October 6th, 2026


"1, 2, 3...—"



Minnie panicked, rushing into a random room. She examined the room, a soft smile appearing on her face as her eyes landed on a closet with scarlet door. She crossed the room to open the door and let herself into the cramped wardrobe. As she closed the doors, she was met face-to-face with her raven black-haired childhood friend.



"Teeny!" he said in a fierce whisper. "This is my hiding spot!" he complained.



"Sorry, and my name is Minnie!" she shot back.



"Ready or not, here we come!"



Minnie shushed him with her finger as they held their breath.



The sound of approaching footsteps made their heartbeats race.



"Mama, papa!" two voices called out in unison.



Before they could react, the doors to the closet were thrown wide open.



"We found you!" the two kids exclaimed, bursting into fits of laughter.



Youngjae groaned. "This is all your fault, Teeny."



Minnie rolled her eyes at him. "Grow up, Yoo Youngjae."



"Mama, papa, why do you two always hide in the same place every time we play hide-and-seek? You make it so easy for Jaemi and I to find you," Youngmin complained.



His twin sister nodded in agreement. "Yeah!" she echoed.



The married couple looked at each other knowingly, smiles plastered on their faces.



"Mrs.Yoo, care to explain?" Youngjae offered the floor to her.



Minnie chuckled, bending down to be on eye-level with her kids.



"It all started 24 years ago, in a crimson wardrobe, with a boy named Youngjae and a girl he liked to call Teeny."



The End



Happy Birthday, Yoo Youngjae!
Thank you for bringing endless happiness into my life.

For  貴

For Taka
寒さひとしお身にしみる今日このごろ私は覚えて初めて アタときから好きだった.
In this time of piercing cold, I remember how I've loved you from the very beginning.

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junghafie #1
Chapter 15: aww so sweet n simple :)
jtwakaraniii #2
Chapter 15: the simplicity of the story and time jumps give the story some type of beauty. Good job!