Mingyu Drabble

Seventeen Drabbles
Based on this prompt: I’m in art class and I just opened a cupboard to find a tiny person (you) squished inside and you just looked at and said “shh i’m hiding”
The class bell rang for the third time to announce next period had started. Mingyu made his way around the classroom, gathering all the brushes and paint pots he could find to create his ‘ultimate masterpiece’. The tall boy new he wasn’t exactly the best at art, but he enjoyed it enough to keep trying. No matter how much the other students laughed at his work, he continued to smile brightly claiming he’d try better next time.
“One colour short,” He said to himself as he looked around for the red paint pot.
As he made his way over to the shelves at the back of the room, he heard a small cough come from the cupboard in the corner. Cautiously, he made his way closer and quickly opened the door.
She sat in tight enclosure; squashed up, eyes wide. The two of them stared at each other in surprise for what seemed like forever. 
"What are you doing-“
“Shh… I’m hiding.” She whispered as she reached out for the cupboard door.
Mingyu stopped her from pulling the door shut, “Hiding from who?”
“My next class, it’s math… You really think I wanna be in there?”
The tall boy nodded; he understood, there was only 3 math teachers in the school and the kind one had taken the day off sick. Whatever teacher the small girl had, they definitely weren’t nice. “I’ll let you know when this class is over, okay?” He smiled at her, sweetly.
She thanked him timidly. He closed the door and returned to the shelves at the back of class, still searching for the missing red paint.
Someone knocked quietly on the cupboard, slowly the small girl opened the door to see Mingyu smiling at her and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I don’t suppose you have the red paint in there, do you?”
Her eyes dropped to the bottles of paint at her feet as she scanned the colours. Finding the one he asked for, she handed him the bottle and returned to her huddled postition. 
He ruffled her hair as a thank you and closed the door behind him, leaving her in the cramped cupboard.
After an hour or so, the loud bell rang once again. ‘Finally,’ Mingyu thought to himself, “Time to go home!” 
He had almost left the class when he remembered the strange girl in the cupboard. He jogged to the other side of the room and swung the small door open. Inside the tight space, the small girl was curled up asleep. Mingyu smiled to himself as he admired her pretty features. He gently shook her awake and told her it was home time. She tiredly crawled out of the cupboard and pulled her backpack out after. 
The pair walked down the practically empty corridor together, “Thank you for not ratting me out.”
“That’s alright, uhm…” He paused, as he held the door open for her, “Would it be alright if I walked you home?”
The small girl nodded, blushing as he took her hand.
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