
My Pet

It was a noisy morning in Seungcheol’s household. Seungcheol hasn’t slept a single minute because he was busy making new fusion treats for Year End specials in Pledis Café. He’s a chef there. He was an expert at cooking. Not to mention he invented new recipes that made his workplace rose to fame. He’s a hard worker, and his hard work paid him off.

Jihoon woke up to the rustling voice he heard outside of his shared bedroom as he let out a small growl. Jihoon walked out of his room and he groaned as he saw the sight of the messy kitchen. He saw his master’s face. It was smeared with chocolate, flour, in short, it’s a mess. Jihoon approached his master carefully as he scratched his hair and let out a lazy yawn.

“What are you doing master?” Jihoon asked lazily as he looked up at his master. Seungcheol flashed a bright smile to his pet as he gave a huggle.

“Good morning, Jihoonnie! How’s your sleep? Did you sleep well? Seungcheol greeted cutely. Jihoon on the other hand seems a bit uncomfortable with the affections. Especially his master smelled like cake.

“U-Um, good morning, Master. I had a good sleep.” Jihoon said. The hug was slightly too intimate. “I had a good sleep until your noise woke me up.” He continued as he looked at his master coldly. Seungcheol grinned sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck.

“Oops! Sorry, Jihoon. I didn’t mean to wake you up. Will you forgive me? Please, Jihoonnie?” Seungcheol said. Jihoon cringed at the way his master’s act.

“Um… Alright, alright. I forgive you.” Jihoon said as he gave a shy pat to his master’s back.

“Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about! By the way, I made a new recipe. Do you want to try?” Seungcheol said as he hands Jihoon a treat he made. Jihoon carefully observes it with his tiny eyes. The treat has green color, a weird color for a sweet treat as Jihoon thought. It was shaped like an unbalanced cone with a mini chocolate peanut butter cup snack attached on the bottom. Perhaps a Christmas tree? And the green part looks like a bunch of rice grains stuck together. Seungcheol added a melted white substance and a tiny Honey Cereal on top of it. Jihoon assumed that the white substance is either icing or melted chocolate. It was a bite-sized snack. Jihoon ate the snack in one go and savored the taste. The moment he did so, he felt like just flew to sugar heaven. It tastes good. No, it tasted great. In fact, it was beyond amazing. Seungcheol looked at him full of anticipation

“How does it taste, Jihoon-ah?” Seungcheol asked.

“Uh… It’s good, I guess?” Jihoon said as he munched down the snack slowly. So much for telling the truth.

“Really? Perhaps there’s anything I need to add?” Seungcheol said as he stares at Jihoon who was still munching his food. The other thought. It tastes great enough already. Why bother adding something more.

“I’m not sure… I think it is good enough already.” Jihoon said flatly. Seungcheol on the other hand just kept looking back from the recipes and the ingredients. His lips formed a pout as he scratched his head confusingly. Even so, he raised his shoulder and shrugs it off. He puts down his recipe book and looked around and noticed that Jihoon was there, staring at him. Seungcheol flashed his sweet smile. Seungcheol could see a small blush crept up onto Jihoon’s face.  Jihoon looked away in embarrassement which only makes his master giggle. Seungcheol gave the boy a big teddy bear hug again.

“Jihoon-ah you are so cute!” Seungcheol said as he shook the boy’s body while wrapping him in a tight warm embrace. Jihoon loves it, but he’ll never admit that to his master. As an otaku would say, Jihoon is a tsundere. But sometimes, he really wants to fight back his master. Probably because his hugs are slightly suffocating. Well, it’s not that he can’t fight back. But he just lets his master to have his own way with him. Even if he tried to fight back, it’s no use. His master was strong. Unlike him, not to mention his petite body that will always back him off from winning against his master.


Seungcheol just finished showering. Getting rid of the scent of cake from his body. He walked out fully dressed as he saw his pet kitten all spread out on the living room rug as he fiddles with his phone. Seungcheol snuck up on his kitten and took his phone. Jihoon’s eyes grew wide as he saw what his master did.

“Master! Give it back! I was texting Soonyoungie!” Jihoon said as he reached out his hand to grab his phone back. It was no use anyway. Seungcheol giggled

“Oh, you’re little kitty friend? Let me see.” Seungcheol grinned as he browsed through the message thread. What he saw was the cutest thing ever. The phone beeped as a new message arrives. Seungcheol read it loudly.

From : Soonyoungie

I know, right? My master is awesome! (>w<) He makes me nice meals too! I just love it when he did that to me. And he’s a funny one~ You should come over once in a while to play with him \(^o^)/

Seungcheol  giggled at the reply. The other boy huffed and snatched back his phone. He pets the younger’s ears softly. Earning a slight whimper from Jihoon.

“That’s not funny, Master.” Jihoon typed a quick reply and keeps his phone in his pocket in case his sneaky master would do the same thing again.

“It is to me. You never use those cute emoticons on me! What gives, Jihoon?” Seungcheol asked as he fakes a hurt expression. Jihoon cringes at his master’s actions.

