
Little Things

Tiffany’s possessiveness is interesting. As Taeyeon learns more and more about her, she grows to appreciate Tiffany more and more as well. Some might label Tiffany as a nosy parker. A person who pokes their nose into the business of others a little too much. And some people might not like it, despite the person’s good intentions. Some people might wish to distance themselves from such a person. Some people might take offence at some of the things such a person might say. But Taeyeon doesn’t mind. In fact, she values it. And therein lies the difference.

Barely one month after Taeyeon’s visit to Tiffany’s bathtub, several changes were made to her dog shop, courtesy of Tiffany’s suggestions. The kitchen is one example. Tiffany suggested a particular dog dinner dish she makes for Prince Fluffy and Taeyeon thought it was good so it is now a new item on the menu for the dogs. And the welcome mat. Tiffany told her it looked worn out so they went shopping for a new one. And the general arrangement of supplies. Tiffany said she could save some space if it was arranged in another way so she let Tiffany show her the way.

This afternoon, Taeyeon stands at the doorway and looks at her dog shop. The changes have refreshed the place and after running the shop for so long, she thinks it is a good change to make.



Taeyeon looks up from her colouring book. “Hmm?”


Taeyeon looks. “What is this?”

“Our hair, braided together.”

“I know. But why?”

“Blond and brown go well together. You’re blondie and I’m brownie. Together always.”

Taeyeon smiles and leans in to give Tiffany a kiss. “I like the sound of that.”

Tiffany hugs her left arm, weaves their fingers together and nestles her cheek on her shoulder. “Me too.”

“Are you done with your book?”


“What would you like to do then?”

“I’ll watch you colour.”

Taeyeon chuckles and nudges Tiffany. “It’s boring.”

“It’s not. Not when it’s you.”

“Oh my God. Too cheesy.”

Tiffany giggles. “I’m just being honest with my feelings.”

“It’s too much.”

“You’d better get used to it.”



“I don’t want to get used to it. I want to have the same fluttering feeling in my heart every single time you say these things.”

“Oh my God. You’re cheesier than me.”

Taeyeon laughs. “Just don’t get used to it.”

Tiffany smiles. “I’ll try not to.”


“Why don’t you come to my place and stay over tonight.”

Taeyeon shakes her head. “I can’t. I have to open shop earlier tomorrow.”

“You can leave earlier tomorrow morning . . .”

“The travel time will delay me. I have to be here, ready and open when the customer comes to pick up their dog.”

“But I haven’t seen you for a whole week . . .”

“I’m sorry but I really can’t.”

“Damn it, Taeyeon. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”

Tiffany sighs on the other side of the line. “I guess it can’t be helped.”

“I’ll call you before going to bed.”


Hours later, Taeyeon calls Tiffany as promised after climbing into bed.

“How was your day, honey?” she asks when Tiffany answers.

“It . . . was . . . tiring . . .”

“What are you doing? You sound breathless.”

“Oh . . . I’m . . . er . . . I’m jogging.”

“Why are you jogging at this time?”

“I decided . . . to get . . . some exercise . . . yeah.”

Taeyeon hears a voice in the background. “Are you with someone?”

“Yeah . . . I’m . . . jogging with . . . a friend.”

“Okay, I’ll hang up since you’re jogging. Send me a message when you get home safe. Goodnight.”

“Okay. Good . . . night.”

Taeyeon puts her phone away and slides deeper under the covers and lays her head on the pillow. Who is Tiffany jogging with at this time of the night? She worries about Tiffany’s safety but there’s little she can do about it.

She’s on the cusp of falling asleep when the doorbell rings. Puzzled, she gets out of bed, throws on a pullover and pulls on a pair of sweats before heading to the door. She presses the security camera button and Tiffany’s face fills the screen at once. She opens the door quickly and stares at the sweaty woman in surprise.

“Tiffany? What are you doing here?” she asks as her eyes note the way Tiffany fills out her luminous pink t-shirt and grey running shorts.

“I was jogging.”

“Yes, I know that. But what you are doing here?”

“Are you not happy to see me?”

“No, no, of course not. I’m just surprised.”

“Well, are you going to let me in or not?”

Taeyeon steps back and lets Tiffany into her home. “Tiffany, what’s going on?”

Tiffany steps forward and is about to hug her when she stops. “Sorry, I’m too sweaty. Mind if I take a shower first?”

