Little Things

The gentle caress of Tiffany’s eyes reaches into her chest and wraps around her heart like a warm glove when they part. At this moment, deep within her, a paradigm shift happens and all elements clicks into place. She stares into Tiffany’s eyes with understanding, with a smile that says everything so no words are necessary and they embrace, each thankful for the other’s existence.

Tiffany does not return to her corner of the bathtub. She finds a headrest in Taeyeon’s shoulder and Taeyeon is happy to be her headrest. She puts an arm around Tiffany and joins her free hand with Tiffany’s. Then together, they sink and settle into a pattern of breathing, in, out, in, out.

Peace and quiet reign for a significant length of time before Taeyeon feels several taps on her waist.

“Taeyeon . . .”


“The champagne . . .”

“What about it?”

“Let’s drink it and celebrate.”

Taeyeon smiles. “Okay.” She allows her fingers to drift across Tiffany’s skin as the woman rises from her shoulder to get the champagne bottle. They trail over the string that holds Tiffany’s bikini together and the urge to pull the knot loose makes her fingers twitch. But the moment passes as Tiffany leans over the bathtub. Then, she’s back in the water, holding the bottle between them.

“Open it for us, will you?”

Taeyeon takes over the bottle as Tiffany rises once again for the champagne glasses and opens it with a pop. She fills the glasses up halfway and puts the bottle on the floor. Tiffany hands her a glass and raises hers.


“Cheers,” says Taeyeon and takes a sip.

“Mmm, this is the best,” says Tiffany. “A fragrant bath, lovely champagne and a beautiful woman in my arms. How did I get it this good?”

Taeyeon blushes. “I’m guessing you got lucky this time,” she replies, tongue-in-cheek.

“Lucky. Very lucky.” Tiffany raises a wet hand to caress Taeyeon’s cheek and pulls her in for another nudge of lips. “Very, very lucky.”

“So am I,” Taeyeon whispers.

With a smile, Tiffany sips more champagne and leans forward. Taeyeon closes her eyes and meets the soft lips, tasting the champagne inside Tiffany’s mouth. Together, they drink it up and when it is gone, they part, each woman breathing more heavily than before. Taeyeon’s body is tingling everywhere and every touch seems to be magnified ten times more, sending strong waves of sensation to her brain. It is the feeling of a hand on her left that opens her eyes and breaks through the fog. She pulls back and puts a hand on Tiffany’s shoulder, applying gentle pressure that sends a clear signal: Stop.

“Taeyeon?” Tiffany breathes.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t apologize.” Tiffany her hair and tucks it behind her ear. “Look at me. Tell me. Did I make you uncomfortable?”

Taeyeon shakes her head, breathing hard. “No. In fact, you made me feel so good that the alarm bells went off.”

Tiffany chuckles. “Why?”

Taeyeon meets Tiffany’s eyes, all traces of shyness and humour gone. “Is this going to be a one-time thing?”

“You mean a one night stand.”

Taeyeon shrugs. “I’m not looking for a fling. I’ll get too emotionally attached and it’ll be hard for us, since you’re a customer too.”

“So you’re saying you want us to date before you’ll go any further?”

“I’m just saying we shouldn’t go any further if this won’t be a long term thing.”

Tiffany chuckles. “Isn’t that what I said?”

“I don’t want us to date just because we want to have together.”

“Taeyeon . . . maybe this bathtub invite is too forward. Honestly, I was kicking myself when I asked. I was afraid you would reject me and things between us would be awkward. So when you agreed to come, it got me all excited. I wondered if you feel the same things for me as I feel for you. I also wondered if you didn’t feel the same. Then you turned up. And I could sense it. Yet, right up to the moment we kissed, I wasn’t sure if I read it right.”

Taeyeon can barely breathe as Tiffany smiles and cups her face with a wet hand and caresses her cheek.

“Taeyeon, it’s been months since I first brought Prince to your shop. It’s been months since I first dreamt of us holding hands. But I could never find any opening to take it further. You seem warm and friendly each time I see you but it’s so hard to work up the courage to risk it all and ask.”

