CHAPTER 2 - The Reason Behind

Remember me, that exists now

== CHAPTER 2 ==

                                                                                                                  The Reason Behind                                                                                                         

This was awful; Jungkook hated staying inside his house for this long. He would rather have it that it was Monday already and that he was in school, compared to being cooped up between these four walls. He loved sports, and moving around. Yet here he was, during the weekend stuck in the house, too scared to run into Jimin or the others if he went out.


 He laid there sprawled out over his bed, his eyes peering through the gap in the day curtains above his head and seeing the clear blue sky outside. This only made it worse, why could it not have been raining this weekend? At least he would have felt less stuck in this room. Of course he could have spent his time more wisely and done his homework, or his student council work, but hey, those were his usual last minute tasks anyway.


The sudden ray of sun made him quickly squint his eyes and look away to his side. After some time, he opened his eyes again, now seeing the mirror across the room. The tiny cut on his lip from the earlier night, was decorating his lip, which was highly Yoongi’s fault for pushing his and Jimins faces in each other’s too strongly… or maybe his own for so strongly pushing the other way without a warning.




He ran his finger over his lips, stopping to study the cut more closely. It felt so weird for him, the feeling of almost excitement when their lips were touching. Which was a scary and uneasy feeling, that was still lingering inside of him.




It was the long awaited, yet dreaded Monday. Jungkook looked around making sure there was no Jimin in front of his house, he really didn’t feel like bumping into the other or even walking next to him to school. Jin had texted him some nonsense the earlier evening about Jimin wanting to speak to him, which only made him feel even more reluctant to speak to the other. Although they were all best friends since childhood, it felt like they were still taking Jimins side over his, which made him feel annoyed at all of them.




“Don’t act like such a brat again” Yoongi warned the other casually, as he threw his arm around Jungkooks shoulder heavily, as the other was walking in the school’s corridor. Jungkook just glanced at the Yoongi as they continued to stroll together to class, giving Yoongi a smirk and looking away, and that’s all there was really needed for them to make up again. That’s how easy it always has been. No matter for what reason any of them argued, or fought over, just little actions or words like this making it appear as if nothing had ever happened.


Apart from Jimin that is. He had never really argued with the other, at least not in a serious manner, not to mention having never done anything close to fists fighting either. So Jungkook didn’t see how they were to make up again, even more after Friday night’s events, he felt it would be too awfully awkward to even just face the other.




He sat there casually with the others, and couldn’t help himself from fidgeting when he heard Jimins and Taehyungs voices bounce around the corridor, getting louder and clearer by seconds. Taehyung walked in, radiating his stupid dorky laugh and that wide smile plastered on his face, as he jumped into his seat by Hoseok. Jimin followed straight after, walking in and meeting his eyes within a second, with that awkward thin smile on his face. Jungkook broke the eye contact first, looking ahead at the board, and then down at his desk, as if there was anything to really even look at.


He felt a shadow cast over him, and then from a corner of his eye a figure stop at his side. He looked up, and Jimin was looking back down at him.  Of course, since Jimins seat was next to Jungkooks. Jimin hesitantly settled his bag on the desk, before sitting down just as awkwardly, as he looked. Jungkook shifted his seat closer to the wall, creating a slightly bigger gap between them, which really wasn’t much, considering the two of their desk being joined, and a wall on Jungkooks side stopping him from moving any further away.


Those 7 minutes up to the beginning of the first class felt dramatically far too long. Even more when he was trying to pretend to be looking at his book, while fully aware of Jimin who was glancing at him nearly every second, and opening his mouth as if wanting to say something, yet stopping himself. Jungkooks leg was bouncing, as he continued biting his nail impatiently. It was almost like a torture, and he felt like telling the other to say whatever it was before he beat the crap out of him.


Yet nothing. The first two classes passed by just the same, without the other saying even a word to him. He couldn’t help noticing how conscious he was of the others presence. Even such slight thing as brushing slightly past each other sent shivers down his whole body. Maybe he was coming down with a cold…




“Stop acting like that” Jin said as they stood in the queue, in the cafeteria. “I’m not” Jungkook denied, knowing perfectly well what the other meant. “There’s a misunderstanding” Jin clarified, “He’s been trying to apologise, but because you go around with such scary and angry expression on your face all the time he hasn’t even been able to bring it up.”. “I don’t care” Jungkook looked away with a stern expression, till Jin pinched his side “Ah!” Jungkook shouted, which luckily was drowned out by the noise around them of tired, yet hyped up students either eating or still waiting for their chance to.




They sat next to each other in class, and after Jins words, Jungkook knew exactly what the other has been preparing to say this whole day. Jimins small fingers, circled around his open books pages, and Jungkook took that as an indication that the other has finally decided to say something.


“I’m sorry!” Jimin almost shouting, his voice noticeably higher than normal, making Jungkook flinch in surprise. Even though he had predicted this, it still gave him a fright at the suddenness of the other. He was looking wide eyed at the other now, who looked half scared and half hopeful.


