
My Pet

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning, perfect for sharing some skin…ship. However, it isn’t a beautiful morning for Seokmin. His house was wrecked. Well, maybe only the living room. It was because yesterday, Soonyoung, his little kitten, had a friend of him come over. Soonyoung was a very hyper kitten too. As people would say, it’s double the trouble. It’s not that Seokmin wasn’t hyper. He’s a little ball of sunshine himself in his work. But he definitely doesn’t wreck his workplace, of course.

Seokmin woke up to a sight of his kitten looking up at him with his precious eyesmile. Soonyoung flashed a gummy grin as his ears twitched happily.

“Good morning, master Seokmin!” Soonyoung greeted cheerfully. His tail swished side to side as he waits for his master to wake up.

“Good morning to you too, Soonyoungie.” Seokmin replied drowsily. He sat up as he rubs his eyes. Soonyoung’s grin got wider as he saw his master did so. He snuggled onto Seokmin’s chin, purring happily. Seokmin let out a low chuckle as he caresses Soonyoung’s head gently.

“How’s your sleep, master Seokmin?” Soonyoung asked sweetly.

“It was great. Yours?” Seokmin replied as he locks his gaze with Soonyoung. Soonyoung flashed his eye smile again. Seokmin pinched the latter’s cheeks as he nuzzles their noses together.

“Mine’s great too, since you’re here with me.” Soonyoung said as he let out a shy giggle. Seokmin cooed at his adorability.

“You’re really cute, you know that, right?” Seokmin said as he cups Soonyoung’s face and shook the latter’s head side to side. Soonyoung nodded as he puffed out his cheeks. He nuzzles against the crook of Seokmin’s neck.

“Master, your friend called earlier. He said he was coming over. He needs help with his… Papers?” Soonyoung said as he tilted his head.

“Oh, Seungkwannie? Yeah, he said to me last night that he’ll be coming over with Hansol. They need my help on their schoolwork.” Seokmin explained. Soonyoung nodded along.

“Oh~ So that’s what Master Seungkwan meant by ‘papers’?” Soonyoung questioned. Seokmin gave a nod as he pats the younger’s head.

“You’re a cutie and a smarty. What a perfect pet you are, Soonyoungie.” Seokmin praised the other as he pulled him into a warm embrace. They stayed like that for a while until they finally got up and walked out of their room. When they walked out, they gasped at the view of their living room. It was like a wrecked ship. Maybe worse. The pillows are scattered everywhere, the rug is in a wrong position, even the sofa is misplaced. Seokmin even spotted the standing lamp was now lying on the ground with the cover nowhere to be found. Seokmin gave a serious glance to his pet.

“Soonyoung, did you do this?” Seokmin asked. Soonyoung showed his sheepish grin as he plays with his tail.

“Um…Yeah?” Soonyoung said awkwardly.

“And you just left the whole living room like this?” Seokmin asked again. Soonyoung lowered his head as he let out a soft whine. He kept playing with his tail.

“I’m sorry, Master Seokmin. I was very tired last night after playing with Jihoon. So I just left the living room like this.” Soonyoung explained. Seokmin let out a sigh as he shook his head.

“We need to clean this up fast. You need to take responsibility, Soonyoung.” Seokmin said as he crossed his arms. Soonyoung nodded slowly.

“Yes, Master Seokmin.” Soonyoung said. Seokmin pets the lad’s ears.

“Don’t worry, Soonyoung. I’ll help you.” Seokmin cooed. Soonyoung’s eyes grew big as he heard his master said so. He hugged his master and immediately rushes to the closet to take all the cleaning tools with him. He places them in the living room and starts cleaning up the mess he made. He picked up the pillows and placed them on the sofa which is now on the usual spot. They spend the whole morning cleaning up the ruckus from Soonyoung’s previous play date. It was tiring, but at least it was a worth. Still, Seokmin will have to buy a new standing lamp for his living room. He needs to start saving money again.


They had just finished making some snacks and drinks for their upcoming guests. Seokmin figured that maybe a smores sandwich would lighten up the mood. Seokmin was an internet maniac. And apparently, he likes trivias. He once read that eating chocolate while studying was a good thing. He decided to go with everything chocolate. Smores sandwich and cold chocolate milk sounds like a pretty good idea for a study snack. Just when they finished setting up the snacks, their bell ranged.

“Who is it?” Seokmin called out.

“It’s us. Seungkwan, Hansol, and Chan.” A deep voice answered from the outside. Seokmin rushed to the front door and opened the door as he greeted their visitor.

“Hey there, you youngsters.” Seokmin greeted happily. Seungkwan gave a hug to the older and Hansol greeted with a high five.

