
Dethroning KingHun
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Lu Han clenched his tiny fists and hurriedly marched towards the 'big, ugly bird' sitting on his chair with his feet up like a true king. "How dare you?" he murmured to himself while glaring at Sehun who was busy talking to Kai. Unknown to Lu Han, the latter already knew he was coming to get him. But instead of running away, he stayed on his seat, waiting for Lu Han to confront him. Because truthfully, Sehun did want Lu Han to confront him. The smaller boy would jut his lips up and throw death stares at him. His big, chocolate eyes would grow wider, making his head look so little. It was too adorable for Sehun to miss. (Wait, WHAT?!)




Lu Han tiptoed and waved his phone closely on Sehun's face. Earlier, he found his sleeping face, messed up with ugly doodles and sketches, trending on the Internet. Thanks to KingHun's naughty hands that he can't keep to himself.


"I know you did this, OH SEHUN!" His high-pitched voice was shaking out of irritation. "If you think I'd go crying because of this, well you're wrong! You're wrong like always! This is war!"


"Here we go again," murmured Kai on the side.


Sehun rolled his eyes and flicked Lu Han's forehead, earning a yelp from the small boy, "What war are you talking about, cookie? Look at you. You need to stretch those legs and tiptoe just to reach my face."


"Urgh! Don't look down on me just because I'm small! I can bite, mind you! Just because you're taller doesn't mean you can make fun of others!"


Chanyeol suddenly appeared at the scene. "Hey, guys. What's going on here?" he asked, clueless. Other students from Class 3A, who were observing the early bickering session of KingHun and Cookie, hushed him at once.


"You bite," Sehun laughed. "No, cookie. You don't. You just bark and bark and ba-OOW!" Sehun winced when Lu Han suddenly stomped on his foot. The smaller boy smirked, "Bet you didn't see that coming." He skid and left Sehun to deal with the soreness of his foot. Their classmates couldn't help but snicker on their own seats as they watched KingHun's face slowly turn bright red. Lu Han returned to his seat and waited for the teacher to arrive, acting as if nothing happened. "Aiiish! This little er," Sehun grumbled in fury. Kai watched him with a knowing smile on his smile, "Hun, I think it's your fault for messing with him." Having heard what Kai just said, Sehun turned sharply at his friend and slammed the table. The other boy raised both of his hands in a surrender pose. While Sehun continued to swear on his seat, a timid soul approached Lu Han. The latter looked up to find his classmate, the ones other called as "Harry Popo" because of his thick-rimmed glasses. He smiled awkwardly at Lu Han, "Y-you don't have to be upset, Lu Han-sshi. I- I think o-other students find you likeable. They won't tease you j-just because of that photo. If anything, they will surely adore you even more."


Lu Han was surprised at his words. He stared blankly at the boy momentarily before an appreciative smile formed on his lips. The rest of the students gasped, including Park Chanyeol who was shocked to death while staring at "Harry Popo". Sehun stopped his whining for a while. Even Kai was in disbelief. "Did Baekhyun just talk to Lu Han?"


Byun Baekhyun, also known as Harry Popo in their classroom, was the resident nerd of class 3A. He doesn't speak to anyone unless he is required to do so. He is often sighted in the music room, helping out the music club by cleaning the instruments and running errands for them. He is extremely introverted and doesn't like to make friends with his classmates. That's why everybody in the room was stunned when he approached Lu Han and even comforted him. 


"Thanks, Baekhyun-ah," Lu Han said and the boy quickly looked away, smiling shyly. 


"Wait up! What's going on?" Chanyeol inquired as he walked towards Baekhyun and Lu Han. "When did the two of you--Are you--How did it happen?"


