
Dethroning KingHun
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---credit to the owner---

^ ///^


Author’s note: Right 7 months later, I’m back with an update.   I know how a failure I am. Sorry, sorry, sorry! This story is about to end.  One chapter left. Previously, KingHun and Cookie settled their differences with a confession. They kissed twice under the pouring rain, bodied curled together inside a tube at the local playground.


By the way, who among you work on fanarts? I am willing to pay 100+ kp for the one who can make me a fanart of HunHan from this fic. Please, please tell me if you're interested. Thank you!




Sehun wasn’t expecting all of these to happen. He was only out for bubble tea with his friends to distract his mind from thinking about Lu Han. He didn’t expect for them to meet, argue, get soaked in the rain and confess out of the blue. He didn’t expect them to kiss, knowing how a grumpy Cookie Lu Han was. And more importantly, he didn’t expect for him to get a boyfriend!

Or so he thought.


“I’m not your boyfriend,” Lu Han told him the next day. Sehun’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “I mean, last night was…I don’t know. It happened so fast. Maybe we can be friends first?”

“F-friends? But I don’t wanna be friends!” the taller protested.

“Y-you..! Why do you need to shout?!” He glanced nervously behind him. Sehun snorted, glaring at a couple of boys who were blatantly watching them behind the school building, “Let them hear. See if I care.”

“I do care! What if they spread rumors about us? What if they think we’re dating?”

“BUT WE ARE DATING—!“ Sehun halted when Lu Han’s eyes grew wild. He quickly cleared his throat. “—SHOULD start dating. Yeah. That’s what I was trying to say.”

Lu Han sighed, fondling the hem of his shirt. He didn’t dare to look at Sehun straight in the eye. The latter sensed his uncertainty. Out of reflex, he tipped Lu Han’s chin so the smaller one, who tensed up at the sudden action, could see him face to face. “Look, Cookie. I don’t know what’s bothering you. If you can just tell me then maybe I can help you out. You weren’t like this last night and I really thought we’re…doing it right this time but here we are again."

The spectators behind the bush started buzzing. “Wow. I didn’t know Oh Sehun has this soft side. For a while, I was convinced that he’s the pure heir to Satan’s throne.”

“Right. I remember how he threw his food to that one kid who accidentally stained his uniform. Man, he scared the freaking hell out of me!”


Lu Han watched how Sehun ignored their words. It never happened before. More often than not, he would lose his cool and knock them out right then and there, not caring who he got injured. That time, Sehun maintained composure and gave his full attention to Lu Han, waiting for him to speak. For some reason, it made the cookie proud. A smile finally graced his lips. “You’re really taking this seriously.”

“Sure I am." He closed the distance between them and whispered, "We already kissed so I'm not letting this go."

Lu Han's cheeks turned a shade of pink, "Fine then. I am going to tell you what happened this morning. You deserve to know."

"Go on."


"Before I came here, someone told me that I should step on the brakes."

Confusion downed on Sehun's face, "Who's this someone sending you vague messages? And what exactly do you mean by

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shubhada #1
Chapter 7: Uwah..... An update...I was waiting...thank you
Chapter 6: I love it!!! Please write more yarrr...
Author-nim Fighting!!!!! ^O^
Xxpinky #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon ㅠ.ㅠ
((I noticed that more people unsub now after they've read this fic. This only mean one thing; I'm not writing very well. So to make it up, I will make sure to write longer and better chapters. And that means, less update. Sorry to those who are very supportive and eager to read more. I'm doing this for you guys as well. My current plan is two updates monthly. I'll do my best, guys! <Here's me trying to uplift myself. lol
Thank you<3
Chapter 6: Uh oh.. Perfect...!!!
Chapter 6: KYAAAAAAAA HUNNIE KISSED LULU ON THE LIPS!! O///////O Can't wait for the next updateeee
Chapter 5: Cartier rings and now couple t shirts??? Hunhan... stop makes my heart flutter
ExoRLAB #10
Chapter 2: Hi sry but what manga pics are u using?? I rly want to know!