
My Pet

It’s a day before Christmas. Wonwoo was considered lucky because he has no works pending. Well, yes. He does have a project. But he has finished it weeks before. So he’s all relaxed. The reason behind it is because he promised his pet that he would make dozens of Christmas cookies together on the 24th. His pet’s wish is yet to be fulfilled.

It was a peaceful Thursday morning in Wonwoo’s household. He woke up to the sight of his pet curling up against him with his grey cat ears slightly twitching every now and then. Wonwoo chuckled at the sight. Sometimes he wishes he was Jeonghan, his best friend, so he could capture every moment he spend together with his kitten. But then again, maybe being a graphic designer wasn’t so bad after all. He could always make some drawings of his kitten. And have some fun art time together.

“Mingyu-ya, wake up sweetheart.” Wonwoo said as he played with the kitten’s ears. The boy mentioned just shifted and let out a soft groan.

“I’m sleepy…” Mingyu whined as he snuggled closer to his master. He wrapped his tail around Wonwoo’s waist and pulled him closer. Wonwoo patted Mingyu’s head as he saw the latter did so. He whispered to the boy.

“If you don’t wake up then no Christmas cookies for you, kitty.” Wonwoo whispered deeply. Making the kitten’s ear twitch. The younger starts waking up as well. As soon as he’s fully conscious, he nuzzled against his master’s chin and he gave him a good morning kiss on the cheek.

“Good morning, Master Wonwoo.” Mingyu said as he flashed a smile with his canine teeth showing. The thing that Wonwoo loved the most. Wonwoo grinned and pecks the younger’s nose.

“Good morning to you too, Mingyu. How’s your sleep?” Wonwoo asked.

“It was nice! Especially you’re here with me.” Mingyu said as gave a wink. Wonwoo chuckled.

“Have you been watching those romance teen dramas again, Mingyu? You’re getting cheesier by the day.” Wonwoo said as he tickled his chin. Mingyu likes it when he did so. Mingyu is the clingy type. And Wonwoo likes showing affections towards others. Which make the two of them are a match made in heaven.

“It was a good drama, Master. You should watch it!” Mingyu beamed as he purred.

“I’ll check it out later. Now, shall we get started on the cookies? Or shall we shower first?” Wonwoo asked.

“Shower first!” Mingyu exclaimed. “I want to shower together!” He continued. Wonwoo being the good master, just let Mingyu have his way with him. They got up and raced to the bathroom.


As soon as they finish, they get dressed in comfortable clothes and is ready to make some Christmas treats. They took out the ingredients and tools. Eggs, milk, butter, sugar, and the rest you can figure out by yourself. Mingyu’s eyes lit up in excitement.

“Alright. So the ingredients are here and the tools are set. Let’s get it started shall we?” Wonwoo said. Mingyu nodded. The two of them started making the Christmas treats. Mingyu was glad that Wonwoo fulfilled his promise. He’d been longing to spend time with his master. Especially during day offs. Same goes to Wonwoo.  He’d been wanting to spend more time bonding with his pet but his deadlines would sometime be a pain in the . And that dream has finally come into a reality.

After a while, they finished making the raw cookie. Wonwoo will be in charge for the oven because he doesn’t want Mingyu to hurt himself. Mingyu could be a klutz sometimes. That’s why Wonwoo took very special care of him. He put the cookies in the oven and set the timer for 40 minutes.

“The cookie is baking now. Let’s go prepare th- Mingyu! What are you doing?” Wonwoo said in shock. Mingyu looked up at his master and flashed a grin as he on the white colored icing. Wonwoo crossed his arms and shook his head.

“Mingyu, that’s the icing. Why did you eat that?” Wonwoo crouched down so he’s on the same level as him. Mingyu flashes his innocent grin.

“But, Master! It’s really sweet. I couldn’t get enough of it.” Mingyu beamed as he scooped another icing on his fingers and lightly it. Wonwoo shook his head.

