
Dethroning KingHun
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Sehun couldn’t believe it. He was dethroned as the school’s resident bully during the first day of his third year in high school. Ironically, it was no other than the new Chinese kid with a face of a girl and happened to be shorter than everyone else in the academy. Sehun looked down to his chest and a set of unusually big brown eyes met his; blonde hair sticking out messily, small button nose, plump lips that were jutted childishly.  How could a feeble looking transferee student ruin his reputation in a matter of ten seconds?

“I said move it! That’s my locker and I have to put my things there before assembly starts. I don’t wanna be late. I hate being late!”

Sehun blinked. The little piece of screamed at him again, in front of other students who were watching the scene. No one has done it before because, well, he’s technically Oh Sehun. Students knew how to never fight with him head to head.

Sehun owned every locker in school. He would throw his books to that spot he felt like owning for the day. That was his habit since his freshman year. Now that he reached the third year of high school, he still went on taking things that doesn’t belong to him. That particular morning, the first day of school, he began spreading his arrogance and mischief by taking someone else’s locker together with his underlings, Chanyeol and Kai.

He didn’t expect a flying book to hit his face.

Sehun gritted his teeth and tried to intimidate the smaller one with his height. His stature was that of a model and he was using it all the time to his advantage. He could pass as one because he’s incredibly tall and good-looking. Girls were attracted him, one way or another, even though he was a complete jackass. Boy hated his guts but they couldn't do anything about him since he’s the son of a wealthy businessman in Seoul. No one dared to confront him with his abusive nature. Not until this blondie appeared.

“You need to learn a lesson or two,” warned Sehun, poking Lu Han’s forehead.

“Nice try, big bird,” Lu Han countered, swatting his hand before walking away.

Kai and Chanyeol looked at each other in fright. They could see imaginary smoke coming out from their leader’s ears. “Hey! I’m not done with you, little piece of—“

Sehun was taken aback when Lu Han turned around, eyes shooting daggers at him. “PIECE OF WHAT?!”

The students waited for Sehun to fire dreading insult to the smaller boy. Sehun was considered a pro when it comes to throwing offensive words to  unfortunate beings. However, that day wasn’t going too well for him.

“Piece of…” Sehun rattled, thumbing the side of his pants. “..of…I...uh...”

Students started whispering to each other. They were wondering why the resident evil was eating his words. He looked anxious. The more he stared at Lu Han, the more blurry his mind had become. He swallowed hard before forcing himself to speak up.

“Little piece of ing-- cookie!”

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shubhada #1
Chapter 7: Uwah..... An update...I was waiting...thank you
Chapter 6: I love it!!! Please write more yarrr...
Author-nim Fighting!!!!! ^O^
Xxpinky #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon ㅠ.ㅠ
((I noticed that more people unsub now after they've read this fic. This only mean one thing; I'm not writing very well. So to make it up, I will make sure to write longer and better chapters. And that means, less update. Sorry to those who are very supportive and eager to read more. I'm doing this for you guys as well. My current plan is two updates monthly. I'll do my best, guys! <Here's me trying to uplift myself. lol
Thank you<3
Chapter 6: Uh oh.. Perfect...!!!
Chapter 6: KYAAAAAAAA HUNNIE KISSED LULU ON THE LIPS!! O///////O Can't wait for the next updateeee
Chapter 5: Cartier rings and now couple t shirts??? Hunhan... stop makes my heart flutter
ExoRLAB #10
Chapter 2: Hi sry but what manga pics are u using?? I rly want to know!