Wednesday - 3 August, 2016

The Diary

Wow, two days in a row - what a record! I don't have dance today and I guess Ms. Jung was feeling nice because I don't have any new homework either. I think I'll just take it easy today, maybe go on a walk, visit mom on her break - no use asking Yugyeom to chill. I wonder if he'd let me borrow that book he showed me yesterday for my World History class...



"Woah woah woah, slow down. Okay, so Yeye Tuan came to America to escape the civil war?" Mark repeated, scribbling down notes as his father sat beside him playing on his phone.

"Yep." He nodded. "Sometime in the twenties I think. That's when he met your grandmother and the family started. At least, that's what's always been told to me. Your mother might know some more, little miss history nurse." he smirked, rolling his eyes with a smirk.

"So what caused the civil war?" Mark asked, disregarding his notes and focusing all his attention on his dad. "Wait, was that the time of Communism?"

"Pretty sure. Jeez, don't they teach you anything in that class?" his father teased, ruffling his hair as if he was a small child.

"Hey! We haven't gotten that far yet. We're just getting to the influence of Witchcraft in Europe."

"Oh, so I guess you guys are just now learning about Jeremy, huh?"


Mark's dad looked at his son in disbelief. "Jeremy? Jeremy Donatien? He was a young boy, I think about your age, who was super into witchcraft, was responsible for the sodomization of a teenage boy, and was burned at the stake during religious-" he explained, cutting himself off when his wife walked into from the front door. "Ah, Lisa! How was work?"

"Long," She smiled. "but it was worth it. What are you two talking about?" She asked, hanging up her jacket and taking off her shoes before sitting beside her son and kissing him on the cheek.

"Mark's learning about European Witchcraft and hasn't learned about the Donatien boy yet." he smiled. "Why don't you tell him since you're the history genuis?"

"Well I wouldn't call myself a genuis," Lisa smiled, turning to Mark. "even if it is my favourite subject. Jeremy Donatien was the son of a wealthy Chinese man and his French mistress. Since his father didn't want a baby, he sent his misstress back to France with the baby, where he grew up with, uh, multiple father figures. Supposedly, one of his mother's customers ually abused him until he was nineteen, and after he killed him he went on the run towards Paris, where he got involved with witchcraft."

"Wait," Mark blinked. "are you two talking about Jacob? Burned at the stake for having a boyfriend during a time of heavy Catholicism?"

"He has many different names throughout history." Lisa nodded. "You can supposedly summon him-"

"With candles, a chant, and  a star?"

"Yes. How did you know that?" Lisa inquired, her brows furrowing slightly in worry.

"Mark, you better not be trying to summon dead people in this household..." his dad warned.

"No, no, no. Yugyeom's grandmother has a book about it and he showed it to me." Mark reassured. "I've been thinking about borrowing it for m history class..." he admitted.

"Just be sure you give it back and wear a cross if you do." his dad joked.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "You don't have to wear a cross if oyu borrow the book," she assured, placing a gentle hand on her son's shoulder. "but be sure to return it when you're finished with it."

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