“Hyung! We need your help. It’s about music history. We seriously need your help.” Seungkwan whined. Hansol seems to agree with his bestfriend’s voice of sorrow. Seokmin laughed.

“Alright, alright. And who is this little cute kitten?” Seokmin said as he bends down slightly to the little boy’s level.

“This is Chan, our pet. He’s still too young to be left alone at home so we decided to bring him along with us.” Hansol said. Seokmin nodded along as he pets the kitten’s head. The kitten let out a giggle. Seokmin cooed at the cuteness.

“Cute, right? Like me?” Seungkwan said as he strikes a pose. Originally he was against everything cute but ever since Chan came along, he would sometimes do some cute acts to cheer their kitten up. Hansol made a disgusted face and shook his head.

“Ignore that statement, Seokmin hyung. He’s being delusional.” Hansol whispered to the older.

“Hey, I heard that, Hansol!” Seungkwan said as he crosses his arms and displays his famous rich girl face. Seokmin just laugh it off.

“Alright you two. No fighting in my household. Come inside. And you too, Chan. Soonyoung would really love to meet a new friend.”Seokmin finally said. With that, the four of them entered Seokmin’s household. Soonyoung on the other hand was already chewing down his third smores sandwich. Seokmin saw him and shook his head.

“Soonyoung-ah, what are you doing?” Seokmin let out a small chuckle. Soonyoung jolted and fixed his shirt.

“Eh, n-nothing, Master Seokmin.” Soonyoung grinned. He stood up and walks towards his master as he waved towards Seungkwan and Hansol.

“I see you’ve met my friend already, hm? Guess what? We have a new friend for you.” Seokmin said. Hearing this, Soonyoung’s face brighten up.

“Ooh! Really? Where is he? Can I meet him now? I love making friends! Is he nice? Is he cu-“ Soonyoung’s words were cut off as Seokmin shushed him. Seungkwan and Hansol giggled at his cuteness. Their pet, Chan, peeped out from behind Seungkwan’s back. He was shy. In which made everyone in awe.

“Channie, come on. Say hello.” Seungkwan said. The kitten waved shyly. Soonyoung beamed happily.

“Okay then. I guess we better start working on those papers. Soonyoungie, why don’t you go play with Chan?” Seokmin said. Soonyoung looks up at him and nods. He motioned Chan to follow him to his shared room and starts playing with him. Seokmin on the other hand are getting settled for their study session. They sat on the living room floor and starts studying. It’s about Music History, Seokmin’s former major. He just received his degree last year and now, his friends are in need for his assistance.

“So what kind of tasks do you guys get? Is it about the Romantic period or the Contemporary period?” Seokmin asked.

“We’re now doing the Romantic period. We need to make an essay about… Uh, who’s the  name, Hansol?” Seungkwan asked. His tongue wasn’t familiar with foreign names.

“I think it’s Tchaikovsky.” Hansol said.

“Yeah, that guy. We need to find his biography and 5 samples of his artwork. We searched through the internet for almost 5 days now and we got nothing.” Seungkwan whined.

“Romantic period is hard, isn’t it?” Seokmin said. “I was the same as you guys. I’m guessing it’s Mr.Seungsoo’s idea to do such things.” He continued.

“I know. He’s like devil in human form. I’m guessing the he himself doesn’t even know what’s Tchaikovsky’s work either.” Hansol said as he leaned back towards the edge of the sofa as he eats a piece of the smores sandwich.

“Guys, can we get back to work?” Seungkwan said. They continued working until who knows when.


On the other hand, Soonyoung is having a get-to-know session with his new friend. He learned that Chan was very young. He’s just 16 years old in human age. In cat age, he’s probably less than a year. He also discovered that Chan has an obsession with dinosaurs. Fortunately, Soonyoung has a lot of dinosaur-themed toys.

“Channie! How long have you been with Master Seungkwan and Master Hansol?” Soonyoung asked curiously. Soonyoung know’s his master’s friends. Chan is a new addition to the group.

“I think… 7 months?” Chan said as he played with Soonyoung’s Stegosaurus’ figurine. Soonyoung looks at the other kitten in amusement. He’s never seen someone so obsessed with dinosaur’s before.

“It’s quite long actually. Welcome to the family, Channie! My master has some friends that has pets too. I knew all of them. You should come often, Channie! I can introduce you to them.” Soonyoung beamed happily. Chan perked up at Soonyoung’s words. Yes, he was a new addition since Seungkwan and Hansol bought him not so long ago and Chan hasn’t really made friends since then. He only knew his masters. So getting to know more people is actually a great idea. Soonyoung spend the day getting to know Chan. He knows that they’ll definitely be friends with each other.