“You never use emoticons on me either! You always use it only with Master Junhui and Master Seokmin!” Jihoon said coolly as he crosses his arms.

“I send hearts everytime, Jihoon!” Seungcheol stated. Jihoon rolled his eyes at his master’s words and lightly shook his head.

“Alright, Master. And yes. I was about to tell you that I’m going to visit Soonyoungie. Can I go, Master?” Jihoon asked. Seungcheol nodded.

“I don’t see why not. I was about to leave to the bookstore to buy a new recipe book. Go ahead then. But don’t go home pass six, okay?” Seungcheol reminded as he got up and grabs his jacket. Jihoon did the same. They left their apartmen shortly. Seungcheol, being the kind-hearted master he is decides to drive Jihoon to the lad’s destination. Not forgetting his newly made treats as a heart-warming gift for his friend.


As soon as Seungcheol finished dropping Jihoon off at his friend’s house, he took his leave to the bookstore. He needs some new recipe books. He’s specialized in sweets. Of course, he’s a chef in a café for a reason. It doesn’t take that long for Seungcheol to arrive. As soon as he arrives at the bookstore, he starts looking around. He visited the bookstore frequently. So he was familiar with the store itself. It’s like he was a worker in the store.

Meanwhile, in Seokmin’s household, it was chaos. No, it’s not a big chaos. It’s just noisy because Jihoon and Soonyoung are being extremely loud. Seokmin, Jihoon’s friend’s master, literally did a face palm as he saw the two kittens playing around the now messy living room. He decides to have a rest instead.

“Jihoon-ah! Where are you going, small boy?” Soonyoung teased as he threw a pillow towards the latter, failing miserably. Thank heavens for Jihoon’s body size.

“You missed, Soonyoung!” Jihoon said as he stuck out his tongue to the other as he did the same action. With nice aiming, it hits Soonyoung’s head perfectly. The latter fell down back first. Jihoon tackled and sat on top of the other kitten’s stomach. Earning a whimper from the kitten below him.

“Jihoon-ah! You’re heavy you know!”  Soonyoung said. Jihoon let out a small giggle.

“You’re heavier!” Jihoon said as he playfully pokes his paws all over Soonyoung’s face. Soonyoung giggled at Jihoon’s behavior. He was ticklish, that’s all.  They spend their day messing around, until they are all tired of laughing. They lied down on the center of the living room and started sharing stories about their masters.

“How’s master Seungcheol?” Soonyoung started off as he glanced at his bestfriend. Just by hearing his name, Jihoon could feel his cheeks burning.

“Master Seungcheol? He’s cool.” Jihoon said shyly. Soonyoung smirked as he heard his bestfriend’s answer.

“You have a crush on him, don’t you?” Soonyoung fussed. Jihoon looked away, trying to hide his blushing face.

“Uh… I, I guess?” Jihoon gave an awkward answer. Soonyoung just laugh at the latter. He has known Jihoon for quite a while yet his shyness always amuses him.

“You know Jihoon, you could’ve just be honest with him. Look at you! Everytime I mentioned his name, you turned red. Pretty sure you have butterflies in your stomach too, right?” Soonyoung teased Jihoon even more. Yes, he admits that he felt butterflies everytime his master shows his love towards him. Not to mention that Seungcheol is very affectionate. Maybe too affectionate. But Jihoon always likes it when his master showers him with hugs and tiny little kisses on his cheeks. Although he tried to hide it of course, acting all cool and tough in front of Seungcheol.

“I can’t just tell him all willy nilly. He’s my master!” Jihoon said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. Soonyoung played with Jihoon’s tail.

“So? What’s the big deal? Word is Jisoo hyung actually confessed to master Jeonghan and he got his collar off already. I think Jisoo hyung is the only one from us that already took off his collar. Not sure with Mingyu and Minghao.” Soonyoung added. Jihoon looked at his friend in shock. He never knew that Jisoo would take his relationship with his master to a whole new level. Jihoon snatched away the other’s hands from his tail as he rolled his body so he was fully facing Soonyoung.

“You think that my master would feel the same?” Jihoon asked as he looks at Soonyoung. The latter just raised his shoulders.

“I don’t know. He seems pretty attached to you. And I kinda went through your phone once and he was like-“ Soonyoung were cut off by an angry Jihoon.

“You did what now?! Soonyoung, I trusted you!” Jihoon said as he smacked the other’s shoulder.

“Aye! You went through my phone once too! You deleted my message history with my master! My treasure…” Soonyoung said as he let out a wail. “Anyway, yes. I went through your phone and I saw the messages your master send and boy, Master Seungcheol cares about you a lot.” He added. Jihoon stayed silent. He’s in deep thought.

“Ah, no. I wouldn’t want to risk myself. I prefer being his pet after all.” Jihoon said as he sat up and hugs his feet. “We’ve been playing all day. What time is it now?” He continued.

“Half past seven. Why?” Soonyoung asked.

