
Little Things

This will be the first time Taeyeon is meeting Tiffany without Prince Fluffy as the go-between. A direct invitation from Tiffany to use her bathtub. In the light of day, the invitation seems a tad unusual. Yet, the conversation had drifted in that direction and one thing had simply led to another. Perhaps Tiffany hadn’t expected her to accept the invitation. Maybe she should not have said yes. But what’s done is done and Taeyeon isn’t about to moan the chance to spend more time with Tiffany. In her apartment.

So here she is, walking up the street to Tiffany’s. A bottle of champagne in hand. Tiffany had mentioned it in the passing but she remembers and the piece of information has proved useful. Tiffany is waiting at the door when she reaches it and arms engulf her, pulling her into the apartment as the door closes behind.

“Welcome to my home.”

“It’s very nice,” says Taeyeon as she looks around, admiring the spick and span living room. She thinks guiltily about the state of her apartment and blushes. Tiffany is incredible. How does she keep her apartment so neat and tidy? Not a cushion out of place. Magazines stacked neatly on the coffee table. Not a speck of dust to be seen. Not even on the shelf unit beside the television. Wow.


“How do you keep your place so neat?”

Tiffany blushes. “I cleaned up because you are coming.”

“Oh my goodness, you really didn’t have to.”

“But I want to.” Tiffany takes her hand and leads her to the cotton candy pink leather couch. “I want you to have a good impression of my home.”

Taeyeon sits on the couch. “You’ve succeeded. My impression of your home is very good. You have a beautiful home.”

“Thank you.” Tiffany squeezes her hand. “What do you want to drink? Coffee? Tea?”

“Ah, I brought you a gift.” Taeyeon hands the bottle to Tiffany. “I hope you like it.”

Tiffany takes one look at the bottle and squeals, “Oh my God. I love it.” Another hug comes Taeyeon’s way. “I love this champagne. It’s my favourite. You remember.”

Taeyeon nods. “Of course.”

“I’m really touched.” Tiffany’s smile is beautiful as she thanks Taeyeon again.

“You don’t have to thank me so much. I’ll be happy so long as you enjoy it.”

“I will. In fact, let’s enjoy it together. We can drink it while soaking in the tub.”



“Is there room for two in your bathtub?”

Tiffany grins and stands, holding out her hand. “Come. Let me show you.”

Taeyeon takes Tiffany’s hand and the woman leads her to what appears to be her bedroom. The spacious bed that sits against a wall is fitted with soft pink sheets and a white cover. Taeyeon wonders how it would feel to lie on it. Maybe she’ll ask Tiffany for permission later. Or maybe not. She doesn’t want Tiffany to think she’s weird or anything.

They walk through another door. This time, Taeyeon can feel her jaw dropping.Bathtub? This is a bathtub? Do bathtubs typically come with two headrests at opposite corners? “Wah . . .”

“Room for two,” Tiffany whispers in her ear, sending shocks of pleasure zipping down Taeyeon’s spine. “And champagne on top.”

“Are you really serious about it?”

“I didn’t invite you over just to look at it . . .”

“Okay . . .”

“Did you bring a bikini as I asked?”

Taeyeon nods. She remembers how hard her heart thumped when Tiffany sent her the message earlier today. It is embarrassing to think about it.

“Great.” If Tiffany’s smile grows any brighter, Taeyeon will be paralysed by her sheer radiance. “Let’s get changed.”

Moments later, Taeyeon is wrapped in a fluffy white bathrobe provided by Tiffany. She stands by the luxurious diamond shaped tub and watches as Tiffany tests the water.

“Perfect. Hop in. You’ll love it so much, you’ll never wanna leave.”

Taeyeon removes the bathrobe and puts it on the laundry basket before sticking a foot into the water. It’s warm and she steps in, lowering her body into the water and sinking back against the curve carved into the tub to accommodate her back. She rests her head on the headrest and sighs. Tiffany is right. This feels wonderful.

