
My Pet

Being a last year student was a tough challenge indeed. And that is what Seungkwan and Hansol are feeling right now. They attended Mansae College and boy, it’s papers every day. They just got home from their college with another stack of fresh tasks in their arms.

“I can’t believe this! We’re actually learning during holidays? Is the Dean crazy or what?” Seungkwan whined as he stared at the papers in his hands. “And it needs to be done in two days! Like what the actual heck?” He continued. He almost threw his papers to the sky.

“I know, right? Mr.Seungsoo is surely a pain on the neck.” Hansol groaned. “Hey, you wanna go to the supermarket first? We need supplies for later.” Hansol asked.

“Sure. We need lots of cup noodles, snacks, and coffee.” Seungkwan added.

“Alright. Let’s go back to our crib first. I left my money there.” Hansol said. They took a bus and drove to their apartment.


They arrived shortly. They entered their apartment to be greeted by their cheerful little kitten, Chan. Chan can surely lighten up their gloomy day. Having Chan was definitely the best thing that’s ever happened to them.

“Welcome home, my masters. How was your day?” Chan greeted cheerfully. Hansol chuckled.

“It was a hectic day as usual, Chan. But we’re finally home.” Hansol said as he puts his bag on the couch. Seungkwan went to the kitchen and checks for the foods. He sighed.

“Chan, we’ll be leaving to the supermarket for a while. Do you want us to get you something?” Seungkwan asked as he grabs his money and shoves it into his pocket.

“Um… Can I have an ice cream?” Chan said as he played with his fingers.

“What flavor do you want, Chan?” Seungkwan asked again. Chan thought for a while.

“Vanilla, please.” Chan said as he flashes his teethy grin. Seungkwan smiled and caresses the kitten’s head lightly.

“Okay then. We’ll be leaving now. We’ll be back in an hour.” Seungkwan said.

“Don’t open the door to strangers, alright? Lock the windows and don’t turn on the TV too loud. Neighbors might get mad at us.” Hansol warned. Chan nodded along.

“Understood, Masters.” Chan said as he gave a salute and giggled.

“Alright. See you soon, kitten. Take care.” They bid their goodbyes and they left to the supermarket. Chan lied down on the floor and continued playing with his dinosaur figurines. He hasn’t made much friends yet. His first friend was Soonyoung. A fellow kitten who apparently knows his masters. Soonyoung said that he would like to introduce him to his fellow kitten friends. Chan could really use a friend right now. He was lonely. Not to mention that he has super busy masters. Well, they would sometime play with him once in a while. But still, Chan wishes for a fulltime master like Soonyoung’s. He looked up to the ceiling as he let out a deep sigh.

‘I wish my master would be less busy for once’ He thought. He stares at the clock. It’s two in the afternoon. The hottest time of the day. Yet he felt cold inside.


Seungkwan and Hansol soon arrived at their apartment around an hour later. They brought endless supply of snacks, cup noodles, and coffee. And maybe some other instant meals so they could survive the sleepless nights.

“Channie~ We’re back.” Seungkwan sing-songed. Chan’s lips formed a grin as he was greeted by the sight of the vanilla ice cream that his masters bought.

“Wah~ Thank you, Master Seungkwan! Thank you, Master Hansol!” Chan said happily as he starts eating on his ice cream.

“We bought this for you too.” Hansol cooed as he handed a box of dinosaur-shaped crackers to the kitten. Chan’s eyes widened. It looks really appetizing. Especially with ‘Coated with sugar icing’ written on the front.

“Wow! Thank you so much!” Chan giggled as he continues eating his ice cream. He totally forgot all his worries earlier. Because he realized that despite their busy with their own work, they still remember him. They would always buy Chan his favorite food. Which is a good thing for Chan because Chan can’t cook at all.

“Alright, let’s get this started shall we? The sooner the better.” Hansol said. Seungkwan nodded. They took a seat in the dining room and starts working on their papers. Chan was still busy with his ice cream. Eating it in various ways. He glanced at his masters. He observes them as he plays with his ears. He could his masters’ confused and stressed face expressions. Seeing their face like that breaks Chan’s heart. They are pushing it too much, he thought. He hopes that there’s at least something that he could do for them.


