

The camping trip was going well. We all set up our tents and we had built the fire for the night.


“So,” Namjoon started, “Who’s going to cook?”


And with a few rounds of rock, paper, scissors, we slit into two teams, one to cook the food and one to clean up the food.


“Thank god Jungkook isn’t cooking,” Suga laughed and pointed at Jungkook.


“Well we should pray to god since you’re cooking then,” Jungkook crossed his arms and fumingly turned away angrily.


“Boy, boys, boys; have no fear,” I stood up confidently, “I’m going to make us an amazing lunch.”


And hours of work later, I conjured up a pretty decent meal. Who knew it’d be so hard to make food outside. Having little space and limited amount of supplies made everything all the more challenging.


“Jin is still eating,” Jungkook laughing at him.


“It’s just too good!” Jin was still stuffing his face.


“Thank you,” I gave a little bow, “Thank you very much.”


“Let’s clean up then!” Namjoon tried pulling Jin’s plate away from him.


A couple minutes of struggling later, the clean up crew managed to make our place tidy again.


We set out to fish and that lasted a couple hours.


“Another one!” Jungkook yelled after he managed to snag another fish. How was it that he was the only one who could catch anything?!


“You have to be cheating this somehow!” I yelled.


“Don’t be jealous because I have the magic touch,” Jungkook blew a kiss at me.


And a couple fish later, with the sun starting to set, we headed back to our tents.


“Who’s cooking dinner?” I asked.


All their fingers pointed to me.




Struggles later, we were full again.


The sun had come down and the fire was our brightest point in the camp.


We gathered around the fire with marshmallows and lemonades. Covered in our jackets and blankets, we sat in a circle.


“Truth or dare anyone?”


“Let me ask first!” Suga shouted.


This trip, so far, had been going successfully. Taehyung hadn’t called but I figured he was just grumpy about me leaving. I was completely immersed into hanging out with the guys. But he still came to my mind. I was next to my loving boyfriend but I still wondered what Taehyung was doing.


“Hailey!” Suga pointed one of his fingers at me.


I mentally groaned but answered, “Yes?”


“Truth or dare?”


The game was light for the first few. No one picked truth yet so we were daring each other to do dumb things. I had already a tree and Namjoon was even drenched in water; Jungkook ate a bug and Suga was the center of it all, sitting back, laughing.


“Okay your turn to ask Jungkook,” Jin said.


And that’s when the truths started to come out. We started to get tired of the dares and we started to settle for the easy way out.


A couple rounds later and it was my turn to ask.


“Suga,” I pointed, “Truth or dare?”


So while he answered truth, and we learned about his first kiss.


“Jungkook, your turn,” I said.


“Hailey,” he pointed at me, “Truth or dare?”




“Is it true that Taehyung and you are close again?”


I felt my breath hitch and there was a lump in my throat. I didn’t tell him anything but he had known, how did he know we were talking again? I had a mini panic attack inside, trying to calm myself in my head.


“What do you mean?” Why was that the only thing I could come up with?


“I mean are you two talking again?” Jungkook’s face was completely blank. I’d think that if he was asking me this, he’d be angry, but no.


“We’re fine,” I said, “We’re normal.”


The other guys looked at each other nervously. I could see their eyes talking to each other and they quickly fled off to their tents for the night.


Jungkook pulled his chair closer to mine after the other guys left. He sat directly in front of me, the fire behind him making it harder to see his features and facial expressions.


“Hailey,” his voice was soft, not angry at all.




My knees were between his and his hands were covering mine on my knees.


“I’ve been wondering about you two,” his voice was steady. I didn’t know what to say.


“We’ve been fine for a while. I didn’t know if I should tell you,” I said.


“You should’ve told me,” I could barely make out how intently he was staring at me, "I want to know that stuff."


“I’m sorry,” I mustered up an apology even though I should’ve said more than just that. I had a lot more to apologize for. 


“It’s fine,” his thumb was rubbing the top of my hand, “Anything else I should know?”




I couldn’t tell him.