The sound of a body entering the water opens her eyes. Bad idea. Because Tiffany is sitting on the edge of the tub as she swings one leg into the tub at a time and that means she gets an eyeful of Tiffany’s—inappropriate thoughts, highly inappropriate, stay calm, stay calm.

“This bath smells lovely,” says Taeyeon as she tries to distract her mind from wandering over to the dark side.

“What you’re smelling is the lavender essential oil I added.”

“Oh . . . it is relaxing . . .”

“It’s nice to close your eyes and relax in here, isn’t it?”

“Mhm . . .”

“Are you falling asleep?” Tiffany asks with a giggle.

“No, but I might.”

Tiffany kicks her feet. “Don’t fall asleep and leave me alone in here.”

She kicks back. “I’m your guest,” she says with a grin. “You shouldn’t stop me from enjoying myself.”

Tiffany pouts and splashes water on her. “Don’t fall asleep.” Taeyeon splashes back and Tiffany squeals. “Taeyeon!”

The grin on Taeyeon’s face is wiped out by the big splash that lands on her face. She retaliates again and from that point on, it’s war.

The splash war ends with both women holding on to each other’s arms to prevent the other from splashing. So they call for a truce and lean back against the headrests at their respective corners like boxers.

Tiffany turns and their eyes meet across the water. Taeyeon can’t breathe for a while but the breath-halting spell is broken when Tiffany lapses into giggles.

“You look like a sad puppy forced to take a bath.”

“Really? Is my hair messed up?” Taeyeon asks, raising her hands to neaten her hair.

“Allow me.” Tiffany shifts to her side and helps with her hair. Taeyeon’s scalp tingles as Tiffany’s fingers comb through her hair, lightly massaging her scalp as she tidies her hair. “There. Beautiful once more. Not that you aren’t beautiful when you’re in wet puppy mode.”

Did she just say I’m beautiful? Feeling a serious blush coming on, Taeyeon clears and tries to change the subject. “Speaking of puppies, where’s Prince?”

“I sent him to a friend’s place. Right now, he’s probably having the time of his life with his buddies over there.”

“Your friend has dogs too?”

Tiffany nods. “She has many dogs.”

“I see. That’s nice . . .”

“Mhm. It’s useful to have a friend who can help when you need to clear the way.”

“Clear the way?”

“Mhm. I don’t want us to be disturbed. Not by Prince. Not by anyone.”

“Why not?” Taeyeon asks. She wouldn’t mind having Prince Fluffy around to play with. She freezes when Tiffany’s toes come in contact with hers again, only this time, with a different vibe. Then, she absolutely turns into a block of ice sitting in lukewarm water when Tiffany moves closer and sits next to her, bodies touching.

Tiffany’s eyes hold her prisoner so she can’t move, even as Tiffany leans in, inch by inch. Like a magnet attracted to an opposite pole, Taeyeon finds herself leaning towards Tiffany as well. Closer and closer. So close that she can feel the warmth of Tiffany’s breath on her skin. Without question, their heads tilt. Without hesitation, their lips part. Gates flung wide open, they each close the remaining sliver of a gap and suddenly, everything in the world makes perfect, beautiful sense.



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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 14: The level of fluffiness is EPIC!!! ♥️

What a nice plot~~

Thank you for making this story, Author-ssi~

•́ ‿ ,•̀
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 6: Ahh this chapter really gets me
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 1: Re-reading this gem again! :)
dkdldb #5
Chapter 14: Woow this is really great, thank you for writing this!
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 14: Awiee!! Once again,, i am truly honored to read this amazing fanfic!! You never let us down author nim! Well done.
Mihyun101 #7
Chapter 10: Oh no... what’s gon. Happen?
Mihyun101 #8
Chapter 6: Omg AHHHH I LOVE THIS FF!
rereading this :) I miss this and your stories author unnie
girlofeternity_ss #10
It's a nice story. Light read with a twist