My Very Own Living Hell

Things Happen (Secret Obsession)

Haerin's Pov

I slowly began to snap into reality, but almost immediatly regretted it. A sharp pain in my back greeted me after my who knows how long sleep. I decided to open my eyes, blinking away the haziness that lingered. I struggled up with my still unclear vision, stabilizing myself against a wall.

I don't remember how I got here... 

I looked at around at the long light coming from a desk nearby. The walls were dark with ripped patches, as if someone had been scratching away at them. I was on a small bed in the corner of the room. My heart sped up as flashes of the party whizzed through my mind. My breath grew uneven when I began to weigh all the possibilities.

Maybe Myungsoo carried me here...but why here?

Maybe Hyuna is playing a prank on me...but shes never gone this far...

I guess I was too deep in my thoughts to notice the shadow slowly making its way towards me.

"You're awake?" I jumped in surprise at the sudden voice that was't my own.

"Jaejoong?!" I gasped, a bit relieved that some phsyco didn't take me instead.

"Hi, Haerin." he smirked at me. Creepy much? I guess I should expect that much from Jaejoong.

"Where am I? Why are you here?" My eyes turned into slits.

"Sweetie, calm down." He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, as if he was completely oblivious to the current situation at hand.

"How long was I out?" I glared, backing away from his more than friendly touch.

"A day and a half...give or take."

"WHAT?! Why?! What happened?! Where am I?!" I shouted in frustration, moving back everytime he came closer.

"Don't worry, we have all the time in the world to answer these questions." He greasily smiled at me, sitting beside me when I backed up into a corner.

"What are you talking about?! I need to go home." I yelled, emphasizing the word home, trying to get up only to be pulled back harshly as Jaejoong pinned my wrists to the wall.

"No. You don't. You're going to be with me now." Jaejoong grinned innocently, as if I was the one at fault.

"Jaejoong! Get a hold of yourself! We're both going to get in trouble! Hyuna must be worried sick and Myungsoo--" I gasped, holding my cheek after Jaejoong slapped it, not allowing me to finish what I was saying.

"Don't ever say his name around me again." Jaejoong angrily spat, pressing my wrists against the wall painfully.

"You can't keep me here! I have a life to go back to!" I argued back, refusing to give in.

"No. I'm not going to let you leave. You will love me, unless you want to get hurt." His glare piereced my barrier of strength. 

"Jaejoong, you can't force someone to love you--"

"Shut up! I'll do as I like!" 

"Why are you doing this?!" By now, angry tears streamed down my face, my barrier had finally broken. 

"Because we were meant to be and this is the only way to prove it." He let go of my wrists, getting up and walking away.

"You can't leave me here!" I yelled, grabbing hold onto his hoodie.

"The hell I can." He pushed me off and left me on the floor crying without a second glance.

"How the heck am I supposed to get out of here?" I cried, drawing my knees to my chest, in defeat.

"No, I need to try. I have to get out of here." I stumbled up, walking to the door. I twisted the doorknob to discover it was locked. I frantically ran my hands through my hair and smirked when I found it...a hair pin. I carefully stuck it into the key hold, twisting here and there until I heard a heavenly clicking sound, signalling that I had unlocked the door. I smiled to myseld only to have it wiped off from my face as the door rammed into me, sending me flying to the ground.

"Clever, clever girl." I gazed at Jaejoong through my blurred vision, feeling a warm liquid run down the side of my head. I touched the source, wincing realizing it was blood.

"If you run away from here, I'll still find you, so you might as well not try." Jaejoong walked to me, slapping me hard. I stared up, horrified. Jaejoong harshly took my face in his hands.

"Don't test me Park Haerin. You'll regret it." Jaejoong threw my head down, causing it to hit the ground, shooting a painful shock through my body. The pain ceased to stop as Jaejoong grabbed my wrist, dragging my to the bed, before forcefully pushing me against the wall.

"You'll love me whether I have to hurt you or not." Jaejoong growled and walked out, slamming the door. I heard several clicks and a bang before the only sound heard was my sobs echoing in my very own living hell. 

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Yo_Smile #1
I'm so happy you uploaded.
D: is Hyuna going to be evil to her bestfriend?!
TwinSoul #2
@missukiss7 I'm glad you like it :)
@asian_ninja712 don't worry, I'll put up a picture you'll LOVE this time ;)
wah~^^ unnie u need to teach me how to write that well... kekeke onew...
TwinSoul #4
I'm glad you like it:) and I'll update as soon as I get the pesky school tests out of the way, which will be soon!<3
Thanks for leaving me a comment~!
this is so intense.. i love it!<br />
i oddly liked the scene with hyuna&myungsoo.. hopefully there's more? ^^
TwinSoul #6
lol I'm glad you liked it!<3 <br />
lol everyone is cheating on everyone T_T haha~ <br />
WHAT TO DO?! <- wait for next update;) <br />
<br />
I'll update asap :)
Yo_Smile #7
Yay i'm so happy you updated! :D<br />
Haerin's cheating on Myungsoo D:<br />
But Myungsoo also kissed hyuna :D<br />
Update soon!^^
TwinSoul #8
Lol, thanks for reading and commenting ^_^ and I'm sorry about the font, I didn't notice it until yesterday:/ <br />
And you'll have to read to find out ;)
hanzxxx #9
those fonts are so smalllllllllllllllll O.O hehehehe XD why did he kiss hyuna? X\
Yo_Smile #10
Omg!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!<br />
D: You left us with a cliff hanger!! Arg!!<br />
xD I really enjoyed the Hyuna/Myungsoo moment~~ ^^<br />