
My Pet

New Years Eve is finally here. And what better way to celebrate the glorious moment than celebrating it with friends? That is what Junhui, Seungcheol, and Seokmin are exactly planning to do. They asked for permission to their manager to use their workplace to hold the party. Of course, the manager let them. Junhui, Seungcheol , and Seokmin are now currently busy with their party preparation. It’s closing time for the café. But since they’re holding a party, well more like private party, they stayed late. With no more visitors of course. Their pets are also there. Having some little kitty chit chat time with each other.

“I can’t believe that manager-nim really let us use Pledis Café for our countdown party!” Junhui beams happily as he wipes the tables clean. Making them spotless.

“I know right? He even gave me the key!” Seokmin said proudly as he swings the said item back and forth like it’s a blue ribbon grand prize. Seungcheol glanced at the tall male from the kitchen and let out a chuckle.

“Yah! You better come early on the 2nd, Seokmin!” Seungcheol said teasingly. Seokmin glared at the older.

“I’m never late, Seungcheol hyung!” Seokmin whined as he keeps the key in his pocket. He prepared special cups for the occasion. The humans are busy with their work. On the other hand, the kittens are having some chat session with one another.

“Soonyoung hyung~ I heard from Jihoon hyung that there’s a new kitten coming over tonight?” Minghao asks cutely as his ears twitch in excitement. Soonyoung gave nodded cutely.

“That’s right! His name is Chan and he is super cute!” Soonyoung cooed. “We took a photo together! See?” Soonyoung showed his phone to Minghao and Jihoon. The two widened their eyes as they saw the said boy in the photo. Minghao let out a squeal as Jihoon giggled.

“Soonyoung hyung! He’s so adorable!” Minghao said as he clenches his fist and continues squealing. Jihoon giggled at Minghao’s reactions.

“He’s super cute. No joke, Soonyoung. When is he coming?” Jihoon asked.

“He said maybe he’ll be coming late because his masters have some errands to do.” Soonyoung said with a pout. Minghao let out a soft whimper.

“Well at least we know he’s coming, right?” Jihoon said happily. They continued their chat session. Time passes by as the Pledis Café is finally set for the countdown party. It was decorated with silver streamers, Pledis Café’s trademark color. The pets helped with the tiny ornaments. In short, it was beautifully decorated. The kittens looked around in awe as their masters prepare for their party. The clock shows 9 p.m.

“They should be here by now.” Junhui said. What luck. As soon as he said so, he heard the bell rang. It was Jeonghan and his pet Jisoo. They greeted each other happily. Jisoo greeted his fellow kind as well.

“Hey there, Jeonghan hyung!” Junhui said as he gave a high five. Jeonghan responded the same and greets Seokmin and Seungcheol.

“How’s it going, beautiful?” Seungcheol cooed, showing his playboy self. Jeonghan chuckled as he rolls his eyes at the lad.

“Watch your mouth, Seungcheol. My boyfriend might be mad if he finds out you’re flirting with me.” Jeonghan said.

“Jeonghan hyung! You’re going out with Wonwoo hyung already? Congratulations!” Seokmin said with a gasp. Junhui and Seungcheol did the same. Of course, Jeonghan and Wonwoo are best friends. Who wouldn’t suspect it. However, what happened next made the trio’s eyes widened ten times bigger.

“Jeonghannie~” A soft voice called out. It was Jeonghan’s pet, Jisoo. Junhui got startled. No ‘master’ was mentioned before Jeonghan’s name. Seungcheol tilts his head confused. They fixed their ears on the master and pet’s conversations. Apparently Jisoo was thirsty and he asked Jeonghan to buy him a drink. If Seokmin didn’t heard it wrong, Jisoo wants Iced Americano. They saw the kitten leave to gather with his kind, not forgetting to give a peck on his master’s cheeks. Jeonghan then turned towards Seokmin. He chuckled at the sight.

“You heard my boyfriend, right? One iced Americano please.” Jeonghan said happily.

“So… You’re dating… Your own pet?” Seokmin said. Jeonghan gave a nod.

“And you guys thought I was dating Wonwoo?” Jeonghan laughed at the trio. He shook his head lightly. “Wonwoo is a great guy. But I prefer someone cute and affectionate. Jisoo definitely fits the criteria.” He continued.

“So that’s what Jihoon’s been talking about the past few days.” Seungcheol nodded as he heard Jeonghan’s explanations. Jeonghan and Jisoo’s new level of relationship has been the talk of the town amongst their pets. Not to mention that they indeed looked good together. Junhui couldn’t help but to feel slightly envious to his friend’s new relationship.

You thought the humans are the only one that’s having a good time? Nope. In fact, the kittens are having a great time bonding with each other. Of course, Jisoo was the center of attention. He wears a necklace. Not a collar anymore.

“Jisoo hyung! How’s master Jeonghan? Is he kind? Is he good? Does he make you nice meals?” Soonyoung asked curiously. Jisoo just chuckle.

“Mast-, I mean… Jeonghannie is great! We spend the whole Christmas-New year week together.” Jisoo beamed. He’s madly in love with Jeonghan.

“Uwah~ That is so romantic!” Minghao cooed. “I also went to the amusement park. I had my first kiss with master Junhui.” He said proudly.

“You had your first kiss already and you didn’t tell us, Minghao?” Jihoon said in disbelief. Minghao blushed a shade of red.

“I’m never trusting you again, Minghao.” Soonyoung whined. Jisoo just chuckle at the other’s behavior. He looked around at the café as he saw Seungcheol coming towards them with a plate of Christmas treats.