“Why are you here at this time?”

“Our jog ended in the vicinity and I couldn’t resist coming over. Have you realized I haven’t seen the inside of your apartment yet?”

This is true. Tiffany had come over to her shop many times and she, Tiffany’s apartment but Tiffany had not actually stepped into her apartment (the closest she’d come was the flight of stairs leading to it). But this is too much of a surprise and she’s not entirely pleased about it.

“Tiffany, I—”

“I know. You have an early day tomorrow. I’m sorry. We were in the area and I thought—” Tiffany shakes her head. “Never mind. I’ll go home now.”

Taeyeon sighs inwardly and grabs Tiffany’s wrist as she turns for the door. “Stay.”

Tiffany looks straight at her, eyes sparkling with hope. “Really?”

“There are towels on the rack in the shower. But my bed isn’t as big as yours so I hope you don’t mind if it’s a slight squeeze.”

Tiffany’s grin is broader than her dependable shoulders as she bends forward to kiss Taeyeon. “I love you.” And with that, she dashes away into the room closest to them. Only to walk out with a sheepish grin a moment later. “Where’s the bathroom?”

There’s just no getting cross with Tiffany. Taeyeon chuckles and jerks her head in the opposite direction of where Tiffany ran to. “The bathroom’s on the right. Second door. My bedroom is the second door on the left. Make yourself at home.”

“I won’t be long.”

“I won’t be waiting.”

Tiffany sticks her tongue out at Taeyeon as she closes the door and Taeyeon laughs to herself. She just can’t with Tiffany.

True to her word, Taeyeon doesn’t wait. She gets rid of her pullover, lies down and falls asleep before Tiffany comes to bed.


Tiffany rises over her and smiles the smile that spells seduction and Taeyeon knows she’s putty in Tiffany’s hands. And those hands are currently caressing her thighs, sliding up and down, raising happy hairs all over her body. Those hands glide up dangerously close to her groin and her legs inadvertently spread wider to welcome them. But they bypass the spot where she wants them most and continue up her body, curling around her waist instead. She is disappointed. But soft lips press gently on her neck and disappointment melts away. The lips press again, nudging her, loving her. Mmm . . . oh, Tiffany . . . Fany . . .

Taeyeon’s eyes fly open. This isn’t a dream at all. Tiffany is actually lying beside her, arms locked around her waist.

“Fany . . .”

Tiffany stops dropping kisses on her shoulder and raises her head. “Good morning, Taeyeonie,” she says with a glorious smile.

“Good morni—” Taeyeon doesn’t get to complete her greeting because Tiffany puts a finger on her lips. The same finger taps her lips and she playfully feigns an attempt to bite it. The slant of Tiffany’s lips reminds her of the Tiffany in her dream and her cheeks redden. The lips then curl and split into a smile before dropping another kiss on her ear.

“You’re too adorable in the morning. What are you doing to me, Kim Taeyeon?” Tiffany murmurs in her ear, fingers toying with her lobe.

Taeyeon moans. Tiffany is temptation personified. But at the back of her mind, something is holding her back. Time. What is the time?

“Wait. Wait.”

Tiffany stops kissing her ear. “What’s the matter?”

Taeyeon locates her phone and checks the time. Six in the morning. That gives her an hour before she has to open shop. Doing the quick math in her mind leads to a decision and she slumps back, flat on her back.

“Thirty minutes. We have thirty minutes.”

Tiffany grins. “Thirty minutes it is. You have thirty seconds to brush your teeth, or I’m coming for you.”

Taeyeon jumps out of bed. She intends to make it back to bed in twenty.


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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 14: The level of fluffiness is EPIC!!! ♥️

What a nice plot~~

Thank you for making this story, Author-ssi~

•́ ‿ ,•̀
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 6: Ahh this chapter really gets me
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 1: Re-reading this gem again! :)
dkdldb #5
Chapter 14: Woow this is really great, thank you for writing this!
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 14: Awiee!! Once again,, i am truly honored to read this amazing fanfic!! You never let us down author nim! Well done.
Mihyun101 #7
Chapter 10: Oh no... what’s gon. Happen?
Mihyun101 #8
Chapter 6: Omg AHHHH I LOVE THIS FF!
rereading this :) I miss this and your stories author unnie
girlofeternity_ss #10
It's a nice story. Light read with a twist