Seconds turned minutes, minutes turned hours. Seungkwan and Hansol hasn’t move an inch from their seats. They would sometime bicker or make phone calls to their friends who has the same struggle. One familiar sound that caught Chan’s attention is Seokmin’s voice. Chan always perks up when he heard the words ‘Seokmin hyung’ comes out from his masters’ mouths. He’s been dying to meet his first kitten friend, Soonyoung. But apparently luck isn’t on his side. He’s all cooped up in his apartment.

“Let’s take a break for a while.” Seungkwan said breathily. He leaned backwards and stretched his arms as he let out a yawn.

“Ugh, my back hurts.” Hansol wailed. He stood up and twists his body to the sides. They are both tired. However, their work is far from done. Hansol glanced at the clock. It’s dinner time. They set aside their works for a while. They’re starving.

“Seungkwan-ah, let’s cook some ramen.” Seungkwan begged.

“Sure! I’m starving.” Hansol said as he gently pats his stomach. Seungkwan is in charge for the cooking tonight. Hansol isn’t a great cook. So he just took a seat and waits. He glanced at the living room. He chuckled as he saw Chan’s sleeping figure lying so peacefully on the floor. Chan was hugging his favorite dinosaur plushie. A gift from him and Seungkwan on his 100th day. He left the dining room and crouched down to play with the latter’s ears. Hansol giggled as the ears twitched every now and then. Chan, who apparently got annoyed by it, slowly woke up as he rubs his eyes cutely.

“Wake up, Chan. It’s dinner  time.” Hansol said with a smile. Chan let out a whine as he sat up. Seungkwan grabbed his hands and carries him on his back. He spinned around several times. Chan was having the time of his life when Hansol did so.

“That was fun, Master Hansol! More!” Chan beamed cheerfully. Hansol spinned another five. Chan was happy. He back hugged his master and nuzzles against the back of his head.

“You like it, kitten?” Hansol asked. He could feel Chan’s head doing a nodding motion.

“Hansol! Chan! Come here, the ramen is almost done!” Seungkwan called out. The two of them heads to the kitchen with Chan still on Hansol’s back. Seungkwan just laugh it off when he saw the two. He took a spoonful of it and feeds Chan the first spoon. Chan hummed as he savour the taste. Seungkwan did the same on Hansol. Soon, dinner is done. They gathered at the dining table and enjoyed their dinner. They talked about many things. Chan being the curious little kitten will often asks questions about their masters’ activities. Chan nodded along as he heard the explanations.

‘So they are busy after all. Well, at least I know what they are doing.’ Chan thought. He continued eating his meal. The rest of the meal continued in silence. It was unusual. Until Seungkwan noticed a hint of sadness in Chan’s eyes.

“Chan? Is there something wrong?” Seungkwan asked. He rubs the boy’s back softly.

“Uh… Well…” Chan started off. “Master Seungkwan and Master Hansol are always busy. I… I want a friend to play with.” Chan said as he placed down his eating utensils and looked up at the other two. Seungkwan’s heart clenched as he heard Chan said those things. Hansol gave a worried look.

“Chan… Why didn’t you tell us?” Hansol asked as he pets Chan’s ears. Chan let out a soft purr as Hansol did so.

“Well, Master Seungkwan and Master Hansol is busy. And I don’t want to pressure you more.” Chan said softly as he plays with his tail. Seungkwan bit his lip and pulled the kitten into a warm hug.

“Chan you could’ve just told us.” Seungkwan said. He hugged Chan tightly. He could feel the latter hugged him back. Hansol stood up and walked towards the two. He hugged Chan as well.

“We’re sorry if you ever feel that way, Channie. We’ll try to finish our work early so we can play with you. Okay?” Hansol finally said. Chan nodded cutely. He took his utensils and places it in the sink. Seungkwan and Hansol followed. It’s time for them to continue their work. Chan goes to the living room and the TV. He watched it until who knows when.


