The Prank King in Action

The Last Song

It was another calm morning in Chunhwa High. Students one by one filling the school building. 

"Thank you Driver Shin. As usual, okay? I'll be going!" Eun-hwa smiled and went out of the car. She looked at the watch. It was 7.30 am. "Yes. I'm early today. Eun-hwa, let's do better today, okay? Hwaiting !" she said to herself. On her way to school, she met with Gong Minji, her junior. Minji was in 11th grade. 

"Annyeong , unnie ! Th sun's shining brightly, huh? Let's walk together !" Minji said cheerfully. Minji is a crazy and fun girl. She is outgoing and open-minded too.  She is very friendly with people, thus making her popular for her bright attitude. 

"Yes. It is. Let's go!" The girls walked together and they chatted about girls thing. Then they met Sungjong and No Minwoo. 

"Aigoo. Walking with you guys made me looked like a big sister. I felt old. HAHAHA." Eun-hwa joked.

"No it's not noona. You looked younger than you're age. People wouldn't know you're older than us." Others agreed to Sungjong's statement. Eun-hwa laughed and they continued chit chatting. 

"Annyeong, Sungyeol, Sung Kyu. The weather's fine today right?" Eun-hwa greet the boys at the gate. 

"Ahh, Eun-hwa. You're early today. Minwoo, Sungjong, Minji. Annyeong !" Sungyeol greeted them back. The juniors replied by giving them a bow. 

"Eun-hwa, you go in first. We'll catch you up later." Sung Kyu said with a cheerful smile. Again, the smile makes Eun-hwa's heartbeat faster.

"A... ah. O.. Okay. I'll meet you inside." Eun-hwa grabbed Minji's hand and quickly walked into the school's compound. Sungjong and Minwoo followed their steps after they greet their sunbaes. 

"Sung Kyu, what's wrong with her? I saw her blushed." Sungyeol asked. Sung Kyu shrugged his shoulder. He looked at his watch. 

"It's 7.45 already. Let's wait for another 5 minutes, then close the gate. Okay?" Sungyeol nodded.

They waited for 5 minutes and there's no more students. They both close the gate and walked to the class.




The bell rings. It's recess. The hallway is packed with 12th grader, heading to the cafeteria. Sungyeol and Sung Kyu stayed in the class, along with some other students, who's revising for the next period. 

"Gyu, Yeollie. Let's eat !" Eun-hwa showed up and asked them for lunch. "No thank you, Eun-hwa. We're not going to the cafeteria today." Sung Kyu replied with a smile. 

"Who says we're going to cafeteria? Let's go to the school field." Eun-hwa lift her packed lunch. Sung Kyu and Sungyeol exchanged smile and stood. "Yeahh. Let's go!" They headed to the school field.


"Ahhhh ! It's delicious ! Did you cooked it yourself?" Sungyeol his fingers to show how much he enjoyed the lunch.

"Yup !" Eun-hwa replied. Sungyeol's amazed. "Waaaa. Daebak. Not many high school students can cook this well !" he exclaimed.

"Yahh. Sungyeol. Did you actually fell for her words? There's no way she did this." Sung Kyu said in a cold voice. Eun-hwa giggled.

"Aishh. You, Eun-hwa !" he pointed his finger at Eun-hwa. Eun-hwa laughed. "Aigoo. Sungyeol. There's no way i can cook this early in the morning. My chef did this." Eun-hwa explained. Sungyeol and Sung Kyu were shocked by her statement. "Eun-hwa, you have a chef that cook for you?" Sungyeol asked. Eun-hwa looked at Sung Kyu. He widened his eyes. "D..Did..Did i say chef? I thought i say my mum cooked this." Eun-hwa stuttered. "But, i heard you said chef." Sungyeol scratch his head. "Eyyy. You missheard it. I heard she said her mum cooked this. Let's go. We'll be late for our next period if we don't go right now." Sung Kyu stood and walk. Eun-hwa and Sungyeol followed his pace. When they arrived at the hallway, they split up and went to their classes.