“You’ve had these feelings for so long?” Taeyeon asks, stunned by the depth of Tiffany’s confession.

Tiffany nods. “I liked you from the first time we met. I had gone to two other dog groomers before visiting yours and after meeting you, I made my choice right away.”

“I had no idea . . .”

“This isn’t a one night stand. Not from my perspective. And I’m not dating you just to get Prince a few free fur cuts.”

Laughter strikes Taeyeon and takes over her entire body. Head thrown back, mouth wide open, Taeyeon laughs. Relief. Sheer happiness. Elation. A multitude of wonderful emotions sweep over her from head to toe. When she finally stops, Tiffany is smiling.

“But I would expect to have a few perks since I happen to be seeing a dog groomer.”

“Are you seeing a dog groomer?”

“Well, I’m looking at one right now . . .”

Taeyeon sneezes.

“The water’s getting cold,” says Tiffany. “Time to get out before you catch a cold.”

They help each other out of the tub and wrap each other up in Tiffany’s fluffy bathrobes. Awkwardness catches them unawares as they lock gazes and Taeyeon’s heart thumps hard in her chest as butterflies flutter around in her mind. Tiffany simply looks too attractive in her bathrobe.

“At the risk of being too forward, I’m going to ask if you would mind staying the night,” says Tiffany.

“I don’t have any of my things with me . . .”

“I have a spare set of toiletries for guests. And you can wear my clothes to sleep.” Tiffany takes her hand. “I swear this isn’t an elaborate plan to get into your very y jeans. I just . . .” Their eyes meet again. “I just don’t want to say goodbye so soon.”

“Do you have room for me to stay over?”

“I have a guestroom . . . but I also have a really big bed . . .” Tiffany squeezes her hand. “You get to choose.”

“I always did like multiple choice,” Taeyeon says with a smile and arms are flying around her instantly, pulling her close.

Half a champagne bottle and a couple hours of soft, private conversation later, Taeyeon washes up and climbs into bed with Tiffany. As they lay on their sides facing each other, Tiffany plays with her hair, twirling it around her fingers and tugging lightly.

“I’m glad you chose my bed,” says Tiffany.

Taeyeon smiles as she adjusts her head on the pillow, inching closer to Tiffany. “It is the obvious choice.”

“It’s hard to tell. You don’t give away anything.”

“Really? My friends often tell me I’m an open book. Everything is written on my face.”

“Hmm, is that so? Maybe it’s the uncertainty that’s affecting me then.”

Taeyeon takes Tiffany’s hand in hers and holds it between them. “You don’t have to doubt yourself. I’m here with you. That’s reason enough to wipe all doubts from your system.”

Tiffany’s lips curl into a beautiful curve. “Okay. No doubts. Kiss me goodnight?”

Taeyeon cranes her neck to press her lips on Tiffany’s nose. Trailing her lips up the bridge, she plants another on Tiffany’s forehead. Tiffany is pouting when she opens her eyes. She chuckles, knowing the reason for the pout, and rubs her thumb across Tiffany’s lips.

“That was just a warm up. Goodnight, Tiffany,” she whispers before giving the woman a long kiss.

A toe-curling kiss later, they snuggle to find a good fit and Taeyeon drifts off into deep slumber with the sounds of Tiffany’s even breaths accompanying her in the darkness, feeling safe and warm.



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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 14: The level of fluffiness is EPIC!!! ♥️

What a nice plot~~

Thank you for making this story, Author-ssi~

•́ ‿ ,•̀
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 6: Ahh this chapter really gets me
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 1: Re-reading this gem again! :)
dkdldb #5
Chapter 14: Woow this is really great, thank you for writing this!
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 14: Awiee!! Once again,, i am truly honored to read this amazing fanfic!! You never let us down author nim! Well done.
Mihyun101 #7
Chapter 10: Oh no... what’s gon. Happen?
Mihyun101 #8
Chapter 6: Omg AHHHH I LOVE THIS FF!
rereading this :) I miss this and your stories author unnie
girlofeternity_ss #10
It's a nice story. Light read with a twist