We had dropped off the other guys after the trip and Jungkook was finally taking me home. He was acting fairly normal. I’d think that he would be bothered I didn’t tell him about Taehyung but I could see that he put it behind him.


What did I do to deserve such a nice boyfriend?


I didn’t, that was it. I didn’t deserve him.


“Wanna grab some ice cream before I drop you off?” He yelled to me over our loud music. His face was bright and he was smiling from ear to ear.


And I couldn’t help but smile too since he was so bright that day.


“Uh, Yes please!” I laughed and sang crazily along with the song with him.


We got to the ice cream place that wasn’t too far from my place and my mood was definitely still up. I ordered a cone and he got his in a cup. Getting even more energy from the sweetness of the ice cream, I felt like Taehyung had melted from my mind. Everything feels right when Jungkook is smiling next to me. We had conversations about our classes for the new-year and I could tell he was excited to start again.


Even though I was so exhausted, I insisted we stay there at the ice cream place for longer. Sitting outside, with the large umbrella shading us, the light summer breeze flowing by us, was nice.


Jungkook was showing me a funny video he found on the Internet and we were laughing about how funny it was. He was holding one of my hands and we were just having a good time.


“I love you,” he smiled at me. We were exhausted, but hearing that made staying with him worth it.


“I love you too.”


But suddenly, “Hailey,” Jungkook pointed to something behind me.


I turned around and saw Taehyung staring at me.


To say this was awkward was to put it lightly. Jungkook was staring at me. I could feel his eyes on the back of my head. My eyes were glued on Taehyung who was staying not too far away from us; close enough to hear what we were saying. He had grocery bags in both hands. His eyes looked sad. I felt a pang in my heart.


“Should we say hi?” Jungkook’s voice brought me back to reality. It brought Taehyung back too because he started making his way towards us.


“Yeah, you should!” Taehyung said as he set the bags onto our table, answering Jungkook himself.


“Sorry, I didn’t know if you had time to stop here. Your hands looked full,” Jungkook said. They were both acting to civilly it was scary.


“No,” Taehyung let out a fake laugh, “I was joking. How was the trip?”


It was like I wasn’t there.


“It was great! Great weather,” Jungkook was leaning a little closer to me at this point.


“Wasn’t it cold at night? Do you feel a cold at all?” Taehyung had looked at me. He was still standing and his height was towering over me as he bent to place a hand on my head.


But Jungkook intervened. He grabbed Taehyung’s wrist, “She’s fine. I made sure to keep her warm all night.”


My cheeks were flaming.


I could feel the tension rising between the too.


Taehyung pulled his wrist away.


“I’ll take Hailey home,” Taehyung gathered the bags quickly and pulled me away.


Jungkook didn’t even try to stop him.


Taehyung was dragging me away and I could only look back to Jungkook, he was livid.



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mickeyup #1
Chapter 15: wait! iforgot to include this! ijust realized if she didnt move in with taehyung, then jungkook and her will be together! Also, im confuse...does she have feelings for both taehyung and jungkook? does she love them both?
mickeyup #2
Chapter 15: Damn......she's torn between two. I ship both taehyung and jungkook with her. :) (im so unfair)
Heyinpiniteu #3
Chapter 15: I am addicted to your stories homg
decaseys #4
Chapter 15: Thank you for the updates!
voda05 #5
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update!

Taehyung and Hailey are lucky to have each other. Jungkook, on the other hand, seems to be having a really hard time dealing with loss. I hope he finds peace in himself soon. I was hoping he wasn't projecting onto Hailey but it seems like he did anyway...
jdjess #6
Chapter 14: Omg I feel bad for both Hailey and Jungkook
voda05 #7
Thank you so much for writing this story! I can't seem to give this story an upvote but you definitely earned it. Looking forward to your update :)
ValerieInTheNight #8
Chapter 13: Kook is suspicious but I don't blame him. Thanks for the update!
ValerieInTheNight #9
Chapter 12: I'm going to be the jerk and want Hailey to stay with Jungkook. But she should be with the one she loves, but the problem is I don't think she knows who she loves more.
Anyway, thanks for the update~
jdjess #10
Chapter 12: omg just go to tae!!! Lol :D