Minghao Drabble

Seventeen Drabbles
The rain never stopped; the storm had started a few hours earlier and hadn’t stopped. Halfway through the storm your phone started ringing, scaring you almost as much as the thunder outside.
“Hello?” You answered in a shaky voice.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Minghao asked.
“I’m fine, it’s nothing.”
“Are you sure? You don’t sound fine.”
Thunder struck loudly overhead, making you shriek down the phone. All your boyfriend could hear was you whimpering quietly to yourself. Wondering if he should you call you back at a better time, he started to say his goodbye.
“Please don’t leave,” You said as you crawled under a blanket, hoping the thick fabric would block out the flashing of the lightning. 
“Then will you tell me whats wrong?” 
“Its stormy out,” You said quietly.
“Ohh! Hey now, you just listen to my voice, alright? I’ll get you through this.” 
“I wish you were here with me.”
“One day, I will be."


Honestly so thankful for drabble suggestions. This one was based on this: "Long distance phone call with Minghao, its sunset where he is and its raining/stormy where you are, you ask him not to leave bc you’re scared of thunder."
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