Chapter 5

Meant To Be

The next day Jonghyun and the kids are waiting by their private dock for Kibum to arrive. The kids excitement could not be contained, Jonghyun had to admit he was pretty excited himself. The nervousness he felt kept popping up but looking at the the kids' carefree smiles helped it subside. When Kibum arrived the kids could barely wait for the boat to steady to jump on. They get their life vests on and ventured out to explore the river. They spent hours on the water that day, even stopped for a bit in a more secluded area with a little beach to dive in and cool off. Jonghyun was able to keep himself calm, any time he felt panic rising within him he closed his eyes and took deep long breaths. It happened a few times but thankfully the kids didn't seem to notice as they were having too much fun but Kibum noticed each time and gave him a reassuring smile of encouragement. Due to his constant begging, Jonghyun even let Min Jae try out water skiing for the first time. Min Jae loved it and seems he has a natural talent for it. When they got back to the dock, Jonghyun invited Kibum to come up to the house to clean up and join them for dinner. Nothing fancy, just ordering in pizza since everyone was too exhausted. While eating their pizza, Jonghyun announced that he had a date on Tuesday night. He had a hopeful smile on his face that quickly faded when he heard the kids groan. Kibum asked if they usually reacted this way and Jonghyun nodded. Kibum then turned to the kids and asked them why, Ji Min was about to answer when Min Jae kicked her shin under the table and avoided the question by asking Kibum if he can bring his boat next weekend too. Kibum raised his eyebrow at the obvious attempt to change the subject, but who was he to push for an answer and so he went along with it. After supper the children were sent to bed and curiosity got the better of him and he decided to ask Jonghyun about the kid's reaction. Jonghyun just sighed and said that they always reject the dates he brings home. He explains that the matchmaker service sets up a date for him every couple months or so. He usually goes out for a private date first and then brings her to meet the children as their second date, but the children have never liked any of his dates. Kibum frowned and asks why. Jonghyun responds that they never give him a reason. A couple of times he almost got an answer from Ji Min but then Min Jae interrupts her like he did tonight. Kibum asks Jonghyun why he lets the kids dictate his love life, Jonghyun responds simply that he made a promise to them that he wouldn't date someone they didn't approve of and he doesn't want to break that promise. His childrens' happiness have always come first to him.

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