“Oh..oh” was all Jungkook could stutter out in reply. “I misunderstood. I thought you said that you really hate me, and that maybe all of you were making fun of me behind my back, and not in a joking way… I didn’t know it was because Jin took your food…I-”

“Because of that!?” Jungkook shouted back at the other, tilting his head and raising his eyebrow in a confused, yet annoyed expression. He could see Jimins cheeks suddenly reddening, and the way Jimin was struggling to even reply anything. “” Jimin began, “No! I mean yes!”. “Eh?” Jungkook confusion even more heightened. “Yes, I mean yes, yes because… of that…”

Jungkook turned back, lowering his head, his fingertips now massaging his forehead. The frustration he was feeling was real, it was so real, he couldn’t even bring himself to look at Jimin in fear he would end up hitting the other.


“Sorry…?” was almost like an offer that Jimin softly sent his way, which only made Jungkook more frustrated. The whole situation sounded like something that would happen to kindergarten children, which made it seem even more pathetic than funny.

“Somehow I feel even more angry right now than before…” Jungkook gave out a sigh of annoyance.




Most of the school days were like this, sitting in classroom eating lunch, looking through magazines or even just discussing the newest trends. “What is that?” Jungkook stared with utmost disgust on his face and not even bothering to hide it “1960’s?” as he sat in his desk, now resting his face on the palm of his hand. “What do you mean?” Namjoon answered annoyed, “This is the newest fashion trend!” he spat in defence. “How is this even a fashion?” Jungkook asked confused, with his eyes squinting, as he continued to study Namjoons trousers. “Just let it go” Yoongi said shaking his head in Jungkooks direction “We can’t win this one”.


At that same moment Taehyung and Jimin entered, and an annoyed sighs filled the room. “What is this!?” Yoongi groaned out annoyed at no one in particular, with his usual irritated, yet at the same time disgusted facial expression, before looking back at his magazine. Jungkook just shook his head in disapproval before turning the other direction, now resting his face on his folded arms and closing his eyes. Hoseok and Jin just carried on eating, deciding on just ignoring the new arrivals.


“What?” Jimin asked looking around for an explanation of some sort; and meeting eyes with a just confused Namjoon. Moments later Namjoon jumped up happily “Look!” he said pointing at Taehyungs trousers “I told you it’s the newest fashion”, which was only followed by further annoyed sighs. “Ah” Jimin nodded his head, now understanding the situation full well, as he carried on walking across the room and sitting down sideways onto a chair next to Jungkook; and leaning back to rest onto the others side; facing the others. “Ah, just because the two of you dress just as horribly as each other doesn’t make it a fashion trend” Yoongi shook his head, now looking up from his magazine and watching Namjoon with Taehyung complementing each other’s fashion ‘sense’, “So hopeless” he uttered looking back down at his magazine.


“I’m your HOPE!” Hoseok got up “J-hope!”, with Yoongi mouthing 'Horse' mockingly. Now they all groaned in annoyance, before laughing along with the overly happy Hoseok. Well, he was the groups happy virus after all.


“But what’s this?” Yoongi examined squinting his eyes in Jungkook and Jimins direction, with everyone else following along “The cat fight is over?”. 


“Don’t start” Jungkook answered annoyed, not even bothering to look up at the other. “Ah!” Hoseoks eyes widened finally getting the situation “The two best friends are back together”.


                                                                                      AUTHOR's NOTES                                                                              .

The story should pick up some pace from the next chapter onwards... ಠ_ಠ

Thank you to those who left comments and subscribed!! Much appreciated!! ಥ⌣ಥ



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Chapter 11: OMG!!! I find this story really really really good xD ♡♡ I want this to have a sequel~ Pretty pleaseeee ^^ I love the Jikook angst and the sweetness so much-- it makes me cry TT_TT
narixxx #2
Chapter 12: This story is so beautiful ~
Jikooooook ♡♡♡♡
Caramel_lover369 #3
Chapter 12: Ah I love it<3333333333
Chapter 11: Oh My God, that was so damn good! I loved it so freaking much God *3*
And about this thing, I always do same thing XD I read but can't really write it lol XD
Anyway, this story was perfect. And your writing is really good, even at those few first chapters ~
Loved it so much! ~
Jikook_JeonPark #5
Chapter 12: you get back right here and make a sequel!! please!!
Chapter 11: i loved this omg
annymousjustice #7
Chapter 11: love this,it's a great story.good job author-nim <3
Chapter 11: I love this story so much!! <33
Cruelity #9
Chapter 11: No.

It's done.
It's ing done. .
Okay let's begin from the beginning.
I'm so mad. No I'm happy.
Look at it. Look. No wait. Read at me. Read me.
You made me like this.
Oh good a little bit of angst, a sunny day, tears. Well it's a wonderfull day full of 'aish. omo. wae? aniya. . wtf'
Well Jungkook loves Jimin so much. He is so cute waiting for him. But well loving him so much he nearly destroyed himself. Well love is cruel.
But yeah they are still like: 'Not expressing anything - or - expressing everything too much' But that is what I find amazing. It's really amazing. Gosh you writing skills are AWESOME. Thanks.

Thanks so much for writing this FF.
You are awesome. Did I already mention this.
In the end they could be happy. Yeah even if familiy or friends left you because of your ual orientation Jikook are still able to be happy. Well at least in this moment. [Well i don't know how their friends will react, but i'm only talking about the worst situation]
Love is really weird. Even if someone told you how you should love. How or who. Even then. You can't not decide what will happen. Love takes you. Love decides for you. Well love is a little .
But oh well.
More like. No
I'm so sad. I am really sad.
I will miss your updates. I really look forward to other FF of you.

Okay I thinks this is long enough.
Love and hugs and whatever so want. Thanks.