"He's my roommate," Lu Han clarified before Chanyeol and the rest of the class think differently. The taller boy turned his attention to Baekhyun who avoided his eyes. Unknown to many, even from his closest friends, Chanyeol was crushing on the geek. Baekhyun, behind those glasses, has naturally puppy eyes. He is also smart and gentle. Chanyeol can't help himself from developing a fondness towards him. "You're finally speaking up," he said, awestruck. Unfortunately, a pang of jealousy crept in when he realized who made his Harry Popo speak in front of the class for the first time. Chanyeol's shoulders slump in sadness. It was Lu Han and not him.  "Is it a bad thing?" Baekhyun suddenly threw him a question. Caught off-guard, Chanyeol choke on his saliva and coughed hysterically. "He's talking to me! Baekhyun is talking to me!" Kai rushed to Chanyeol and hit his back a little too hard. 


"Is he going to be okay?" Baekhyun asked in nothing but a whisper. Lu Han tapped his arm and nodded. 


"O-okay. That's a relief."






Upon hearing the familiar and enthusiastic greeting, the students straightened up on their seats. Seunghyun stepped in with a pile of paper. "How's everyone doing?"


"FINE," the students chorused.


"Great. To make your morning even better, I have a bunch of stuff for you to do," Seunghyun announced.


"Owww!" the class started whining. Some were already sobbing in misery while other just sighed. Seunghyun let them be and sat on his chair, scanning the room. His eyes stopped at a certain blondie who was staring attentively at him. He smiled. "Alright, class. You probably heard that your class adviser, Miss Lee, won't be coming back until next month. That means, I will stay here longer than expected."


Sehun cursed under his breath.


"Miss Lee asked me to pass these sheets to you. Those are the things you need to look up during the weekend. The reason for that is because the day of your exam is postponed until three weeks from now," Seunghyun chirped. "You have more time to study." He then stood up and passed the papers one by one. When he reached Lu Han, he handed the paper to the latter and stayed longer, asking him about his day. 


"Keep moving, idiot." Seunghyun heard his stepbrother griped at the back. He was yanking the hem of his uniform to release his discomfort. The older one purposely inched closer to Lu Han while grinning impishly, expecting a loud curse from a certain student who was obviously jealous but too stupid to realize it. “Good luck on your work, Cookie,” said Seunghyun before he went on distributing the papers. He threw a sweet smile at Sehun when he handed him one only to be growled upon by the younger boy.


After the class with Seunghyun that felt like forever, Sehun decided to skip the rest of his classes in the afternoon. He was pissed and a good sleep, he thought, would make things better for him. He went back to the door and locked himself in his room the whole time, hoping that Lu Han’s adorable pout would just sink into void and let him have peace for once.




The following day, Sehun was still in a bad mood. During his first class, he kept shooting death stares to whoever comes his way. He was glaring at Lu Han the whole time but the latter ignored him blatantly. He wanted to vent out the frustration he has been feeling since yesterday due to reasons left unknown for him because he’s just stupid. Unfortunately, Kai was absent while Chanyeol was just pointless to talk to. He had no other choice but to drop his head on the desk and cursed hopelessly until he’s satisfied.


“Sehun! Pass the ball,” one of the boys from his team called.

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shubhada #1
Chapter 7: Uwah..... An update...I was waiting...thank you
Chapter 6: I love it!!! Please write more yarrr...
Author-nim Fighting!!!!! ^O^
Xxpinky #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon ㅠ.ㅠ
((I noticed that more people unsub now after they've read this fic. This only mean one thing; I'm not writing very well. So to make it up, I will make sure to write longer and better chapters. And that means, less update. Sorry to those who are very supportive and eager to read more. I'm doing this for you guys as well. My current plan is two updates monthly. I'll do my best, guys! <Here's me trying to uplift myself. lol
Thank you<3
Chapter 6: Uh oh.. Perfect...!!!
Chapter 6: KYAAAAAAAA HUNNIE KISSED LULU ON THE LIPS!! O///////O Can't wait for the next updateeee
Chapter 5: Cartier rings and now couple t shirts??? Hunhan... stop makes my heart flutter
ExoRLAB #10
Chapter 2: Hi sry but what manga pics are u using?? I rly want to know!