
Things Happen (Secret Obsession)

Haerin POV


"With that...I leave you all to start a new journey and I hope you'll follow and do the same. Congratulations class of 2012~" Our valedictorian Sunggyu waved, showing off the eye smile we would all miss.

Our class cheered and threw their caps in the air, immediatly being showered with hugs and kisses from families and friends that came for support.

"Congrats to us!" A voice cheered as a pair of arms found their way around my waist. I spun around ready to punch whoever it was in the face only to be greeted with a soft gaze. I quickly pulled away seeing it was Myungsoo, suddenly interested in the dying grass beneath our feet.

"Hey! We're not high schoolers anymore!" My best friend Hyuna squealed, tackling me in a bear hug, thankfully breaking the awkward moment.

"I know right!" I squealed back, causing Myungsoo to roll his eyes at our girlish acts. 

"Haerin,'re friends with Jaejoong right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Maybe you should go congratulate him or something." I followed Hyuna's gaze to see Jaejoong sitting in a chair, fumbling with his phone. I gave Hyuna a look before I walked over to Jaejoong.

"Hey, shouldn't you be going out and celebrating...?" I softly trailed off, breaking the mini wrestling match between him and his phone.

"Huh? Oh, Haerin-ssi. I'm w-waiting for my parents."

"Hey, we're friends right? Drop the formalities." I uneasily grinned.

"Oh. okay, Haerin-ah." He seemed to spit out, not used to no formalities with me. 

"Okay, well I have to go. Congrats." I smiled, standing on my tippy toes to give him a friendly hug. I felt him freeze, shocked at my sudden skinship.

I strode back to Myungsoo, leaving a baffled Jaejoong, to find Hyuna gone. As if he read my mind he answered, "Her parents picked her up."

"Oh." I disappointingly murmured. 

"Well, since its's you want to go out for coffee or something?"

"Sure." I looked away as my cheeks began to heat up.

We hopped into his car, driving off to a nearby cáfe. 

"Two decaf americanos." Myungsoo ordered when the waiter came. She began to brew our coffee as we sat across from each other in a booth my the window.

"So what are you going to do this summer?" Myungsoo broke the silence.

"Hmmm...I dunno-"

"Shop?" We both said at the same time, laughing immediatly after. Our laughs died down and came to a complete stop when our eyes met. I followed his eyes as they left mine and traveled to my flushed cheeks...all the way to my lips. I suddenly felt a lump in my throat as I noticed he began to lean in. My heart began to beat faster than the drums in the music playing through the overhead speakers.

"Ahem." We broke apart to see the waiter with our orders, standing awkwardly, looking anywhere but our direction.

"S-sorry about r-ruining you mo-moment." She stuttered, carefully setting our drinks down, and hurriedly shuffled away, bumping into a couple of tables along the way.

"Sorry." Myungsoo mumbled engulfing his attention on the drinks in front of us.

"If only she hadn't interupted." I mumbled under my breath.

"Did you want me to kiss you?" Myungsoo smirked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Would it be wrong to say yes?" I questioned, expecting an interesting reply.

"So does this mean you like me?" Myungsoo sat forward, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Well, you leaned in first, so that means you like me." I sat forward as well, challenging him.

"I guess theres only one way to settle this." Myungsoo chuckled and gave me a look, as if I was supposed to know what he meant.

"How?" I asked, since this guy is about as readable as a rock. 

"Be my girlfriend." 

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Yo_Smile #1
I'm so happy you uploaded.
D: is Hyuna going to be evil to her bestfriend?!
TwinSoul #2
@missukiss7 I'm glad you like it :)
@asian_ninja712 don't worry, I'll put up a picture you'll LOVE this time ;)
wah~^^ unnie u need to teach me how to write that well... kekeke onew...
TwinSoul #4
I'm glad you like it:) and I'll update as soon as I get the pesky school tests out of the way, which will be soon!<3
Thanks for leaving me a comment~!
this is so intense.. i love it!<br />
i oddly liked the scene with hyuna&myungsoo.. hopefully there's more? ^^
TwinSoul #6
lol I'm glad you liked it!<3 <br />
lol everyone is cheating on everyone T_T haha~ <br />
WHAT TO DO?! <- wait for next update;) <br />
<br />
I'll update asap :)
Yo_Smile #7
Yay i'm so happy you updated! :D<br />
Haerin's cheating on Myungsoo D:<br />
But Myungsoo also kissed hyuna :D<br />
Update soon!^^
TwinSoul #8
Lol, thanks for reading and commenting ^_^ and I'm sorry about the font, I didn't notice it until yesterday:/ <br />
And you'll have to read to find out ;)
hanzxxx #9
those fonts are so smalllllllllllllllll O.O hehehehe XD why did he kiss hyuna? X\
Yo_Smile #10
Omg!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!<br />
D: You left us with a cliff hanger!! Arg!!<br />
xD I really enjoyed the Hyuna/Myungsoo moment~~ ^^<br />