
Dethroning KingHun
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Lu Han wasn't sure if it was the weather that's making him hot and uncomfortable, or Sehun's rather puzzling statement that lingered in his ears. "I don't hate you. At least not anymore." What was Sehun trying to say? What was his purpose? What was he trying to achieve? A bunch of questions aroused and Lu Han couldn't pinpoint what to do about them. Should he ask Sehun? Does he deserve an explanation? Why does Sehun's voice becoming softer by the second? A pile of inquiries filled his head. Sehun was staring down at him with his unsually "calm" eyes; not the cold ones he carries whenever he gets in an argument with Lu Han, which for the record happens everyday. Lu Han opened his mouth to speak, but when Sehun's eyes flashed widely, he slowly shut it and swallowed nervously. He never felt more awkward with him. Silence ensued at the two averted his eyes from each other. Sehun was looking aimlessly at the tall buildings surrounding them while Lu Han fixed his eyes on the blue sky above him. He thumbed through his sunlit hair when a gush of wind enveloped him. Unknown to him, Sehun was observing his every action through the corners of his eyes. He took note of the smaller boy's adorable gestures; the bright eyes that would wander around, the lips that protrude naturally, making him look like a lost puppy-cuddly and adorable; the blonde locks that adorn Lu Han's already breathtaking face, only to give him a more ethereal look. Sehun didn't want to admit it but he was smitten. He carefully turned to face Lu Han who met his gaze in surprise. With an ounce of courage, he took a couple of steps towards the smaller boy. Lu Han stepped away, until his back touched the door. Their distance was close he was starting to breathe heavily. "Say," Sehun began. He was fidgeting. "Do you hate me?"

For Lu Han, the answer was simple. How could he not hate Sehun when the latter had thrown insulting words to him since day 1? How could he not dislike his behaviour of acting like a king? How could he not dislike the person who looks down on others because it's fun? Lu Han hates him. Or does he? "I have all the reasons to hate you," he said. Sehun's face dropped right away. "You mocked me again and again." Sehun squeezed his eyes shut. "You called me a flirt. I don't know what other adjectives you have in your mind against me. Do you even know who I really am?" There was a throbbing sensation in Sehun's chest that he wanted to disappear. But it didn't. It stayed there, left with Lu Han's words in his ears. "Do you know how much I tried to understand you?" Lu Han murmured softer than before. "I'm tired of arguing. Tired of dealing with you."

Sehun's eyes flew open. For whatever reason, his hands moved on their own and landed on Lu Han's shoulder. The other boy bolted in shock. "I'm sorry," Sehun stated; voice louder and clearer. "I can't...apologize enough for you to forgive me,  can I?"

Lu Han didn't answer.

"I don't even know why I'm acting this way. I'm trying so hard," muttered Sehun. "I shouldn't have asked." He suddenly leaned down to reach Lu Han's forehead. A kiss. He kissed the smaller boy, gentle and quick, making Lu Han question if it really happened or not. His eyes were widely staring at the taller boy, searching for an explanation through the melting orbs. "W-what was that for?"

Sehun sighed, "I don't know."


"You are confusing me."


"I am confused myself."


Lu Han's shoulders slumped against Sehun's big palms. He shifted his eyes on the ground while nibbling his bottom lip. It wasn't normal for Sehun to weaken at those little actions. It wasn't Sehun's personality to get affected by other people, by a boy he met in the most inconvenient way yet he found himself liking way too fast. He was confused indeed but not too dense to know what he wanted at that moment. 

He wanted Lu Han. 

He heaved a sigh before taking Lu Han's puffy cheeks against his palms, making the smaller boy look up to him. Sehun was expecting him to be stunned yet again but Lu Han met his eyes with his hooded, almost moistened ones. "I don't want to fight anymore," he murmured. "With you and this feeling." Sehun slowly closed his eyes as he invaded Lu Han's personal space. His face moving in to meet the latter's. When their noses touched, Lu Han pursed his lips tightly while Sehun made his way closer.

"Sehun! Lu Han!!! Are you there?!" The door swung open, making Lu Han, with his tiny body, fly across the area. He fell sloppily on Sehun's chest while the latter hit his body on the ground. Chanyeol looked down at them with mouth wide open. Kai popped behind him and gasped slightly. "What-is-going-on-?!"

Sehun was struggling to get up when Lu Han winced. The former checked on him wearily, "Are you hurt, Cookie?!!!"