Long story short, Seokmin’s friend’s task has finally finished. They pack up their things and prepare to leave. Seungkwan called out Chan. Chan and Soonyoung rushed out immediately. They bid their goodbyes and soon, they left. They cleaned up the living room. When they’re done, Soonyoung glomped on the couch and groaned. Seokmin crouched down and lightly pets his ears. Making Soonyoung purr at his master’s lingering touches. Seokmin sat on the floor as he continued showering his beloved pet with affections. They stayed like that in a comfortable silence.

“So how’s Chan?” Seokmin finally spoke up. Soonyoung perked up at his master’s words.

“Chan is really cute! He’s very young too!” Soonyoung said happily. His ears twitched in excitement. Seokmin let out a chuckle.

“Oh really? That’s great to hear! What did you guys do?” Seokmin asked again.

“We played toys! I learned that Chan really likes dinosaurs. He played with my Stegosaurus figurine a lot.” Soonyoung said as he flashes his cheeky grin. “He liked that figurine a lot. So I just give it to him. I don’t play with that figurine much anyway.” Soonyoung said. Seokmin’s eyes widened at his pet’s words. He gave him a big teddy bear hug, in which Soonyoung responded by hugging back.

“Really? Wow, that’s so nice of you, Soonyoung! I’m very proud of you!” Seokmin admired as he plants a kiss on the top of Soonyoung’s head. Soonyoung blushed at his master’s actions. He giggled shyly as his master did so.

“Thank you, Master Seokmin. Channie really likes it!” Soonyoung said. “I wish he could come more often. I want to introduce him to my other friends.” He continued as his lips forms a small pout.

“I don’t see why not. That should be great for Chan too.” Seokmin said softly.

“Channie said that he would love to meet the other kittens. He said that even if he’s never left at home, he’s lonely because he hasn’t made any friends at all.” Soonyoung explained. Seokmin nodded along.

“I believe Chan really likes you. You’re his first actual kitten friend.” Seokmin cooed. “Anyway, let’s call it a day shall we? I’m tired after all the studying.” He finally said. With that, they got up and walked to their shared bedroom. When they opened the door, Seokmin’s jaw dropped. Soonyoung’s eyes widened.

“Not again, Soonyoung.” Seokmin let out a whine. Soonyoung just flash his grin.

“Sorry again, Master Seokmin.” Soonyoung said sheepishly. Seokmin ruffled his own head in frustration.

“History just repeats itself.” Seokmin facepalmed. Soonyoung pouted at his master’s words.

“Master~ Soonyoungie is sorry~” Soonyoung said cutely. Seokmin glanced at his pet and the once frowning face changed into a smile.

“Why can’t I stay mad at you, Soonyoungie.” Seokmin sighed.

“Because you love me! Right?” Soonyoung teased his master as he giggled lightly. Seokmin just gave a small nod and flashes his bright smile.

“Alright then. Let’s get cleaning.” Seokmin said in the end. They cleaned Soonyoung’s toys immediately. The sooner the better, they thought. Soonyoung has plenty of toys. And who else would’ve give it to him unless it’s his own master. Not so long after, they cleared their task. Seokmin collapsed himself on his bed with his back first. Soonyoung hopped on the bed and stares at his master’s tired face. Soonyoung giggled. He snuggled closer to his master. Seokmin just kept his position and chuckles once in a while because of Soonyoung’s fur tickling his skin. Soonyoung kept staring at his master.

“What’s wrong, Soonyoungie?” Seokmin asked worriedly.

“Nothing~ I just love seeing you sleeping face, Master.” Soonyoung said shyly. Seokmin chuckled as he tickles the kitten’s chin.

“You know I love your sleeping face too. Your face is just so cute, I could stare at you all day long.” Seokmin said. Making the latter blush even more. Soonyoung let out a yawn. Everyone knows that yawns are contagious. Seokmin let out a yawn as well as he looks at his kitten.

“Let’s call it a day, Soonyoungie. Goodnight. Have a nice rest. I love you.” Seokmin said as he drifts off to sleep,


“Goodnight, Master. I love you too.”

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Chapter 2: Im glad to find this jihan fic XD
Jihan is cute XD
Chapter 2: Waaaaah My Jihan is so kawaii
Chansoo6336 #4
Chapter 10: I want to be a cat girl!!!
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Chapter 11: THANKYOUUUUU /cries
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Call_Me_Oppa #7
Call_Me_Oppa #8
Call_Me_Oppa #9
Call_Me_Oppa #10