

“You’re going to stay with him,” Taehyung had now sat up on my bed. He pulled me up and had me face him as well. But I, unlike him, wasn’t too happy about how the conversation going. I had my covers over my head to where only my eyes were visible to him.


“I am,” I stated. His face didn’t seem shocked.


“What about me?”


“What about you?” I gave him bit sass on purpose.


“Don’t do that. Will you be staying with me too?”


I didn’t answer this. Instead, I just pulled the covers over my eyes.


“Hale,” he pulled the covers off my head, “Answer me, woman!”


“Answer what?” I tried to innocently ask.


He attacked me.


I rolled over laughing, trying to wiggle my way away from him.


His fingers were rolling over my ticklish spots.


“Come on,” he said as I trying to catch my breath. My back was leaning against my mound of pillows and Taehyung plopped down next to me.


“Come on what?”


“Tell me you want to stay with me too,” these words flowed out of his mouth almost too effortlessly that it scared me a bit.


“What does saying that entitle?” I asked him. We never really said anything about what we were anyways; but then again there wasn’t any room to do that.


“It just means that you know that I’m yours too,” he said as if that was something normal. How could this guy say these things and make such bad things seem so good?


“What does that make me then?” Maybe he didn’t understand how it was from point of view.


“It makes you very well loved.” He pinched my cheeks.


“Taehyung,” I pushed his hands away. He grabbed onto it and held it.




“I have a boyfriend,” I said out loud to him, probably for the first time.


“I’m not acknowledging that,” he said. His face was straight.


But after a few seconds, a smile grew on his face and he said, “You have me too!” And he kissed me on the cheek and ran away from me.


A blush rose to my face and I couldn’t help but chase after him and his stupidity.


We ran around the small apartment laughing and tagging each other for no reason at all. The night flew by fast.


We were lying on the couch, his head on my lap and my hands in his hair.


A survival show running on the TV distracted Taehyung but my mind was somewhere else.


So this meant I had two guys? What situation was this?


“Hailey,” Taehyung’s arm s around to find me hand, he held onto it tight and said, “Will you be mine?”


And with a sad heart I had to answer, “No, I can’t be.”


And with a sad look in his eyes he asked me, “Would you not be happy with me? Would I not be enough?”


And I didn’t want him to think like that, “That’s not it,” I answered.


“Then what is it?” His fingers were still tracing my palm and its length.


“Jungkook hasn’t done anything wrong,” I watched as he placed my hand onto his cheek.


“Have I done something wrong then?” His eyes were closed and he just stayed ike that, holding my hand onto his face.


“You were late,” I said.


With closed eyes he said, “And so for that, I will get the short end of the stick, huh?”


“I can’t just leave him.” I didn’t want to look him in the face anymore.


Another moment of silence based by.


“But you can’t just leave me either, okay?” Taehyung clenched my hand a little harder.


And with a hazy mind and a confused heart, I said, “Alright.”






“Morning baby doll,” Jungkook’s voice rang out through my phone. This last week before school started was going by too quick and Jungkook had wanted to make the most of it.


“Are you ready? I’m outside in the car,” Jungkook said through the phone, I could hear the excitement in his voice.


“Oh, crap! I just woke up from your call. Could you give me a few?”


He chuckled, “Sure, I’ll be here.”


I hung up and let out a long sigh.


I lifted the covers off of me and tucked in the figure beside me a little more.


His sleeping face was so peaceful and I found myself taking some tie to ruffle through his hair a bit.


Forgetting about what a rush I was in, I did this for a few minutes.


“He’s waiting for you,” Taehyung suddenly opened his eyes.


“I didn’t know you were up.”


“I woke up from his call too,” Taehyung sat up and stretched.


“I’m sorry.” I said and made my way to my room.


He followed me, “So where you heading to today?”


“Camping,” I shedding off the clothes I slept in and threw on the clothes I had already set aside the night before. I could feel Taehyung’s eyes boring into my back.


“When will you be home?”


“Why? Are you going out?”


“I might. Some friends asked me to attend a birthday party with them,” he was wrapped up in my covers.


“Sounds like fun,” I scrambled to get it all together.


“You look like you’ll be having more fun.” He stood and helped me grab my backpack.


“Don’t be so sour,” I stuck my tongue out to him.


He didn’t respond but instead carried my things to the front door.


“Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow night,” I said.


“Come home sooner if you can,” Taehyung’s pouty side came through again.


I placed my whole hand over his puckering face, “Stop it, please.”


And I reached for the door handle to leave.


“Kiss me first, before you go,” he said.


And I did just that.


I kissed Taehyung and then I went on my merry way to my boyfriend.


He also greeted me with a kiss.


“Ready?” Jungkook’s smile was radiating as he held his hand out for me to hold this morning and of course I couldn’t bring myself to bring down the mood with news of Taehyung and I becoming civil again.



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mickeyup #1
Chapter 15: wait! iforgot to include this! ijust realized if she didnt move in with taehyung, then jungkook and her will be together! Also, im confuse...does she have feelings for both taehyung and jungkook? does she love them both?
mickeyup #2
Chapter 15: Damn......she's torn between two. I ship both taehyung and jungkook with her. :) (im so unfair)
Heyinpiniteu #3
Chapter 15: I am addicted to your stories homg
decaseys #4
Chapter 15: Thank you for the updates!
voda05 #5
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update!

Taehyung and Hailey are lucky to have each other. Jungkook, on the other hand, seems to be having a really hard time dealing with loss. I hope he finds peace in himself soon. I was hoping he wasn't projecting onto Hailey but it seems like he did anyway...
jdjess #6
Chapter 14: Omg I feel bad for both Hailey and Jungkook
voda05 #7
Thank you so much for writing this story! I can't seem to give this story an upvote but you definitely earned it. Looking forward to your update :)
ValerieInTheNight #8
Chapter 13: Kook is suspicious but I don't blame him. Thanks for the update!
ValerieInTheNight #9
Chapter 12: I'm going to be the jerk and want Hailey to stay with Jungkook. But she should be with the one she loves, but the problem is I don't think she knows who she loves more.
Anyway, thanks for the update~
jdjess #10
Chapter 12: omg just go to tae!!! Lol :D