Two hours to midnight. Hansol and Seungkwan’s papers are finally done. They got up and brought their papers along to keep it in their bags. They saw Chan, sleeping in front of the TV. Seungkwan picked him up and carried him to his bedroom. Hansol turned the TV off and follows Seungkwan. They tucked Chan into bed. They walked out of Chan’s room as Seungkwan took a final glance.

“Hey, do we have classes tomorrow?” Seungkwan asked. Hansol was in deep thought.

“I guess not. Mr.Doogi said that he’s out of town, right? He’s the only class we have tomorrow but since he’s out of town…” Hansol trailed off.

“We seriously need to play with Chan. No joke.” Seungkwan demanded.

“Alright. I’m always up for some fun.” Hansol said.

“Shall we go to the Han River tomorrow?” Seungkwan said.

“Dude, you mad? It’s like freezing out there!” Hansol stated as he crosses his arms. Seungkwan scratched his head confusingly.

“Oh! How about we go play at Seokmin hyung’s?” Seungkwan asked.

“Now that sounds like a great idea.” Hansol beamed as he snapped his fingers.

“Alright. Let’s go to rest. It’s late already.” Seungkwan finally said. They entered their shared bedroom and get themselves comfy. Soon, they drift off to sleep.


The next morning, Seungkwan woke up first. He grabbed his phone immediately and sent a text message to Seokmin.

To : Seokmin Hyung

Hyung! We have no class today. Can we come over?

Seungkwan waited for the reply. He fidgets with his phone. Checking the messages he got from his friends. He smirked. It was all about the paperwork he’d done with Hansol last night. They were lucky that they could finish their work early so they’re free for the day. Suddenly, a message arrived.

From : Seokmin Hyung

Sure you can. Bring Chan along, okay? Soonyoung has been dying to play with him again.

“Awesome! Everything is settled.” Seungkwan said to himself. He hopped out of his bed and went to Chan’s room. He knocked the door. It was unlocked. He entered and walked towards Chan.

“Chan, wake up. It’s morning already.” Seungkwan said softly. The boy let out a soft whine as he slowly woke up.

“Master Seungkwan? Don’t you have to go to school today?” Chan said drowsily.

“No, Chan. Hansol and I don’t have class today.” Seungkwan said. Chan’s eyes widened and Seungkwan swore he just saw Chan did his widest grin ever.

“Really?! Wah! Can we go play, Master Seungkwan?” Chan said happily. Seungkwan nodded.

“Of course! In fact, we’re going somewhere today.” Seungkwan giggled.

“Ooh! Where will we go, Master Seungkwan?” Chan asked. He tilted his head to the side.

“Seokmin hyung’s house. How does that sound?” Seungkwan cheerfully said. Chan’s face lit up a thousand times. He clapped his hands.

“Yay! I want to play with Soonyoungie hyung again!” Chan beamed. Seungkwan pets his head.

“Seokmin hyung said he’s been dying to play with you too, Channie. Come on. You go get ready. I’ll wake up Hansol, okay?” With that, Chan hopped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom immediately. Seungkwan returned to his shared room and wakes Hansol up.

“Hansol wake up! We’re going to Seokmin hyung’s house today.” Seungkwan said as he shook the other’s body.

“Ten more minutes…” Hansol mumbled.

“We don’t have ten more minutes, you lazy .” Seungkwan barked. “This calls for drastic measures.” He whispered. He took out his phone and browses through his music playlist.

“Yo ladies~ This is your story~” Seungkwan started singing. He blasted out Son Dambi’s Queen. Hansol let out a groan.

“Ugh, not again, Seungkwan.” Hansol said as he covers his face with his pillow.

“IJE WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Seungkwan singed as he shook Hansol’s body with no mercy. His off-tune singing makes it even worse.

“Alright! I heard you. I’m up now, see?” Hansol said. Seungkwan sneakily took a photo of him. He laughed at the sight.

“I’m going to show this to everyone.” Seungkwan said as he runs out of their bedroom. Leaving a frustrated Hansol

“AYE! JEJU KID COMEBACK HERE!” Hansol shouted as he runs after the latter. So much for having a peaceful morning.