“You guys must be hungry, right? Here are some sugar cookies and chocolate milk for you guys.” Seungcheol said warmly. Soonyoung being the hyper kitten he is clapped his hands happily as Seungcheol placed the treats on the table. They look at the cookies in awe. It was pretty. Not to mention the colorful tiny sprinkles on the top.

“Thank you, Master Seungcheol!” They said in unison. They took one each and started munching on it.

“You’re welcome. Have fun you guys. The rest will be here soon.” Seungcheol said softly. The kittens nodded as they continue eating their food.


An hour has passed. Wonwoo and Mingyu has finally arrive in the party venue. They are greeted by the others. Mingyu glomped next to Minghao as he snuggled onto the latter.

“Hello everyone~” Mingyu said with a giggle. Minghao did the same. Because he’s ticklish.

“Mingyu-ya, that tickles.” Minghao whined as he cowars away from Mingyu. Mingyu pouted at his friend’s actions. The other giggled seeing their interactions.

“Okay, fine. You’re not coming to my house again, Minghao.” Mingyu said as he crossed his arms. “By the way, I heard that-“

“A new kitten is coming over. Yes. That’s right.” Jihoon said as he plays with Soonyoung’s tail.

“Why are you so sassy, Jihoon hyung…” Mingyu wailed. Jihoon stuck out his tongue to the grey-tailed kitten. Earning a round of laughter from the other kittens. On the other hand, the humans are seen enjoying some beverages. Mostly their favorites from Pledis Café.

“So how’s your project doing, Wonwoo?” Junhui asked as he glanced at the said man.

“It’s going pretty well. I’m handling another game now. It’s going to be a life simulation.” Wonwoo said.

“Woo~ Life Simulation. My kind of game.” Seokmin beamed happily.

“Hey, that reminds me of something. Our manager wants to put up an advertisement for Pledis Café. I figured perhaps Jeonghan and Wonwoo could give us a hand? Since they’re perfect for the job.” Seungcheol explained.

“Sounds great. When can we talk to your manager?” Jeonghan asked.

“Maybe after the New Year week rush. We’ll be super busy during the first week of January.” Seungcheol responded. Jeonghan and Wonwoo smiled.

“We’ll be looking forward to our new project.” Wonwoo said. Suddenly the doorbell rang. The final guests has finally arrived.

“Yo wassup everyone!” Hansol said as he entered the café. Loud cheers are heard as the two entered. Seungkwan, being the diva he is, walks in fabulously.

“Still sassy as ever.” Seokmin laughed. “Where’s Chan by the way?” He asked.

“Who’s Chan? Seungkwan and Hansol’s classmate?” Junhui tilted his head confusingly. The said kitten peeped out his head behind Hansol and waves shyly. The humans cooed at his cuteness.

“You didn’t tell us you had a kitten too!” Seungcheol squealed.

“Who are you? Their parents?” Wonwoo asked as he let out a light laugh. “Mingyu has been talking about him. Why don’t you go gather with them, Chan?” He continued. Chan nodded as he heads down to where his kinds are gathering.

“Soonyoungie hyung!” Chan called out. The said boy stood up and gave a hug to the younger. It’s been a habit for them, or specifically Soonyoung, to greet each other by hugging.

“Channie! Hello there~” Soonyoung giggled. The others are left in awe with Chan. No kidding, he’s cute. Even Mingyu is surprised.

“He’s so cute!” Mingyu cooed. “Is this Chan that we’ve been talking about?” He said. Soonyoung gave a nod.

“Yep! Everyone, this is Chan. Chan, why don’t you introduce yourself?” Soonyoung said. Chan nodded.

“Hello everyone! I’m Chan. My master is Master Seungkwan and Master Hansol. I hope we can be good friends.” Chan introduced himself. He was overflowing with confidence. The kittens seems to like him.

“Chan is very cute. Welcome to the group, Channie!” Jihoon greeted. They all stood up and gave a group hug to the new addition. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a tradition for them to give hugs and kisses to each other. They may come from different breeds. But their common trait is, they’re affectionate. The masters are silently eyeing them as they let out small chuckles every once in a while. Seungcheol glanced at his wristwatch.

“Psst, guys. It’s 30 minutes to midnight. Shall we start the fun?” Seungcheol asked. The humans nodded in unison. Jeonghan stood up and walks towards the kittens as Junhui went to turn up some dance music to set the party mood.

“Kids, come on. It’s almost midnight. Let’s go gather together.” Jeonghan said. With that, the kittens stood up and rushes towards their masters. They spend the rest 30 minutes talking about their hopes and dreams for the upcoming year.

“Well, I personally reached my main goal this year. And that is becoming official with this cutie right here.” Jeonghan said as he tickled Jisoo’s chin. They cooed at the affections.

“We will catch up with you two. Don’t look down on us.” Seungcheol laughed.

“I’ll be waiting for the news to come out.” Jeonghan said in a teasing voice.


The clock echoed. The arms pointing to twelve. Which means…

“Happy New Year, everyone!” Seungcheol beamed. Confetti are blown everywhere. The group cheered as they greet the first day of the new year. They had a great time spending it together.

“I hope our friendship could grow stronger this year. And may everything good happens to us in this new year. New year, new hope!” Seokmin shouted loudly. The other’s cheered as they continue their party. They spend their new year connecting with each other.


“Happy new year!” They all said in unison.

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Chapter 2: Im glad to find this jihan fic XD
Jihan is cute XD
Chapter 2: Waaaaah My Jihan is so kawaii
Chansoo6336 #4
Chapter 10: I want to be a cat girl!!!
swagxxo #5
Chapter 11: THANKYOUUUUU /cries
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Call_Me_Oppa #7
Call_Me_Oppa #8
Call_Me_Oppa #9
Call_Me_Oppa #10