“Mingyu-ya. There won’t be enough icing for the cookie. You know that, right?” Wonwoo said as he pats the younger’s ear. “Now hand me the icing bowl. I’m keeping this for later.” The dark haired male commanded. The latter pouted and hands the icing bowl to his master. He whimpered as he watches his master puts the bowl in the fridge. He played with his tail as he stared at his master. He looks away when Wonwoo caught his gaze. Wonwoo chuckled at the kitten’s actions.


After a while, the cookies are done. They started decorating. Of course, being the playful little kitten he is, he would smear some icing every now and then to Wonwoo. He could never get tired of every tiny little skinships that Mingyu showed him. As time passes by, they are all done with the cookies and they set it aside to cool.

“Cookies are done. Wanna take a rest for a while, Mingyu?” Wonwoo asked.

“No, thanks. I still want to play!” Mingyu said happily as he roamed around the living room.

“Okay then. I’ll be in the bedroom. If you need me, just knock. Okay?” Wonwoo said. He heads to the bedroom and collapses to the bed as he dozes off to sleep. Mingyu on the other hand is playing some mobile games on his phone. He was having so much fun until a message notification popped out. Mingyu grinned. It was a text from his bestfriend, Minghao, the American Curl kitten. He often comes over when he’s bored. He tapped his fingers to see what message he received.

From : Minghao

Mingyu-yaaaa… I’m bored. My master is working right now ><

Can I come over?


Mingyu giggled at the message. Yep, he’s very close with Minghao. Especially the fact that they are the same age which makes it a lot more obvious. Mingyu completely understands Minghao’s struggle. Having a busy master would really bring down the mood. He replied the message.

To : Minghao

Sure! Come visit! I’m bored too. Master Wonwoo is sleeping. I could use a friend to play with. I made cookies too by the way. I’ll be waiting!

Mingyu pressed send and he starts to do some cleaning. His friend is coming over, even if it’s a frequent guest, but it never hurts to show how neat your crib is.


Some time later, Minghao arrived at Wonwoo’s apartment. He even brought some chocolate milk along. They settled down for some quality time together. They played video games, share stories about their masters, and of course, eat. They are really bonding. Mingyu being his clingy self, he would sometimes nuzzle to his bestfriend. Minghao doesn’t seem to mind at all.

“Minghao-ya, how could you have such soft fur?” Mingyu pouted. The other boy giggled at the lingering touches.

“Mingyu! I’m ticklish, you know. And… I guess it’s my genes. Yours are very fluffy. Your master must like it when you cuddle with him.” Minghao replied with a smile. He nuzzled against his bestfriend’s cheek. Minghao looked at the clock. It was 6 p.m, Minghao’s master’s closing time. Which means Minghao should be heading home.

“Oh! I should be heading home. My master should return anytime soon.” Minghao said as he stood up. Mingyu pouted even more.

“Nooooo~ I have no one to play with! Please stay for a bit more.”  Mingyu whined as he pulled the other’s hand. Minghao whimpered.

“Mingyu-ya, my master will be mad at me if I don’t go home soon. Plus, why don’t you play with your master?” Minghao said as he crossed his arms. “I’ll be heading home. Bye Mingyu~” And with that, Minghao takes his leave. Leaving a pouting Mingyu alone.

“You’re not coming to my house again, Minghao!” Mingyu shouted. He stood up with the support of his master’s work desk. Unfortunately, his clumsiness strikes again. He remembers that he did place his glass of chocolate milk on it. He accidentally knocked it down. He was lucky that the glass didn’t break. He grabbed a napkin and wiped off the milk from the desk. He wiped it clean but what he saw made his jaw drop. Wonwoo’s designs are stained with chocolate milk.

“Oh no. Oh no no no. This couldn’t be happening.” Mingyu panics. His ears twitched like crazy. Wonwoo worked so hard on it. Mingyu could imagine his master’s disappointed face. He felt really guilty.

“I’m such a fool!” Mingyu said as he takes the papers and starts wiping the substance off. Unfortunately, it only makes things worse. The colors started to fade and the paper starts to wrinkle. Mingyu panics even more. He tried to find a way so that Wonwoo would never suspect such thing happened. He looked around the living room. He found a heater. Mingyu snapped his fingers. He immediately rushes towards it turns it on. He places the paper on top it. Mingyu grinned happily. Well, he was grinning until he smelled something burning. He turned around and let out a sharp gasp.