They are now ready to leave to Seokmin’s house. Chan was feeling extremely happy today. He brought his Stegosaurus figurine along with his Dinosaur plushie with him. They took the bus and shortly, they arrive at Seokmin’s house. It wasn’t that far from their campus. Seokmin was a senior of them. Not to mention that Seungkwan and Hansol are regulars in Seokmin’s household.

“Seokmin hyung! It’s us!” Hansol said as he pressed the bell. The doors were opened by Soonyoung.

“Welcome, Master Seungkwan and Master Hansol!” Soonyoung beamed happily. He looked at the two. “Did Chan come along?” Soonyoung looked up at them. Chan suddenly hopped out from behind Seungkwan.

“Soonyoung hyung!” Chan shouted as he runs towards Soonyoung and gave him a hug.

“Channie! You’re here!” Soonyoung giggled as he hugged the other boy. “Oh! Please come in, Master Seungkwan and Master Hansol. My master is waiting inside.” Soonyoung said. They entered Seokmin’s apartment. They had a fun time spending the day. Especially Soonyoung and Chan. Chan got introduced to Jihoon today. Soonyoung called him on the phone and they spend hours talking. Chan has got a new friend. Seokmin, Seungkwan, and Hansol just had their casual talks.

“Hey! Are you guys free on the 31th?” Seokmin asked.

“Yeah. I guess so. Unless we got another task from Mr.Seungsoo.” Seungkwan said lazily. “Why do you ask, hyung?”

“You guys should come to Pledis Café! I planned to make a countdown party with Junhui hyung and Seungcheol hyung. So I figured I could invite you guys along.” Seokmin said.

“I’m always up for a party!” Hansol said as showed a fist.

“Junhui hyung will invite his friend to come too. The more the merrier.” Seokmin said.

“That sounds awesome. Oh, but, can Chan come along?” Seungkwan asked.

“I don’t see why not. Seungcheol hyung and Junhui hyung told me that he’s going to bring Minghao and Jihoon along too.” Seokmin explained. The two tilted their heads to the side.

“Who’s Minghao and Jihoon?” Hansol asked as he scratched his head.

“Minghao is Junhui hyung’s pet. Jihoon is Seungcheol hyung’s pet. I’m bringing Soonyoungie too.” Seokmin beamed.

“That’s great! Chan would love to make new friends.” Seungkwan said.


Time passes by. It’s time for them to go home. They bid their goodbyes and left Seokmin’s house. Chan was super happy today.

“Are you happy, Channie?” Hansol asked. Chan nodded cutely.

“Yes! Veeery happy!” Chan beamed.

“Hey, Chan! We have a good news for you.” Seungkwan said with a chuckle. Chan looks up at him with full anticipation.

“What is it, Master Seungkwan?” Chan questioned.

“You’ll be meeting more kitten friends soon.” Seungkwan answered. A bright smile was painted on the kitten’s face.

“Really? When? Is it tomorrow?! Will Soonyoungie hyu-“ Chan’s words were cut off by Hansol.

“Two more days, Channie. You can wait, right?” Hansol cooed as he pets the kitten’s head.

“Sure I can! I’m excited to meet Jihoon hyung!” Chan beamed. Seungkwan gave a questioning look to the latter.

“Oh? You’ve met Jihoon before?” Seungkwan asked.

“Soonyoungie hyung called Jihoon hyung earlier. We talked for hours. Jihoon hyung sounds fun!” Chan said happily. Hansol and Seungkwan smiled at his cuteness.


It’s been a long day filled with fun and laughter for Chan. Chan couldn’t wait to meet his new friends soon.

‘I can’t wait to make new friends!’ Chan thought as a big smile was formed on his face. 

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Chapter 2: Im glad to find this jihan fic XD
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Chapter 2: Waaaaah My Jihan is so kawaii
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Chapter 11: THANKYOUUUUU /cries
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Call_Me_Oppa #7
Call_Me_Oppa #8
Call_Me_Oppa #9
Call_Me_Oppa #10