Seungcheol Drabble

Seventeen Drabbles
You sighed as you gazed at the clock on your shelf and dropped your head on your desk. You had spent the entire night studying for your chemistry exam. It wasn’t for another couple of days, but you had figured the more time you spent studying, the more you’d remember.
That was a lie.
You were starting to forget the units you read through only a few hours ago. Even though you could feel how red your eyes were, you pushed on and tried to read another chapter.
Your boyfriend, Seungcheol, had fallen asleep hours ago. You felt bad about him staying with you and insisted he go home to sleep, but this loyal puppy refused to leave your side. Literally. You looked down to were he was laying, his soft features almost glowing as the sun began to rise outside.
He started to wake up slowly, his drowsy eyes gazing up at you. Seeing how bloodshot your eyes had become, he jumped up and dragged you out of your chair. “Did you not sleep at all? I told you to take a nap at least!” Before you could say anything, Seungcheol picked you up and laid you down on your bed. He sat beside you, gently your hair. “Now close your eyes and sleep!”
Ignoring your boyfriend’s command, you sat up and tried to get back to your desk. He grabbed you by your shoulders as you both pushed against each other. Both of you were too tired to put your whole strength into it, so Seungcheol settled for a different tactic. Moving his hands from your shoulders to your waist, the dark haired boy began tickling you without mercy.
“Stop! You know I’m ticklish! Nooo!!” You cried between laughs.
“I’ll stop if you get some sleep!”
“Fine fine fine!!!” 
You both collapsed on the bed and cuddled into each other, faces inches apart. The rays of the morning sun began beaming into your room, as you gazed at each other. Gently, your boyfriend brushed a strand of hair away from your face and rested his hand on your cheek. Bringing you closer, Seungcheol pressed his lips to yours in a light kiss before you fell asleep in each other’s arms.


This one was harder than I thought it'd be... Based on this prompt: "After a stressful night studying, Seungcheol tickles you into a first kiss at sunrise."


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