“WHAT? IT’S DARK ALREADY?” Jihoon said in disbelief. Soonyoung got up and pulled the curtains. Jihoon could see the bright city lights. Jihoon gasps. He checked his phone. Three missed calls from Seungcheol. He stood up and puts on his shoes and jackets immediately.

“Sorry, Soonyoung. I gotta go. Catch you up tomorrow!” Jihoon said as he bid his goodbye and rushed out Soonyoung’s apartment. He was late. He should be home by six. It’s the rules he agreed with Seungcheol.


Long story short, Jihoon arrived in their apartment. He was lucky that he found some money in his jacket. Just enough to pay the bus fare. He rushed inside. He saw his master sitting on the couch. He gulped.

“Uh… I’m home?” Jihoon greeted. Seungcheol stood up and turned to walk towards the younger.

“Where have you been, Jihoon?” Seungcheol asked. Jihoon looked down.

“I…I’m sorry, Master. I came late. I forgot to check my phone too.” Jihoon explained as he tried to avoid eye contact with his master. One thing Jihoon doesn’t like, is seeing his master get disappointed. But now, he’s the reason why he’s feeling that way.

“I told you not to go home past the time I told you, Jihoon.” Seungcheol said as he crossed his arms. “Look at me, kitten.” He demanded. Jihoon looked up immediately. Seungcheol was not the angry type but seeing him angry like this send shivers down to Jihoon’s spine.

“I sincerely apologize, Master. Please forgive me.” Jihoon said softly. He kept his head low, too afraid to look at his master.

“Jihoon, I told you to look at me.” Seungcheol demanded. A little bit softer than before. He realized his tone wasn’t right. Jihoon looked up at his master again with his tears starts pooling in his eyes.

“Yes, Master Seungcheol?” Jihoon said. To his surprise, Seungcheol wrapped him in a tight embrace. He planted a soft kiss on Jihoon’s cheek.

“I was worried sick about you, Jihoon-ah…” Seungcheol trailed off. He hugged his pet like he’s tightly, as if he’s about to lose him. Jihoon hugged back as he sneakily wiped off his tears. Not wanting Seungcheol to see his soft side.

“I’m sorry, master Seungcheol.” Jihoon said for the nth time. Seungcheol pulls back and looks at his pet lovingly.

“It’s okay. But please, never do that again. Got it?” Seungcheol said as he grabs Jihoon’s shoulders sternly and pulls him into another hug. Jihoon giggled softly.

“Got it! Sorry for making you worried, master Seungcheol. I’ll be better from now on.” Jihoon flashed his sweetest smile. Seungcheol chuckled as he heard his kitten’s precious giggle. It was something he doesn’t hear often. Yet when he does, it makes Seungcheol fall even more for Jihoon.

“Jihoon-ah, did you just giggle? That was the cutest thing ever!” Seungcheol cooed as he pinched his kitten’s cheek. Jihoon’s eyes grew big. He gulped.

“Uh… No, I didn’t! I didn’t giggle!” Jihoon said coolly. Seungcheol just laugh it off.

“You know kitten, you don’t need to act all so tough in front of me. I know deep down you’re a cutie.” Seungcheol teased. Jihoon blushed at his master’s words.

“I-I’m not! This is who I am!” Jihoon said, stuttering. Seungcheol shook his head.

“Then what do you call this?” Seungcheol held up a notebook. Light blue in color with ‘What Jihoonnie loves about Master Seungcheol’ in front of it.

“Master did you went through my room?!” Jihoon gasped. He reached out his hands to snatch back his notebook. Or diary, as you would like to say.

“I did. And you have a very cute collection of figurines. Not to mention your Rillakuma and Keroppi plushie.” Seungcheol giggled. Jihoon pounced onto his master and sits on top of him as he lightly bit his master’s hands. Seungcheol giggled. It doesn’t hurt at all.

“Jihoon-ah, you know it won’t hurt me. You have such tiny teeth.” Seungcheol giggled as he sat up. Jihoon’s eyes widened. Their face was so close. He tried to avoid his master’s eyes again. Seungcheol smiled. He gave a small kiss on Jihoon’s nose. Jihoon blushed madly.

“Jihoon-ah, stop being someone you’re not.” Seungcheol said with a smile. He pulled his pet into another hug as he snuggled onto Jihoon’s shoulders. Jihoon couldn’t help but let out another giggle.

“Master, that tickles!” Jihoon whined. Seungcheol just ignored him and kept doing so.

“You giggled again, kitten.” Seungcheol teased. Jihoon sighed. He gave up. Even so, he can’t back down anymore. His master has discovered his true color. On the bright side, he doesn’t need to hide behind his mask anymore.

Seungcheol kissed Jihoon’s cheeks again. Jihoon giggled. He never gets tired of it.

“Just be yourself, Jihoon. I love you the way you are.” Seungcheol said. Jihoon nodded.


“I’ll do anything for you, Master.”

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Chapter 2: Im glad to find this jihan fic XD
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