Monday - 26 September, 2016

The Diary

Jackson seemed to really like the park on Saturday. Since it rained all day Sunday, we couldn't go out anywhere, but since I got so wrapped up in sending the day with Jackson I forgot to pick up my hair dye. Not too worried about it though - I might just let the dye fade out and let my hair rest. Anyways, I'm super tired for some reason, so I'm gonna lay down.

Mark sighed lightly as his body curled under his blankes. He groaned lightly as his body went limp and his breathing slowed, his mind drifting off to a blank slate.

Mark? Jackson called, running down a long corridor with seemingly no end, the tapping of his bare feet echoing on the travertine tile floor. Mark, where are we? Jackson's breath went cold as the walls began to grow a thick layer of frost, the floor glistening with a thin sheet of ice. M-Mark?

"Jackson?" Mark yelled, running toward what looked like Jackson at the other end of the corridor. "Jackson!" he called as the demon seemingly began to walk around the corner. "Jackson wait!" he panted, turning the corner into a small hospital room to find his mother standing by a rusted gurney. "Mom?" he whispered, cautiously stepping into the room as the frost followed him in. "Mom, what's going on?"

Lisa turned to reveal her cracked face and missing eyes, a dark smoke and tears pouring from her sockets. "I'm doing the best I can!" She cried, pulling a long needle from her pocket and stepping toward Mark. "I wish I could cure you!" She yelled, raising the needle and stabbing it into her stomach, filling the room with a dark cloud.

Mark covered his mouth as he began to shake violently, his breath increasing at the horrifying scene that just occurred. "Mom?!" he cried, tears spilling down his cheeks as he tried to look through the mist. "Jackson?!"

How dare you try to claim what's mine... An eerie voice boomed.

"What? Where's Jackson?!" Mark asked, looking all around him. The mist faded to reveal Jackson standing in his true form, his runes glowing brightly and a blank stare on his face.

"Jackson...?" Mark whispered, wiping his eyes. "Please be you..."

Jackson's form dissipated, being replaced by Mark's classmates and teacher, Mister Kim and the other dancers, and his family.

Everyone seemed to stare daggers into Mark, who sat on the ground holding his head as those around him began to scream.

You're weak!

What a failure...

You only have friends because they feel sorry for you!

It's just a dance, it up and deal with it!

I only passed you because I don't want you in my class anymore...

You're dancing isn't even that good!

Mark gasped as he pulled on his hair, tears spilling from his eyes as he looked up to his parents, who stared down at him condescendingly.

What a disgraceful child... His father sighed, shaking his head as he held his wife by her hip.

He can't even make friends, let alone court a woman... Lisa sneered.

"Please stop..." Mark whispered, his voice cracked and hoarse. "I just want Jackson..."

Then just wake up!

Just wake up, Mark!


"Jackson..." Mark whispered, his lungs absent of air as he tried to yell. Jackson! he mouthed as everyone began hovering around him.

"Jackson!" Mark screamed, shooting up in his bed and looking around.

Lisa rushed through the door with a medicine cup and a glass of water. "Mark honey, what's going on?" She asked, setting the meds and water on his bedside table. "Why are you screaming? Who's Jackson?"

"Mom?" Mark panted, looking around his room again before getting out of bed and running to his closet. "Jackson? Where's Dad?" he asked. "We were in a hospital, and you- with the needle, and- Dad, he- Mom?" he asked, sliding down the wall in his closet and pulling his knees to his chest.

"Mark, it's okay. Your father's just gone out to take care of one of your prescriptions. Everything's fine." She assured, holding the meds and water to her son. "You need to take this, okay?"

Mark nodded as he took his meds with shaking hands, taking the pills quickly and taking a large drink of water. 'I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to-"

"Stop." Lisa said, shaking her head and running her hand along Mark's jaw. "You don't have to apologize for this. Now, are you sure you don't want to see the therapist tomorrow? All it would take is a phone call..."

Mark shook his head and handed his mother the empty med cup and glass. "I just need to do my breathing. Thanks mom." he smiled as his mother left his room. He waited until he couldn't hear her footsteps. "Jackson?" Mark asked.

Jackson's form appeared across from Mark, sitting on his knees with his wings tucked around his shoulders. "Where were we?"

"You were in my head?"

"You fell asleep with the ring on. What was that?"

"That's what happens when I don't calm down before I sleep." Mark sighed. "Except it's usually in a crowded area, and I've never heard that voice before..." Mark took a deep breath, sitting up and looking towards the demon. "Were you okay?"

"Just like being in the Nether again..." Jackson sighed. "You said you heard an unfamiliar voice?"

Mark nodded. "Something about claiming something..."

"Asmodeus." Jackson concluded. "Seems like someone back...home is, uh...missing me."

Mark twirled the ring around his neck, looking at the floor and chewing on his lip before taking a deep breath and removing the chain. "Jackson?"


"Would you be offended if...if I wanted to rest on your lap?" Mark asked.

Jackson's ears perked and his wings stretched out a bit, shaking his head ever so slightly. "Um...s-sure..I mean, go ahead..."

Mark moved slowly to sit beside Jackson, laying his head on the demon's lap. "I'm sorry you have to put up with me..." he mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

Jackson sighed as he rested his hand on Mark's shoulder, his wing folding down to cover Mark. "I wouldn't trade this for anything..." he whispered.



AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH My good good goodness it feels so good to be writing again - apologies for the sporadic updates everyone, life's been a bit hectic lately, but I have good news and bad news: I recorded my first YouTube vlog, but my sd card got corrupted somehow, so I have to record it on the laptop via webcam and edit it, but that'll be up [hopefully] sometime this week. Okay, onto the story!

For anyone wondering, the dream portion of this chapter is based off of a dream I had when I was in my 3rd year of high school. *has a crippling fear of hospitals and needles, which is ironic because I have piercings and want a tattoo* Also, the Markson in this chapter was too much for me. My poor little heart can't take it right now, ESPECIALLY SINCE THERE'S A NEW HALLOWEEN FIC STARTING TOMORROW/TODAY (it's almost 4am here)!!!

Check it out, subscribe, and leave a comment if you wish and I will see you guys later!



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