“Noooooo! Master Wonwoo’s drawing! I ruined it…” Mingyu said as he let out a wail. He looked around confusingly. Not sure with what to do. Until he finally came up with the only idea he got.

“Maybe I’ll just hide it somewhere.” Mingyu said to himself. He searched for a nice hiding spot. He tried to calm down until he heard the bedroom doorknob turned. Mingyu is in crisis mode. He had no choice but to hide the stained masterpiece under the living room rug. He sat up on the couch nervously as he watched his master walks out of the bedroom. Mingyu gave a forced smile. Hoping that his master wouldn’t notice it.

“Hey there, kitten.” Wonwoo greeted. Feeling refreshed after his long nap. It’s been quite a while since he got to get some rest like that.

“Um… H-Hi, Master. How’s your rest?” Mingyu asked. He silently facepalmed himself because of his stuttering. Luckily, Wonwoo doesn’t seem to notice.

“I had a great rest, Mingyu. What about you? I think I heard Minghao earlier. Did he come?” Wonwoo responded. Mingyu gave a weak nod.

“Yes, Master. Minghao stopped by. He said he was bored because his master was at work.” Mingyu answered. Trying to cover his nervousness.

“Well that’s no surprise. Junhui is indeed busy. I pity him for not being able to take a day off this time of the year.” Wonwoo said as he took a seat next to Mingyu. Sweat begins to form on Mingyu’s forehead as he feels the presence of his master. He tried to play it cool, but his body says different. Wonwoo who noticed this looks at his pet worriedly.

“Mingyu-ya, you’re sweating too much. Are you okay?” Wonwoo asked as he place his hands on the younger’s forehead.

“Y-Yes, Master! I’m perfectly fine!” Mingyu replied. He stuttered. Nice, he thought. Wonwoo squint his eyes as he observes his beloved kitten’s behavior. Feeling a bit odd.

“Mingyu, is there something wrong?” Wonwoo asked him again. He could swore he saw Mingyu’s eyes grew ten times wider. Wonwoo leaned closer as comfortingly pets Mingyu’s ears. It wasn’t usual to see Mingyu acted all nervous like this.

“I’m fine, Master. Really.” Mingyu said while he kept looking down. Too afraid to face his master after the little incident.

“If you’re fine then why don’t you look at me?” Wonwoo said. “Are you hiding something, Mingyu?” Mingyu bit his lip as he plays with his tail. Wonwoo is getting impatient.

‘Should I tell him the truth?’ Mingyu thought as he plays with his fingers. He shook his head. He decides to keep it a secret to himself.

“Nothing’s wrong, Master. You must be imagining things.” Mingyu said with a low chuckle. Wonwoo smiled, then he shook his head.

“Well, if there’s something bothering you, just tell me.” Wonwoo said as he kisses the younger’s cheek. “By the way, it’s Christmas eve. Is there anything you want to do, darling?” He asked as he caressed the latter’s cheek softly.

“I have no plans, Master. I’ll go with whatever you want.” Mingyu said as he buries himself on the crook of the other’s shoulder. Wonwoo giggled at the latter’s actions.

“Okay then. I was thinking that maybe we could just stay home and cuddle? It’s been quite a while, don’t you think?” Wonwoo suggested. Mingyu seems to agree. He likes it when he clings to his master. It made him feel safe and protected. He rests his head on his master’s lap and Wonwoo would always stare at him lovingly as he shower him with affections.

“You’re the cutest kitten ever, Mingyu.” Wonwoo said as he flash his grin and his infamous eye smile, Mingyu’s muse. Mingyu let out a giggle. Even so, deep down, he felt guilty with what happened earlier.

‘I think I should just tell him. I can’t lie to my master. I’ll break the rules.’ He thought. He stood up and kneeled in front of Wonwoo. Wonwoo looks at him with disbelief.