Class 12A were noisy. Everyone was talking to each other. Suddenly, someone came running into the class and said "Mr. Jung is coming !" Everyone rushed to their sits. The class became quiet. They heard footsteps. Mr. Jung entered the class as usual, with a fierce face and a cane on his left hand. On his right were books on History subjects that he taught.

"Good Morning teacher." The students bowed to the teacher. Mr. Jung nodded. 

"Right, now we will begin our lesson. Please open page 80 on your textbook. I've told you to do some background reading on this topic today." Mr. Jung continued by explaining the topics for today's lesson. As the explaination goes on, some students started yawning and get bored.

"Man. History is a boring subject." Sungyeol murmured. He placed his head on the table. He looked at Sung Kyu on his left. Sung Kyu's focus was entirely towards Mr. Jung's explaination. He also jot down the important points. 

"Gyu-yah. What are you doing?" Sungyeol asked in a low voice. 

"Can't you see? I'm eating." Sung Kyu answered with a homely face. Sungyeol slapped his forehead. 'Pabo. You shouldn't ask that kind of question Sungyeol.' he thought to himself.

"Sung Kyu. I'm bored." Sungyeol tried to start a conversation with Sung Kyu. Sung Kyu lift his head and looked at Sungyeol. Than he looked back at his notebook and continued writing and said "Bored? Then go to sleep." in a cold voice. Sungyeol's eyes widened. 'Aishh. This man. If he's focusing on something, he'll say ridiculous thing. That pissed me off.' Sungyeol thought.

Then, something came into his naughty mind. 'Well, I'm the Prank King. Now, let's do some prank to our Mr. Jung' He whispered something to his deskmate and his deskmate passed it to Jang Dongwoo. Jang Dongwoo turned to Sungyeol and nodded. He took out his cellphone from his table drawer and dialled a number. Then, a ringtone was heard all over the class. Mr. Jung, who was writing on the whiteboard turn around with an angry face.

"Whose cellphone is that?" He yelled. The ringtone stopped. A fe seconds then, it was heard again.

"Now, Tell me whose cellphone is that?" This time, Mr. Jungs even slapped on the table. The students were in fear. No one was brave to lift their head. Suddenly, a students raised his hands.

"You ! Don't you know the rules? Students are not allowed to use their phone in th class ! Now, give me your cellphone !" Mr. Jung walked to the student's table. The boy shivered slighly hearing Mr. Jung's voice. 

"Errr. T.. T.. Teacher. It's your cellphone. I can see the cellphone's light coming from your pocket." the student told him in a fear voice. The ringtone stopped once again. Then, as expected, it rang again. Mr. Jung took out his cellphone. Well, it was his cellphone ringing. There was 3 missed call from an unknown number. He looked at the student and walked to the whiteboard. He piled up his books and went out of the class without a word. 

Jo Kwangmin, the class captain, scouted from the class door. When Mr.Jung was completely out of his sight, he announced "Guys, he's gone !" then loud laughs are heard all over the class. "Now, let us give a big clap to our unfortunate friend, Jang Dongwoo. HAHAHA." Jo Kwangmin patted on Dongwoo's back. "Aigoo. Sungyeol. This is all you idea. I was startled to death you know? Right. This would be the last time. No more after this. Aigooo ~" Dongwoo rubbed his chest. Sungyeol laughed. He put his arm on Dongwoo's shoulder. "Yahh, do you think this is all for nothing? I will treat you. Okay?" Sungyeol pleaded. "Promise?" Sungyeol wink and nodded. He went back to his seat.

"How bout' that Sung Kyu?" Sungyeol asked Sung Kyu. Sung Kyu just shrugged. Then, he laugh. "Yahh. You're so smart. Thanks to you, the class ended 3o minutes earlier. Right. Now, i want to take some nap. Man, Thankyou Prank King. All hail Sungyeol. HAHAHA." Sung Kyu then put his head on the table. 

"Sungyeol, wake me up when it's 5 minutes before the next period, okay?" Sungyeol nodded before he started chatting with the other class members.




It's fun to prank people, right? HAHAHA. Thankyou our Choding Yeollie^^

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nice! :) please update soon~
euneyrahyuk #2
awesome !<br />
daebak !
LOLX XD ! Ji Neul's here !
the story was cool. haha. :) cant wait for the update.