"Nngh..I bumped my head on your chest. It stings a little," Lu Han muttered. Sehun ignored Chanyeol's growing eyes. He brushed away the strands of hair on Lu Han's forehead and checked if there were bruises. Good thing, there was no mark or anything. He turned to Chanyeol who covered his mouth in a mixture of shame and fear. "IDIOT!" Sehun yelled at him. "Look what you've done!"

"I didn't know the two of you are doing...that!" Chanyeol exclaimed defensively. Lu Han's ear heated up while Sehun's face turned beat red. "Seunghyun asked us to get you. He is mad at you, Hun. I mean REALLY MAD," explained Chanyeol animatedly. Sehun scoffed, "Let him be." He stood up, helping Lu Han to his feet. "It's his fault for pissing me off in the first place. Why would he wake me up like that? Good for him I didn't break his neck."

"Hun, you were sleeping in his class," Kai pointed out. "And you were ."

"Wha- I wasn't!"

"You were having a wet dream," Kai insisted. "You were drooling, too. Yiks." He gave Lu Han a meaningful glance and smiled. Sehun huffed and pushed his two buddies out of the door, "Get out! Tell that bastard we're not coming back."

"We?" Lu Han asked. Sehun nodded, "Yeah. You and me."

"But why?"

"Just because." 

Kai and Chanyeol held tightly on the door while Sehun continued driving them away. "We can't go back without the two of you! Seunghyun will kill us! PLEASE! WE ARE BEGGING!"



"I think we should go back. I can't skip the next class. I think you should, too, Sehun," Lu Han stated. He passed by the other boys and motioned back to the hallway. Sehun froze; his hands slowly dropped from his friends uniforms. "I heard my name," he whispered in disbelief. "Yes, you did. Lu Han called you Sehun," Chanyeol, who was as shock as Sehun, confirmed. "Oh~ This is getting more interesting" Kai commented with a grin. 

Lu Han looked back and frowned, "What?! Are you guys going to stand there forever?" 

"We're coming!" The three chorused before following Lu Han in the hallway. When they reached the classroom, they found Seunghyun standing alone at the platform with arms crossed and a solemn face. Other students were now on their way to their Biology class. Before he could scold Sehun, Lu Han stepped up and apologized for what happened. Seunghyun’s eyes softened as he turned to Lu Han. “It was partly my fault for dragging you into that situation. I just thought this idiot,” he glared at Sehun. “needs to realize that being a jerk to get your attention will get him nowhere.”

“You’re being nosy, do you know that?” Sehun countered.

“Watch your mouth, young man. I have been very patient to you for the past months but if you continue acting like a king with no respect to others, I will have to report you to the school board,” Seunghyun stated firmly.

“Then for the record, stop pissing me off,” Sehun contested. “You don’t do to me, I won’t do to you.” He paced towards his seat and grabbed his bag (and Lu Han’s) while the rest watched him in silence. When he stood by the doorway, he sighed exasperatedly and turned to Sehun. “Let’s go.” Lu Han was then dragged out of the classroom, leaving Seunghyun, Chanyeol and Kai dumbstruck.

“I don’t know if I like this side of Hun,” Kai said.

“What do you mean?” asked Chanyeol.

“He’s becoming possessive,” Seunghyun butted in. “And I pity Lu Han for that. I’m quite sure Sehun hasn’t even sorted out his feelings yet. That will leave Lu Han puzzled at his actions all the time.”

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shubhada #1
Chapter 7: Uwah..... An update...I was waiting...thank you
Chapter 6: I love it!!! Please write more yarrr...
Author-nim Fighting!!!!! ^O^
Xxpinky #4
Chapter 6: Please update soon ㅠ.ㅠ
((I noticed that more people unsub now after they've read this fic. This only mean one thing; I'm not writing very well. So to make it up, I will make sure to write longer and better chapters. And that means, less update. Sorry to those who are very supportive and eager to read more. I'm doing this for you guys as well. My current plan is two updates monthly. I'll do my best, guys! <Here's me trying to uplift myself. lol
Thank you<3
Chapter 6: Uh oh.. Perfect...!!!
Chapter 6: KYAAAAAAAA HUNNIE KISSED LULU ON THE LIPS!! O///////O Can't wait for the next updateeee
Chapter 5: Cartier rings and now couple t shirts??? Hunhan... stop makes my heart flutter
ExoRLAB #10
Chapter 2: Hi sry but what manga pics are u using?? I rly want to know!