Saturday - 24 September, 2016

The Diary

I've been thinking a lot about what Mister Kim said, and I'm not so sure I can do it. I just don't want to be the weirdo who tells a demon they love them, obviously that's the idea right? They make yo uthink you're falling in love so they can use you for their purposes. At least that's what all the stories and stuff say. And I don't want to make myself vulnerable for a demon who might not be here tomorrow, or who might not even like me. Sure he can be childish and annoying and even terrifying at some times, but there's something about him that's just so charming...

Mark sat at his closet door, Jackson on the other side as they listened to the muffled music downstairs.

"Jackson?" Mark asked, standing up and putting his ring around his neck. "Jackson, you there?"

"What's up?" Jackson asked, appearing in Mark's mirror and standing beside him, his skin and horns seemingly glowing in sync with Mark's ring.

"You asked to go see the city, right? Well, since I'm not doing anything this weekend, I figured I'd take you to see the sights. If you want to go, that is." Mark smiled, running a hand through his hair. "Plus, my hair is fading, so I need to buy some hair dye."

Jackson blinked with a smirk on his face, his arms crossed over his chest as he began to laugh. "You're asking if I want to accompany you? You're asking permission to take me with you?" He asked, seemingly assuring himself more than asking Mark.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? I know about before, but since I'm not away for hours now and can come home any time, I figured you'd want to come along." Mark mumbled. "Plus I never took you to see the city before and I want to take you now, if you want."

Jackson took a deep breath, his form dissipating from the mirror and his voice echoing in Mark's head. "Why not. Beats sitting in oyur closet I guess..."

Mark chuckled to himself and made his way to the lounge to find his parents watching a Titanict documentary. "Mom, dad? I'm heading out for a while, but I'll be back soon, okay?" he announced lowly, earning a thumbs up from his dad and a blown kiss from his mother. "Love you." he whispered loudly before walking out to the city.

So where are we going? Jackson asked.

Well, I wanted to take you to the park first. Mark thought. Then I need to go to the store for some hair dye.

Hair dye? Jackson asked, a tinge of worry in his voice. What's that?

It's chemical stuff that can change the colour of your hair. Mark explained, taking in a deep breath as the sounds of th city gave away to the soft chiping of birds and sweet smell of tulips and chrysanthemums. This is the park. My favourite place in the world...

Mark stood in silence among the trees, a soft breeze rustling the leaves and sending a shiver down his arms. So what do you think Jackson? He asked. Jackson was silent. Jackson? Are you okay?

Those flowers... Jackson asked. They're yellow chrysanthemums.

Yeah? Mark thought, sitting near the flowers and looking to the sky. Are they your favourite?

In the language of flowers, yellow chrysanthemums symbolize slighted love. They're the only flowers that can't exist in the Nether.

What's it like there? Mark asked, taking a deep breath has another breeze rolled by and closing his eyes to see Jackson.

Lonely. Jackson smirked, bringing his knees to his chest and tucking his wings in. Very lonely...

Mark sighed as he opened his eyes and stood, the vision of Jackson dissipating as he began walking down the trail.

The two walked in mostly silence, the only thing between the tension was Mark's sighs and the distant laughter of children. Mark stopped by a small herb garden and smiled when he saw a few small purple petals.

Don't touch that. Jackson warned.

It's just rosemary. Mark smirked, bending down to get a bit closer to the herbs.

Rosemary's a demon repellant, so it'll hurt me. Jackson explained, making Mark draw his hand closer to his chest before reaching out and taking a small branch. Mark, wait- he started. What? Why doesn't it hurt?

I know about rosemary being a demon repellant, but I'm not a demon. Mark smiled, picking the needles from their branch and sprinkling them over the grass. I wouldn't have stopped if I knew it would hurt you.

What do you mean? Jackson asked, making Mark blush.

Well, I know you think that you don't matter because you're a demon, and you might be used to having people use you, but I don't want to be that person. Mark thought, sitting on a bench. I know you may have heard this before, but I really don't want to hurt you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you matter to me.

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