Chapter 6

Broken Rules

Baekhyun fell onto the ground as the giant towered over him with a sly smile. He knew Mr Park definitely had something up his sleeves. Baekhyun gulped his saliva with every time he moved back a inch.

"Byun Baekhyun, I have something to show you."

It's not going to be good...

Mr Park was now just a inch away from Baekhyun as he stared into Baekhyun's eyes. Just then, Mr Park smirked and inched forward, causing Baekhyun to scream but Mr Park immediately shut him up with his hand.

"Do you want others to think I'm like torturing you here when all I wanted to help you get a better life in school?"

Mr Park immediately stood back up and went back to his seat as he took out some papers from his drawer. Baekhyun tried to crawl away with much fear.

"Baekhyun, come sit here. I thought you ain't scared of me, huh?"

Baekhyun was rooted to the ground as he slowly whirled his head, only to find Mr Park staring at Baekhyun and pointing at the seat in front of him.

"Are you scared of me now?"

It was like a challenge to Baekhyun and with Baekhyun's personality, he was not someone who refuses and admit defeat or show the weakest side of him.

"Of course not."

Baekhyun stood up promptly before sitting and facing Mr Park.


Mr Park smirked at Baekhyun again before returning his gaze to the papers that had been displayed on his table. He began explaining some school admin matters. Baekhyun heaved a sigh of relief.

I guess I'm not going to be punished after all.

It was as if Mr Park could read his mind. After he finished explaining, he looked up with a smirk before walked away from his seat towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun dared not to move.

"Now it's time for your punishment."

Baekhyun could feel Mr Park's breath near his neck, sending shivers down his spine. He gulped down the saliva as he broke into a cold sweat.

Perhaps Sehun was right... I shouldn't have come here in the first place...

Baekhyun felt his chair spin, only to meet Mr Park's gaze.

"You look really nice when close up. I really don't want to do this but... you left me with no choice..."

Baekhyun bit his lips as he saw Mr Park inching forward and trapping Baekhyun at his seat. Before Mr Park could do anything, Baekhyun pushed him away, making him fall onto the ground with a loud thud.

Mr Park growled as he pounced towards Baekhyun. Now the gaze that locked Baekhyun's was full of anger.

"I wanted to let you go since you were well behaved but you disrespected me again and even pushed me? Woah. You are sure going to regret this."

Baekhyun expected something rough or painful to hit him hard but to his surprise, he only felt a soft and sweet taste on his lips. He could see that Mr Park had now planted his lips onto Baekhyun's and his hands that were at the sides of the chair, now finding the way to Baekhyun's back, pulling him closer gently. Baekhyun was left frozen there, not knowing what to do. Before Baekhyun could react, Mr Park broke the kiss and smiled back him.

"You are dismissed."

Baekhyun's eyes widened.

That's it? So this is the punishment?

Baekhyun could not believe his ears. Mr Park had already sat back down at his seat packing his stuffs.

"Why are you still standing here? Aren't you going or are you waiting for me?"

Baekhyun blinked his eyes several times before glancing his watch.


Oh no.

Baekhyun quickly dashed out with his bag towards the gate. The posh car was already waiting for him. Baekhyun quickly headed into the car, only to be greeted by a loud bellow.

"Young sir, I told you to meet me 4pm sharp right? It's 4.20pm already! Madam's time is really precious. She's got a important deal afterwards."

Before Baekhyun could say anything, the car was already off zooming through the lanes with an angry and anxious driver driving as fast as he could.

Soon, they had reached the destination.

"Young sir, you're here. Please head to floor 24 room 5. Madam will be waiting there. I won't be escorting you so please take care as you go. I will take my leave now."

"Thanks Brother Dae."

Baekhyun hopped off the car as he walked into the building.


Everything was neat and clean. The hall was really quiet, only filled with people in suits and ties feasting on fine dining. Baekhyun made his way to lift before heading to the floor and room that he was supposed to go.

"Young man, you are not allowed in here."

"But my mum is inside."

"Boy, stop lying. Kindly get out."

"My dear Baekhyun you're here! Come in please!"

Baekhyun smiled with a bright grin, staring back at the man who was now rolling his eyes and moving a step away from the entrance to let Baekhyun go into room. Baekhyun took a seat as he waited for his mother to begin her speech.

"Darling, how are you?"

"Great I guess."

"Lovely. Like you've heard I don't have much time but I would still have to tell you something."


"You will be getting personal tuition from Mr Park. He'll teach you all the things that you've missed out since you just transferred to school."


"Yes and from effect from now. I need to go so take care, sweetheart!"

Author's Note:

Oh lalalala yey another update hehe :3 I just realise this doesnt have much word count oh no >.< Anyways, DID ANYONE GO TO EXO'LUXION ASDFGHJKL I miss them ;; okay anyways, i dont think i can update often anymore cuz well I HAVENT EVEN DO MY PROJECTS AND HOMEWORK HAHAH me so screwed :') Anyways, bye and stay tune :D 

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lululu901 #1
Chapter 8: This fic is so great I just read all the chapters hope u update soon ^0^
614788 #2
Chapter 8: Thanks for updating!
chanbaekcrazylove #3
Chapter 7: super awesome!! cant wait for your update
Chapter 7: This story is so funny, I hope that it won't finish soon :) I can't wait to see what will happend next day in school :)
614788 #5
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 6: can't wait for next update :)
Chapter 6: Oh my god!! Hahaha naught mr park! Cant wait for the next chapter :" I wanna know how baek react to this hahahah