Wednesday - 10 August, 2016

The Diary

So much for the writing everyday...I've decided to do some research and found out that apparently, you can contain a demon in something made of silver or iron. I have a silver ring, so I'm thinking of giving Jackson a little surprise...

I've got one more day to get the dance with Yugyeom right. If not, I'll get pulled from the class and won't be able to sign up for the next term. It's not like I try to be bad, and I have no idea why it causes me such anxiety. Frustrating as hell...



"Hey Jackson, I have something for you." Mark cooed, knocking on his closet door. "I think you'll really like it..."

Jackson opened the door, peeking out to Mark. "What?"

Mark smiled, holding up a silver ring on a chain. "Tu solatium in domum" he chanted, his smug smile making him look like an overly proud six year-old.

Jackson huffed a lock of hair out of his eye. "I hate you." he grumbled, his form dissipating into mist.

Mark put the chain around his neck, looking down at the ring with a smirk. "You in there?"

"Unfortunately. Why is this necessary?" Jackson asked, his voice invading Mark's thoughts.

"I can't have a demon running loose in my house while I'm not here."

"So just let me stay in the closet!"

"Nope. Sorry dude. I have dance today, and I don't want to risk someone finding you."


"You sure about this?" Yugyeom asked, wrapping his arms around Mark's waist as the music started.

Mark took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "I don't know." he whispered, his grip on Yugyeom's shoulder tightening as he started panting. "They're all staring..."

Yugyeom dipped Mark carefully, sliding one hand to his flank while his other went to Mark's upper thigh. "It's okay. Just focus on me." he whispered, his lips brushing against the shell of Mark's ear.

Mark felt his heartrate increase as his face went flush and his vision blurry. "Yugyeom, I..." he started, taking a deep breath as he felt a familiar tightness in his chest.

"You okay?" Yugyeom asked, their dance slowling slightly but still on beat so Mark could catch his breath. "Do you want to stop?"

"I'm okay, keep going." Mark sighed. "What are you doing?!" Mark thought, his form melting onto Yugyeom's as their song hit the bridge.

"Don't worry, I've got you." Jackson's voice invaded Mark's thought. "Just focus on him."

Yugyeom's right hand traveled to Mark's neck, the left tangling itself gently in his hair as Yugyeom pulled him close, their lips only a few inches apart as the music fades and the class erupts into roars of cheering. "Mark, you did it!" he smiled.

Mark took a deep breath as the tightness left his chest. He nodded, looking at the class before laying on the ground. "Why does it hurt? What did you do?" he thought, drinking in each breath as if it were his last. His face was pale and drenched in sweat, yet he felt a shivering chill down his spine. "Jackson?"

"Having a bit of a problem here." Jackson confessed. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm kind of stuck inside you."

"Thanks guys, but I-I'm not feeling well." Mark lied, standing cautiously. "Is it okay if I go home early?" he asked, loking at Mister Kim.

"Sure Mark." he nodded, handing Mark his back. "We'll be starting our next lessons after holiday. Feel better, okay?" he smiled.

Mark bowed slightly, rushing out the door and leaned against the side of the building. "Jackson?" he panted heavily, looking at his ring. "Are you okay? What's going on?" he asked, his vision going blurry and faint. "Ja-Jackson...?" he whispered before falling unconscious.


"Mark? Mark! Mark wake up!" Mark's eyes fluttered open to a white ceiling and his mother standing over him, along with several other doctors and nurses.

"Wh-What?" he shot up, stopping quickly and laying back down when he felt a myriad of tubes and needles taped to his arms. "Where am I? What's going on?" he demanded, looking to his mother. "Mom?"

"Mark, what happened? Yugyeom said he found you passed out outside the dance studio!" Lisa cried, a few tears slipping down her cheek. "What happened? You're pale and cold, and your eyes..."

Mark sat up slowly, feeling around his neck for his ring. Instead, he felt a small welt on his skin and a bandaid. "My ring. Where's my ring? Mom, what'd they do with my ring, mom I need that ring back!" he screamed.

"Mark, calm down, it's at the nurse's station in my bag!" She consoled vainly, holding her son down as he screamed in agony. "Someone get me ten milligrams of morphine!" She called, her coworkers helping to secure her son to the bed. "Doctor Kwon, I can't do this..." she whispered to her coworker, holding a syringe close to Mark as her tears fell onto his arm. "I'm sorry, I can't."

"I understand." he nodded, taking the needle from her and inserting it into Mark's catheter port.

"Jackson? Where are you?" Mark thought. "Are you okay?"

"Why do you care? What the hell are they doing to you?"

"Where are you?"

"Dude, it doesn't matter, what's going on? What's all this stuff?"

"Where. Are you?" Mark asked again, his voice carrying both authority and concern. "Where's the ring?" he opened his eyes gently to see his mother and Yugyeom standing by his bed. "Mom? Yugyeom?" he croaked, squinting his eyes.

"Mark!" Lisa whispered loudly, running her hand through his hair, smiling widely as she wiped her tear-streaked face.

"Dude, what happened to you?" Yugyeom asked, looking over his bed and arms. "Your mom said you started freaking out and screaming about a ring?"

"I'm fine." he sighed, sitting back up slowly. "I guess I just got a bit panicked is all. That's the ring dad bought me on my birthday." he added. "Mom, I'd really like that ring back now."

Lisa nodded and pulled the ring out of her pocket. "Here honey." she smiled. "I'm so glad you're okay." she sighed, kissing the top of hi head. "I'll go get the doctor to see if Yugyeom can take you home, okay? I'll be back soon." She squeezed his hand and rushed down the hall.


"What's up?"

"You never answered my question."

"I'm better now..."


Author's notes here.

I've decided  to start leaving some personal notes here. Hope you guys are doing okay! :)



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