Tuesday, 20 September 2016

The Diary

Not gonna lie, didn't really feel like writing for a while. But here I am, sitting at the desk. School's been going well, we've gone over all of the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages, and now we're into the twenties and Prohobition stuff. I don't really know what else to write about..oh - REMEMBER TO GIVE YUGYEOM HIS BOOK BACK.


"In essence, tango is about contact and intimacy. In order for your movements to flow correctly, you have to feel the connection you and your partner share. Shut out all other distractions and let the music flow through you, let it act as your giude." Mister Kim instructed, taking his wife by the hip and hand and gliding smoothly along the dancefloor, the soft thud of drums and the shimmering sound of tambourines leaving the class in awe of his movements. With a dip and a light peck on the lips, Mister Kim released his wife, kissing her hand as the class erupted into applause. "Thank you my love." he smiled to his wife. "Now, in order for this to be a successful lesson, I'm going to let you pick your partner. So, ladies, if you'll stand on one side of the room and guys on the other, we'll go down the line until everyone has a partner."

Mark rubbed the back of his neck as he looked toward the line of women before him, his face going red and his gaze darting to the floor. "M-Mister Kim, can I-"

"Sorry Mark, but if you're going to do this right you need a female dancer." Mister Kim finished, patting Mark on the shoulder. "You know I won't stop you from sitting this one out." he assured, turning to address his class once more.

Mark sighed as he sat near the mirrors, playing with the ring around his neck.

Well, hello there. Jackson's perky voice rang in Mark's ears, drowning out all other sounds.

Oh, sorry Jackson. Mark thought, closing his eyes with a sigh. Forgot you were in there...

Wouldn't be the first time I was forgotten. What's up champ?

I don't really wanna talk about it right now. I'll tell you when we get home.

Is "we" a thing now?

Since you have to go where I do, yes.

I don't *have* to-

Yes you do.

Mark could hear Jackson sigh, making him smirk and chuckle lightly.

"Hey Mark, what's so funny?" Yugyeom asked, making Mark jump slightly.

"Oh, nothing. Just remembered something my mom told me the other day. Shouldn't you be-" he started, looking behind Yugyeom to see people beginning to leave. "nevermind. Oh, here you go." he added, pulling Yugyeom's book out of his bag. "I meant to give you this earlier, but I got wrapped up in other stuff."

"That's okay man. Thanks for returning it." Yugyeom smiled, tucking it under his arm. "Wish I could stay and chat, but mom has friends coming over and wants me to be there to greet with her. See you around!" he smiled, rushing out the door.

"Mark, maybe it would be a good idea for your mother to see about another medication?" Mister Kim asked. "I'm not trying to step on any toes here, but you seem a bit more out if it than usual."

"I'm fine, there's just been some stuff on my mind lately." Mark smirked.

"Is everything okay? do you need to talk to someone?" Mister Kim asked, sitting beside him.

"Well...there's this boy I met recently, and he's really cool and kinda good-looking, and he seems like he's got some problems that he needs help with, and I really wanna help him, but he hates talking about himself. I don't know what to do..." Mark confessed.

Mister Kim perked a bit. "What's his name?" he smirked. "Not to get too pokey or anything. I've just never heard you talk about someone you're interested in." he chuckled.

Mark grinned. "His name is...James. He's not from around here, and I don't know when he'll leave." he lied.

When have you met a James? Jackson asked.

We'll talk about it later, Jackson. Mark thought.

Mister Kim stood back up, pulling Mark up with him and patting him on the shoulder. "There's an easy way to talk to someone about something like this: Think of what you want to say, and then say it."

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