

A couple days go by and I hear his footsteps approaching the door again. I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready for myself when he barged in reeking of alcohol and smoke; like always.


I ignored him like I expected him to do to me.


But surprisingly he called out for me, “Hailey.”


The first thing he said to me ever since that weekend.


I stopped what I was doing to turn to him.


“Hailey,” he called for me again. He made his way towards me stumbling every other step, and I could feel my heart quickening its pace.


“Taehyung,” I couldn’t help but to call him back. He wouldn’t remember this right? Not with all that alcohol running through his veins.


“Hailey.” He was a few steps away from me now, but my feet were glued to the floor.


“Taehyung,” I said again, barely whispered it really.


Closer, he was even closer now. I was frozen. Completely frozen except for my eyes that trailed themselves over him.


He was so close; too close. He seemed to straighten up better as he inched towards me.


“Hailey,” again his voice called for me, his voice lowering too, as he got closer to my face.


By now my breathing was staggering and I couldn’t help but notice his red-rimmed eyes and how his hair seemed a bit matted to his head. The once bright eyes seemed tired and his skin seemed to lack its color.


“Are you okay?” I tried to put up some conversation with him.


“Hailey,” he stared into my eyes at he let his hands gently fall onto my shoulders, careful almost.


I couldn’t answer him though; my mind was so focused on his hands on me.


“Hailey,” again he said, “Why?” his voice was barely a whisper, his voice trembling.


The only sound there was now was the little chicken timer I had wound up for my food in the oven; it was giving a slow and constant ticking sound, unlike my heart right then.


“Why what?”


“Why did you leave me?” His shaky voice asked me.


“What do you mean?”


And his head softly fell onto one of my shoulders here.


“I miss you.” Was he crying?


“Taehyung,” I tried to pry him off of me.


But he only wrapped his arms around me.


“What happened to us?” his voiced cracked.


“Please, Taehyung,” I said. I tried to wiggle out of his grip. He only held on tighter.


“HAILEY, PLEASE,” he sobbed so loud it shocked me, “Just hold me. Just for tonight. Just one and you can forget about me again.”


And I did what he told me to.


Even if I knew I shouldn’t have.






I woke up the next day with the sun peaking through blinds warming some parts of me; the strong arms gripping onto me from behind warmed the other parts of me.


I should get up. I should leave his arms and pretend like last night didn’t happen.


I could.


But I really didn’t want to.


I could feel his soft steady breaths coming over the top of my head.


I could feel how tightly he was holding onto me; did he even realize?


My eyes were open and they were taking in how neat his room still was. I was expecting a messy room with the behavior he’s been giving for the pas couple months but seeing it so clean gave me some relief; the old Taehyung was still in him.


I could see his guitar set in his half opened closet and I could see a couple of the shirts I had gotten him hanging in there too. Seeing as he still had things from me in his room, he didn’t completely hate me.


“I know you’re awake.” His husky morning voice surprised me.


I kept quiet.


“Will your boyfriend be okay with you in my bed like this?” He spoke again.


I could hear the sassiness in his voice. Though he said that, he made no movements, his arms stayed wrapped around me.


“Sorry,” I muttered before trying to sit up.


I didn’t get far.


He pulled me back into him.


“Taehyung, let go,” I said. But it was like my body didn’t understand what I was saying. I wanted him to let me go but I almost held onto his arm like that.


“A little longer,” I could feel him digging his face into my hair. He took a deep breath of me in.


We stayed like that.


And the guilt rushed through me again.


I was doing something wrong.


But this wrong thing felt right.


“I meant what I said last night,” he mumbled through my hair.




“I miss you, Hale,” he whispered.


My heart skipped a beat.


I stayed silent.


And he said something I didn’t expect him to say.


“Leave him for me,” his voice was clearer this time. He spoke it loud.


You know that feeling when you’re stressed out and your heart just feels heavy? I had that feeling in the pit of my stomach. The way he had his arms wrapped around me, it just felt right.


But Jungkook was supposed to be my right. He was.


And I decided on him.


So I can’t be like this.


I thought this in my head.


But then Taehyung did that thing he always did before.


He turned me over to look at him, and he smiled at my face.


But this smile wasn’t like it used to be. It looked almost desperate.


“I can’t,” I said.


And I made my way out of his room.


He didn’t come after me. He didn’t hold onto me this time either.






He kissed me on the top of my head, “Love you.”


“I love you too, Jungkook,” I giggled at him.


We were at the front door of my apartment and I was walking him out after our day filled with old movies and too much popcorn.


I had the whole day to tell him about my night with Taehyung, but for some reason, I didn’t tell him anything.


Maybe because nothing had really happened; other than falling asleep at the wrong place? I tried to convince myself better than I had actually committed.


I could’ve told him now too. I still could.


But he grabbed both my hands in his, and with a loving look in his eyes he said to me, “Let’s stay together, okay?”


The twinkling looks in his eyes, and that smirk-like smile of his urged me to let out and airy, “Yeah, of course.”


And with a kiss at the top of my head, he set off. He waved back at me before getting into his car and he flashed his lights at me again to tell me he was off.


I stayed at the door and waved the whole time.


I didn’t tell him about Taehyung. I felt bad about it, but I didn’t.






“Hale,” he called for me.


I grumpily looked over to my illuminated clock. It read: 3:57 A.M. What was this fool up to now? I can’t let myself get in again. So I stayed there in my bed, quiet even though I was well aware he called for me.


“HALE, WHERE ARE YOU?” he barged into my room.


He made his way over to my bed and crawled into it next to me.


He reeked.


After snaking his arms around my waist and kissing me several times on the top of my head, he knocked out mumbling something I couldn’t even try to understand.


So I struggled my way away from his arms. I tucked him in. I made sure his shoes were off. And I made my way to the living room couch.






And this is the first author note I've left on this story. I wanted to thank those how have follow this story! I'm so grateful for those who keep up with it and I promise to try to keep up with updates frequently. I also want to encourage everyone to upvote and subscribe if you haven't already! And comment too! I love to read those. Thanks for the encouragement. ^^


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mickeyup #1
Chapter 15: wait! iforgot to include this! ijust realized if she didnt move in with taehyung, then jungkook and her will be together! Also, im confuse...does she have feelings for both taehyung and jungkook? does she love them both?
mickeyup #2
Chapter 15: Damn......she's torn between two. I ship both taehyung and jungkook with her. :) (im so unfair)
Heyinpiniteu #3
Chapter 15: I am addicted to your stories homg
decaseys #4
Chapter 15: Thank you for the updates!
voda05 #5
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update!

Taehyung and Hailey are lucky to have each other. Jungkook, on the other hand, seems to be having a really hard time dealing with loss. I hope he finds peace in himself soon. I was hoping he wasn't projecting onto Hailey but it seems like he did anyway...
jdjess #6
Chapter 14: Omg I feel bad for both Hailey and Jungkook
voda05 #7
Thank you so much for writing this story! I can't seem to give this story an upvote but you definitely earned it. Looking forward to your update :)
ValerieInTheNight #8
Chapter 13: Kook is suspicious but I don't blame him. Thanks for the update!
ValerieInTheNight #9
Chapter 12: I'm going to be the jerk and want Hailey to stay with Jungkook. But she should be with the one she loves, but the problem is I don't think she knows who she loves more.
Anyway, thanks for the update~
jdjess #10
Chapter 12: omg just go to tae!!! Lol :D