“M-Mingyu? What are you doing?” Wonwoo asked. A bit shocked with how the younger act. Mingyu bit his lip as he fidget with his fingers.

“Master… I…” Mingyu started off. Wonwoo leaned closer as he looked at his kitten’s face.

“I knew something was wrong. Now tell me. What happened?” Wonwoo asked.

“I… Iaccidentallystainyourartworkandnowyourartworkisruined.” Mingyu managed to say in one breath. Wonwoo tilted his head, not getting what the boy in front of him saying.

“I’m sorry. What was that Mingyu?” Mingyu let out a sigh as tears starts pooling in his eyes. He took a deep breath and repeats.

“I… I accidentally stain your artwork and now your art work is ruined and I tried to wipe it off but it gets worse so I try to reheat the paper with the heater but I ended up almost burning it and … and…” Mingyu was shushed by a warm embrace. Wonwoo starts his tail lovingly as he tightened his hug.

“There, there, Mingyu. Relax. Which artwork did you stain?” Wonwoo asked. Mingyu pulled out the wrecked paper. It was now brown and it smelled like burnt wood. Wonwoo looked at it. He shook his head and smiles.

“Please don’t kick me out, master. I’ll be a good kitty! I’ll be more careful! I… I… Please don’t leave me alone, master!” Mingyu cried as he hugs Wonwoo’s waist tightly. Wonwoo pats the boy’s head.

“Who would do such thing to someone like you, kitten?” Wonwoo whispered lovingly. Mingyu looks up at him with his puffy eyes. He tilts his head to the side as he wipes his tears away.

“You… You’re not mad at me, master?” Mingyu said in between his sobs. Wonwoo chuckled.

“No, of course I’m not. It was an accident, right? Plus, these artworks are just a starter sketch. I’ve finished my work weeks ago, sweetheart. I was about to keep it in my draft, but then again, I could always make a new one.” Wonwoo explained.

“S-So… It’s nothing to worry about, master Wonwoo?” Mingyu asked.

“There’s nothing to worry. So you could calm down, okay?” Wonwoo hugged his pet again. Mingyu let out quiet sobs as his master wraps him in his arms. Wonwoo pulled back and wipes away Mingyu’s tears.

“Mingyu-ya, come on. Don’t cry. I thought Christmas was supposed to be a happy season.” Wonwoo teased. Earning a whine from the younger as he wraps his tail around his master’s waist. He got up and gave a teddy bear hug to his master.

“I’m scared you would get mad at me, master Wonwoo.” Mingyu said softly.

“I would never do such thing to you, kitten.” The other replied as he planted a gentle kiss on Mingyu’s lips. Mingyu’s eyes widened.

“M-Master… Did you just-“ Mingyu said.

“That was your first actual kiss, right?” Wonwoo stated. Mingyu looked away in embarrassment. Trying to hide his blushing face from being noticed by his master. Wonwoo could never get tired of Mingyu’s cuteness. He pulled the younger closer and places him on his lap, facing each other. He plant another kiss on the younger’s lips. This time, Mingyu returned the kiss as he wraps his arms around Wonwoo’s neck. They pulled away and nuzzled their noses together.

“You like it when I do this to you, don’t you kitten?” Wonwoo asked. He gave another kiss on the latter’s nose. Mingyu nodded cutely.

“I do. In fact, I loved it, Master Wonwoo.” Mingyu answered with a grin. Flashing his canine teeth again. Wonwoo smiled.

“Come on. We have a long night. It’s Christmas Eve. How about a Christmas movie marathon?” Wonwoo said. Mingyu, who is a fan of movies, nodded at his master’s suggestions. He grabbed their cookies and get cozy on their loveseat as Wonwoo the TV and they starts enjoying their time together.


Soon the clock struck midnight, 25th December. Wonwoo glanced at his pet, and Mingyu did the same. They leaned closer and lock their lips for another sweet and loving kiss.

“Merry Christmas, master Wonwoo.”

“Merry Christmas to you too, my beloved Mingyu.”

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Chapter 2: Im glad to find this jihan fic XD
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