
My Pet

December is finally here. Which means it’s holiday season for everyone. Well, maybe not everyone.

“I can’t believe we have to work during the holidays!” a male goes by the name Wen Junhui groaned in frustration. “I was planning to go back to China and now this happened. I need to shop for more food too.”

“I feel you, man. I want to return to Daegu as well.” Another man named Seungcheol responded. “Guess we’re stuck with coffees and cookies again. I haven’t even planned a Christmas specials yet.” He continued as he took off his apron.

“Well at least we’re doing good deeds. Who knows? Maybe we could have a raise?” the youngest of them all, Seokmin said in a happy tone which only results in him getting cold glares from the elders.

“Really now, Seokmin? That’s never gonna happen.” Junhui said as he crossed his arms. Seungcheol seems to agree with the latter.

“Oh come on guys! Where’s the holiday spirit? The merry, jolly, ho-ho-ho?” Seokmin whined. “You know if it turns colder, people will come to the cafés and have some cup of coffee or tea .” He said as he wriggled his eyebrows and elbows the brown-haired male.

“We’ll see about that. This whole block is literally filled with cafés and coffee shops. What chance do we have?” Junhui replied.

“Wait a second. Are you silently questioning my cooking skills, Junhui?” Seungcheol lightly punched him in the shoulder. Junhui faked a wince.

“Um… Yeah?” Junhui said with a chuckle. Seungcheol just pouted.

“Fine then. No sugar cookies on Christmas Eve for you, young man.” Seungcheol stormed off to the kitchen. Minding his sweet yet messy business.

“As if that would ever happen, Seungcheol hyung.” Junhui snorted. Seokmin just laugh it off.


The discussion has come to an end. Junhui grabbed his phone,stared at ‘December 23rd’, and let out a sigh. They returned to their respective workspaces. Just then, the doorbell ringed. Junhui glanced at the entrance and see familiar figures approaching towards him.

“Jeonghan hyung! Wonwoo! What brings you here in a snowy day?” Junhui questioned. It was Jeonghan, his senior in college back then.

“My love for caffeine and cakes combined brought me here. Plus, I’m on coffee break.” Jeonghan answered. Junhui let out a small chuckle.

“I see what you did there, hyung. So, the usual one? And how about you Wonwoo?” Junhui asked.

“You know me so well, Junhui.” Jeonghan said as he snap his fingers. Junhui laughed.

“I’ll have… Dark Chocolate Espresso please.” The lad by the name Wonwoo pleaded. Junhui writes down the orders and

“Seokmin! One caramel macchiato with half whipped cream for Jeonghan hyung please. And a cup of dark chocolate espresso for Wonwoo.” Junhui called out to the said boy.

“Oh, Jeonghan hyung and Wonwoo hyung is here?” Seokmin peeked through his work space.  They waved to the younger. Of course, the younger waved back.

“That’ll be 28000 won, you two.” Junhui said. Jeonghan pulled out his wallet and paid. Earning a questioning look from Wonwoo.

“Bill’s on me. You paid for my lunch last week.” Jeonghan said with a grin. Wonwoo just smiled and thanked the older.

“Alright. Your drinks should be ready soon enough.” Junhui informed.

“Awesome! I guess we’ll take usual seat then.” Wonwoo said as he glanced at Jeonghan. Jeonghan nodded in agreement. They leave the counter and grabbed a seat near the window. Sitting near the window has been a habit for the two. They would always love to stare at the view outside. Especially it’s snowing. Which makes the roads a hundred times more attractive. They talked about their jobs. Jeonghan knew that Wonwoo is a graphic designer. He worked on a game once, and Jeonghan loved that game. You could say that Jeonghan is a fan. Wonwoo, on the other hand, knows that Jeonghan is a photographer. His game was a huge hit that an idol group was chosen to promote his game. And of course, Jeonghan was in charge for the photoshoot. They became close friends since then.

Junhui came shortly to their table to bring their drinks. They thank him and bid their goodbyes. Work hour is going to start again for Jeonghan and Wonwoo is going to continue his project before 25.

“Wow those guys are surely busy.” Junhui said. Seokmin who was cleaning his station glanced at him over his shoulder.

“So we’re not the only one who has work on holidays.” Seokmin chirped. Junhui nodded. Well, not everyone is lucky during the holidays. Seungcheol could be an example. Seungcheol was all cooped up in the kitchen making Christmas-themed treats for the Christmas specials. Just when Junhui was about to call out on the older, the doorbell ranged again.

“Seokmin hyung!” A young boy called out. Seokmin took a glimpse to the source of the voice.

“Seungkwan! Hansol! You’re here!” Seokmin beamed as he saw the guests. It’s his friends, Seungkwan and Hansol. They all went to the same university. Seokmin is their senior.

“I knew you could use some Boo Energy to light up the mood. And by the way, hello Junhui hyung.” Seungkwan greeted. Hansol did the same.

“So what are you youngsters up for today?” Junhui asked them. They squints their eyes as they glanced at the menu.

“Well, French Vanilla Latte sounds good. I’ll have that one please. And iced.” Hansol said with a grin. Seungkwan on the other hand had a little problem. Hansol looked at him.

“Dude, can you like… hurry up?” Hansol said. Seungkwan glanced at the menu once more.

“I’ll have… What Hansol ordered. Oh! And a slice of Triple Chocolate please!” Seungkwan beamed. Hansol literally just did a face palm. Junhui cackled at the youngster’s behavior.  He typed the orders.

“Two iced French vanilla latte and one triple chocolate cake please!” Junhui called out.

“Noted!” Seokmin and Seungcheol said and soon got themselves busy with the orders.

“That’ll be 35000 won.” Junhui said. The youngers took out some money from their wallet and hands it to Junhui.

“Um, we’re kinda in a rush so can you make it quick, hyung?” Seungkwan requested. Yes, they are in their last year of university so it’s no day in the beach for them. Papers, tasks, exams, and everything stressful combined. Surely some coffee would make them stay awake for a couple of hours. With an additional chocolate cake then nothing is going to stop them.

“Alright. 15 minutes. Tops.” Junhui said as he hand the receipt. “You guys can sit for a while. We’ll make it quick.”

With that, they take a seat and starts talking about their assignment. They are in the same major, Music and Composing. Sounds a bit odd if they’re pressured with such things but the truth always hurts. With assignments such as music history, even making their own song, who doesn’t get pressured anyway.

15 minutes later, just as promised, their orders came and they bid their farewells to the guys. They stormed out of the café and hurried themselves to catch their bus.

“Even they are busy.” Seokmin said with a hint of sadness in his voice. “I was looking forward to hang out with them.”

“Sorry to hear that, kiddo.” Seungcheol said as he pat the younger’s shoulder. Seokmin glanced at the clock. It’s closing time. The three of them sighed happily. It’s been a long day. They cleaned the whole café and shortly, they bid their goodbyes and heads back home.

It has been a very busy day for these seven guys. Working their asses off to the limits until all they can feel is fatigue. Night finally comes to Seoul. Which means it’s time for them to head back to their households…



The place of someone they love will be waiting for them to come home…

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Chapter 2: Im glad to find this jihan fic XD
Jihan is cute XD
Chapter 2: Waaaaah My Jihan is so kawaii
Chansoo6336 #4
Chapter 10: I want to be a cat girl!!!
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Chapter 11: THANKYOUUUUU /cries
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Call_Me_Oppa #7
Call_Me_Oppa #8
Call_Me_Oppa #9
Call_Me_Oppa #10