up. He broke into cold sweat as he thought what was going to happen to him. He bit his lips as his palms turned clammy.

Please... Mr Park... Don't... 

However, nothing happened and all Mr Park did was to grab the folder near Baekhyun before going back to his seat and passing the folder to Baekhyun.

"Alright, go for your break and don't be late for your next lesson."

The last thing he knew, he was outside of Mr Park's office in shock and confusion, with the image of Mr Park's tender and sweet smile. It was great that nothing happened but it was weird. All Mr Park had earlier was tenderness and gentleness in his tone, his facial expressions and everything. 

Perhaps everything is going to be fine after all... The private tuition that I was going to have might just be great after all if he was just going to be like that... 

Baekhyun sighed with a smile as he quickly caught up with Jong Dae and the rest.

Author's Note:

Okay here's an update but asdfghjkl lemme apologise to you guys ;-; LIKE OMG I'M SERIOUSLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONG :< AND I'M SORRY FOR SUCH A HORRIBLE UPDATE i cri ;-; --> I don't have much inspirations now and I really now sobs x( But I still hope you guys like it and those who support this story, I thank you so much <3 I promise I will try to update more and a even better one :( 

If you guys have any questions or whatever like ideas or feedbacks, just comment or let me know and for ideas or so, I will definitely credit you. Thank you for supporting, readers!! :D I love ya guys :DD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~

Btw, happy birthday to our leader <333 Thank you for taking care of those crazy kids and being so nice to EXO-Ls <333 We are one We are EXO :-) Okay bye HAHAH XD

P.S. You'll find more of the other members appearing in this fanfic I think HAHA. I think the whole concept of this fanfic is going to change cuz I'm weird :P Okay a real goodbye now please stay tune ;-) And btw yea this is posted in wattpad as well :>

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lululu901 #1
Chapter 8: This fic is so great I just read all the chapters hope u update soon ^0^
614788 #2
Chapter 8: Thanks for updating!
chanbaekcrazylove #3
Chapter 7: super awesome!! cant wait for your update
Chapter 7: This story is so funny, I hope that it won't finish soon :) I can't wait to see what will happend next day in school :)
614788 #5
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 6: can't wait for next update :)
Chapter 6: Oh my god!! Hahaha naught mr park! Cant wait for the next chapter :" I wanna know how baek react to this hahahah