Personal Message

Hey we're Barbra and Grace!


We're completely opposite best friends that share one thing in common...




Please enjoy our stories and support us!! 

Thanks~! And if you'd be so kind and visit our TUMBLR page ^_^


About Me

113609y3nrq3qd73.gifHey! This is grace, I'm in charge of this profile while my friend Barbra, is in charge of the tumblr site.
(The website link is above, please check it out!)

I hope you enjoy and support our stories, and spread the word about them too~! heart

Your support and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is greatly appreciated!

A little bit about me :)

I'm a high schooler who loves to write stories and songs! I'm also asian;) 

I'm in love with pandas, and if you could get me one you will be loved forever. 

I don't bite...or eat send me a message and get to know me! thanks~!heart


Now...a bit about....Barbra!!!!

Hi, I’m Barbra. (Barb for short) Um, I would give you this long description about myself… but what would the point be in that? I can tell you I’m a writer and an intense thinker. I’m quiet most of the times and awkward 24/7. My favorite animal is the elegant and suave cheetah. Basically, my goal is for my readers to know me through my writings and sooner or later you’ll know us by our writings.

The little things about me:

I eat… a lot. 

I write… a lot.

I sleep… a lot.

I’m Nigerian and proud.

I’m a Tumblr addict.  

Get to know me ;)