
Dethroning KingHun
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It was already late in the afternoon when Sehun, together with Kai and Chanyeol, got out from the gym after their basketball practice. They were busy hitting each other in the hallway when a student accidentally bumped into Sehun. The latter immediately threw him a death stare; Oh Sehun's signature look that will send you directly to hell. In fear, the boy ducked his head and ran away.

Sehun suddenly felt invigorated upon seeing the terror casted in the boy’s face. Curious, Kai asked Sehun what made him grin mischievously.

“I scared the out of him,” he replied proudly.


Sehun threw the ball and it landed directly on Chanyeol’s stomach. The latter groaned in pain.

“And that means I still have it. Ha! The crown is still mine.” While Sehun went on laughing, Chanyeol and Kai waited for him to stop so they can go back to their classroom and get their bags.

“This isn’t going anywhere. Come on, Hun. It’s getting late,” said Kai before dragging Sehun to come with them. Chanyeol trailed behind them, his sore stomach. Before they could step inside the classroom, Sehun already saw someone sleeping soundly in one of the seats.

“Wait, that’s your cookie, isn’t it?”

Sehun narrowed his eyes and nodded, “Definitely. The blonde hair gives him away.” He approached Lu Han and stood in front of him, watching closely how the sleeping angel boy drools in his slumber. Moments later, he pulled his phone from the back pocket of his jersey shorts and smirked. “Like what people say, when opportunity comes, grab it. That’s exactly what I’m going to do right now. Let’s see how you’ll like it when your drooling face hit the web.”

“Hun?! Don’t tell me--!”

“Yes, Chanyeol. It’s payback time.”

Sehun held his phone close to Lu Han’s face. He was about to click the shutter when the tiny boy whined in his sleep. His face twisted into a frown while mumbling incoherent words. Surprised, Sehun’s phone almost slipped from his hand. “Is he dreaming?” asked Chanyeol curiously. 

Kai gawked at Lu Han's face and lifted an eyebrow, “I bet it’s a bad one. Look at him. He’s about to cry. You better hurry up before he wakes up, Hun.”

“Shsh! Don’t tell me what to do!”

“Tone it down. You’re going to wake him up this time.”

“Pssh,” Sehun rolled his eyes at Kai and clicked the shutter. “There. I’m done.”

"So, are you going to post it online for the whole school to see?"

Sehun grinned at Kai, "You bet! He's gonna learn his lesson this time."  Of course, KingHun wanted nothing but revenge. He didn't take a picture because Lu Han was so squishy and aodrable. He didn't act like a creep, staring at the boy longer than usual because his lips were inviting. And no! Oh Sehun didn't intend to keep the photo because he wanted to look at it whenever he had the chance. It was purely out of dislike for the cookie who had the guts to fight him head to head; nothing more. When Sehun turned his attention to his friends, Kai and Chanyeol were staring intently at their phones. "Hey. What are you idiots doing?"

"Hun, you said you're going to post it online. We're waiting. We want to see how other students react to it," explained Chanyeol without sparing a glance at Sehun. He was focused on his phone that was only a few inches away from his face.

"What the heck?!"

"What's the problem, Hun? Why aren't you doing anything? We can't wait for others to see it. It's gonna be great! They will definitely mock Lu Han for this," urged Kai who, like Chanyeol, was almost kissing his Iphone in excitement.

"W-well...," Sehun frowned and glanced at the cookie who was sleeping like a log. "I'm about to do it."

"Okay. We're waiting," the two other boys chorused. 

"Uhm...well..." Sehun started rubbing his nape. "I guess, I'll make him uglier before posting it online. You know, add stuff to his face."

Chanyeol and Kai shifted their eyes from their phones to the "stammering" Sehun and listened patiently.

"Just to make sure things go as planned. He looks cute and adorable and pretty. I should...at least edit this photo to make him look hideous," Sehun pointed out before laughing nervously.

"Eh? Hun? What are you trying to say?" Chanyeol asked innocently while Kai just raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Tcht! So many questions. I'll do it, okay?! Don't boss me around!" Sehun snapped and dragged Kai and Chanyeol out of the room. "You go away, blockheads. I forgot I have something to do. Don't wait for me. Go straight ahead for the exit and get out of my sight."

"But Hun-!"

"No buts, CHANYEOL! GET OUT!" Sehun shut the door, leaving the two puzzled. Well not really. It was only Park Chanyeol who was clueless. Kai already knew what was happening to their dear Hun. He couldn't help but smirk secretly next to his sobbing friend. "What about my things? Hun! Open up!" The door slid open and Chanyeol was hit by a flying knapsack. Kai's things were thrown out of the room next.

"He's faltering," said Kai while picking up his books. Chanyeol turned to him, his bruised cheek, "What do you mean?"

"For once, why don't you try using your brain to know what's happening around you?"

"Kai, just tell me already! I hate thinking."

"Of course you do." Kai gave up and sighed, "You know what, Yeol. I thought it was impossible but I think Hunnie likes the cookie."

"EEEHHHH?! Really? Why'd you say?"

"Because there's always a tinge of red on his cheeks whenever he sees Lu Han, despite telling everyone that he hates him. I observe how he looks annoyed whenever Seunghyun compliments cookie during class recitation. And just a while ago, he was hesitant to upload cookie's photo. It's unusual for Sehun to be indecisive especially if it's about taking revenge to someone he dislikes."

"Come to think of it. He was indeed hesitant."

"Yeah. That's why I conclude that Sehun develops a liking towards the cookie. He's cute afterall. Even Hun said it.""

Chanyeol nodded, agreeing. "But why do you think he drove us away? Is he planning to do something indecent to Lu Han?! Oh my God! Don't tell me he's--"

"SHUT IT!" Kai tackled Chanyeol on the ground and zipped his mouth. "He might hear us."

"Ssshoory" murmured Chanyeol with Kai's hand pressed against his lips.

"I know a way for us to know what's happening inside that room. Get up and follow me."

Chanyeol instantly grabbed his bag and ran after Kai, "Aye aye captain!"

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shubhada #1
Chapter 7: Uwah..... An update...I was waiting...thank you
Chapter 6: I love it!!! Please write more yarrr...
Author-nim Fighting!!!!! ^O^
Xxpinky #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon ㅠ.ㅠ
((I noticed that more people unsub now after they've read this fic. This only mean one thing; I'm not writing very well. So to make it up, I will make sure to write longer and better chapters. And that means, less update. Sorry to those who are very supportive and eager to read more. I'm doing this for you guys as well. My current plan is two updates monthly. I'll do my best, guys! <Here's me trying to uplift myself. lol
Thank you<3
Chapter 6: Uh oh.. Perfect...!!!
Chapter 6: KYAAAAAAAA HUNNIE KISSED LULU ON THE LIPS!! O///////O Can't wait for the next updateeee
Chapter 5: Cartier rings and now couple t shirts??? Hunhan... stop makes my heart flutter
ExoRLAB #10
Chapter 2: Hi sry but what manga pics are u using?? I rly want to know!