All Girls Love To Party

Things Happen (Secret Obsession)

"Nice you could join us, Haerin." I was welcomed by a tall man in a suit and broad shoulders. This must be Hyuna's father, I could tell because he wore the thin braclet that Hyuna had made for him when we were younger.

Immediately as I walked into the Cassieopia club hall, the incredibly loud music boomed in my ears, tumbling me off my heels. Hmmm, I didn't know Hyuna had such an incredible taste in music. Before I could get a glimpse of the liquor booth, a sudden whoosh of air swept behind me. 

"Ha ha, very funny, Hyuna!" Typical Hyuna, always trying to think of ways to beat my wits.

"Damn! How'd you know?" She cursed as she stobbled in front of me. Obviously, she still hadn't gotten used to walking in heels.

"I always know." I snickered. She stuck her tongue out at me playfully and pulled my arm to the liquor booth.

"To us! Ten years of friendship and not a single scar on us!" Hyuna jokingly announced, holding a shot glass of liquor proudly in her hands.

"Lets not forget, surviving high school without having a single piece of drama come between us." 

"I love you, Haerin! Now let's drink!" She laughed and we both took a swish and of our glasses despite our disgusted faces after and danced our ways onto the dancefloor.

"Hey babe." Chills were sent throughout my body and I jumped out of suprisement.

"How's my wonderful boyfriend?" I swayed as I turned around to kiss Myungsoo.

"Fine. And you my beautiful girlfriend?" A comforting smile curved on his face and he kissed me again.

"I'm ready to par-tay!" I yelled, pulling his body closer and continued to dance with him. 


Damn. Where's Hyuna?

I searched the crowded floor for my bestfriend. How long was I dancing? My head rung with pain from the numerous shots I had drunk. I blew my breath into my hands and immediately brought them away. Gross. Too many drink. Before I was to give up my search for Hyuna, she appeared before me. 

"Haerin, where have ya been?" she said, her speech a bit slurred from the drinks she must've taken. 

"Oh...I was over--" I was cut off by a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey Haerin...congrats." There before me was Jaejoong. I didn't even know he was invited to the party. I didn't even know he could party.

"Oh...hey." Hyuna and I said in unision.


Jaejoong would be the one to creep out of no where and approach us. He held a small box in front of me and I humbly accepted it and opened it in my palms. Jaejoong stood there, eyeing me cautiously as I suspected the tiny object. I had to admit, the ring was beautiful.

"I have to, outside. Text me when you're um, done." I mumbled to Hyuna as I shuffled my way out from the crowd and pushed the doors that read, "Exit." I couldn't help but notice the sly smirk that illuminated from Jaejoong's face before I left. What was that about? I assumed nothing and brushed the thought away. Anyway, that was Jaejoong: suspicous and awkward. 

Beep. Beep. A faint alarming noise erupted from my cell and I rushed to find it in my purse.

"A new text? From who?" I questioned aloud.


From: Hyuna :-] 

Message: Meet me by the bushes near the exit. Hurry.


Was Hyuna in trouble? I ran as fast as I could in me heels until I reached the bushes she directed me to. 

"Hyuna? Hyuna? I'm here! Where are you?" I screamed. 

Before I could turn around to check for Hyuna, I heard a rustling of buses behind me and froze.

"Hyuna?" I said again, accidentally letting fear slip into my voice.

An intense pain shot in my back and I groaned as I fell to the ground. 

This was not Hyuna. 

My back burned and I still felt like I was being watched. Who could possibly want to attack me?

"Who are you?" I yelled to the darkness, still on my knees.

Silence. Then breathing. Heavy breathing. It got closer by the second. And before I could guess my next move, I out.

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Yo_Smile #1
I'm so happy you uploaded.
D: is Hyuna going to be evil to her bestfriend?!
TwinSoul #2
@missukiss7 I'm glad you like it :)
@asian_ninja712 don't worry, I'll put up a picture you'll LOVE this time ;)
wah~^^ unnie u need to teach me how to write that well... kekeke onew...
TwinSoul #4
I'm glad you like it:) and I'll update as soon as I get the pesky school tests out of the way, which will be soon!<3
Thanks for leaving me a comment~!
this is so intense.. i love it!<br />
i oddly liked the scene with hyuna&myungsoo.. hopefully there's more? ^^
TwinSoul #6
lol I'm glad you liked it!<3 <br />
lol everyone is cheating on everyone T_T haha~ <br />
WHAT TO DO?! <- wait for next update;) <br />
<br />
I'll update asap :)
Yo_Smile #7
Yay i'm so happy you updated! :D<br />
Haerin's cheating on Myungsoo D:<br />
But Myungsoo also kissed hyuna :D<br />
Update soon!^^
TwinSoul #8
Lol, thanks for reading and commenting ^_^ and I'm sorry about the font, I didn't notice it until yesterday:/ <br />
And you'll have to read to find out ;)
hanzxxx #9
those fonts are so smalllllllllllllllll O.O hehehehe XD why did he kiss hyuna? X\
Yo_Smile #10
Omg!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!<br />
D: You left us with a cliff hanger!! Arg!!<br />
xD I really enjoyed the Hyuna/Myungsoo moment~~ ^^<br />