Jun Drabble

Seventeen Drabbles
The snow scattered across the ground, laying in thick white sheets as you walked to the grocery store. In the dark of the evening, the yellow street lamps made the snow glow.
You hurried into the small shop and almost ran to the ramen isle. As you approached, you caught a glimpse of something you hadn’t seen in months. Someone you hadn’t seen in months. He stood before you, a packet of ramen in each hand. You swallowed the lump in your throat and moved closer. 
It had been a long time. His work meant so much to him, you couldn’t help but feel like a distraction, so you left. He begged you to stay, he fought for you, but you couldn’t bare to see his career slip because of you. You regretted leaving him and you spent a lot of your time wondering if he had moved on, if he had found someone else, or if he was still fighting for you. You watched him on TV, working hard on his performances and wondered if any of it was to make you proud.
“Still can’t decide?” Your quiet voice wavered.
He looked up, staring in surprise, “Y/N?”
Missing the sound of his voice, you smiled and nodded. Jun’s arms engulfed you, holding you close as if he was afraid of losing you again. The two of you stood in each other’s arms for a while, and talked about how life had been since you last saw each other.
As you talked, you both paid for your groceries and started heading home. The tall boy insisted on walking you home, as well as carrying your bags for you, just like he used to.
“I miss you,” He blurted out. “I know you left because of my career, but I want you back.” You stopped walking and stared at him. Before you could say anything that doubted him, Jun pressed his lips against your’s. “Come home, Y/N. I still love you.”


Dunno if this ones any good?? It was really hard for me to picture it tbh. Based on: "Middle of winter, you’re out shopping when you see your ex Jun, he admits he still loves you while he walks you home.” Hope this was okay
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