side story: seungcheol's diary

HVC's So-called Diary


Hey, it's me. Choi Seungcheol. I don't exactly know why I write this in the first place. Hansol's diary kinda inspires me to do this thing. I'm not sure if he still writes in his laptop, I never asked.


I'm fine. I'm happy. I'm....... tired. It's okay. It's nothing new. I'm used to this life. This is what I choose so I better do my best. Even if it costs my . But nothing will cost my . Forget it. I don't want to talk about work. But maybe I want to. Because today I stayed up all night at Jihoon's studio. Uhm, it's not like it's our first time pulling off an all-nighter. It's just our conversation....


I don't exactly know why I asked him that in the first place.


"Do you have in that computer?"


"What? Sorry, I didn't hear you,"


"You have in that computer?"


He looked at me funny then let out a soft chuckle. The cute kind of chuckle. Wait.


"What? You ran out of to watch?"


"So you have it!"


"I don't. I watched them online,"


Now that I think about it, how could we talk about it like it's not a big deal? Well, it's not that big of a deal but.... aren't we too chill?


"How often?"


"It's been months. Why are you asking me this? Are you that bored?"


"How do you know?"


Stupid question.


"It's not like I just met you yesterday. Come on!" He got up from his swivel chair and did a little stretch. I could see a glimpse of navy boxer when his shirt lifted up.


Seriously Seungcheol? You don't have anything better to write than a freaking boxer? But that boxer, I remember him complaining about its size being a number bigger, and I almost wore it before he slapped my face with it and said "Go buy your own boxer! This wouldn't fit you anyway. You got a big........ big body..... yeah"


Wait. Let me laugh at this.


Jihoon was so flustered that time. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He looked cute. Really. With read ears and all.


"Where? I want to eat pizza." I said. It's true though. I've been craving for pizza for weeks! Diet and all. But screw them.


"You serious? You want to lose all that muscle in your stomach?"


I forgot. I got quite an abs in there. But I want pizza!


"Aw, I really want it, though"


"Stop whining, giant baby. That's not cute,"


But we ended up eating pizza today. Jihoon could never resist me, I swear. After that, we didn't head straight back to the company.


"Where are we going, Hyung?"


"Away from work"


"We haven't finished with the tracks! Let's get back to the studio!"


"We only have one demo left. Come on, Jihoon, we already got permission from the managers anyway"


Jihoon gave up at the end. Thanks to my convincing skills and puppy eyes combo. One of my biggest weapon. You know, being the maknae in the family, I learnt a lot of ways to win people's hearts. I am an expert. But still not at my Dad's level yet. My Dad is the best. I love you, father. I hope I can go home, soon.


With 'soon', probably next year. Nah.


(Jihoon and I went to eat a lot of street foods. And Jihoon laughed a lot today. And he looked even more perfect under the sunlight. And - oh God- I fell in love. All over again)
















Jihoon kissed me. It was awkward at first, but as we continued, it turned out to be perfect. It was amazing. With Jihoon.


But we forgot to lock the door. I hope nobody caught us making out. At least not the company staff.


It all started when I accidentally spilled a cola on my note that has ALL my lyrics in it. I was in panic then Jihoon opened the door and forgot to close it properly.




Jihoon just shook his head then helped me drying my notebook with portable fan. Thanks God, it's not entirely ruined. I still can read the blurry part. It's okay, Seungcheol. You survived.


And then I don't know how we ended up having a hot make out session. Everything is so vague as if it was a dream.


I can't even remember everything I did today! Wow, I'm completely whipped.


Thanks Jihoon.


But I'm not sure, are we a thing now?














Dear diary,


Jeonghan and Jisoo found out.


















With Jeonghan and Jisoo, I went to Han river, eating chicken (feat. beer). What is chicken without beer, seriously. After a few bottles, Jisoo became a little bit tipsy. His alcohol tolerance is so low, probably the lowest after Jihoon. And me? Well, the last man standing? Except Jeonghan is just as strong.


We talked, and talked, and I don't know how the atmosphere changed so fast, but I was still completely sober when they brought up the Jihoon issue. Just nice.


"Just... be careful, okay?" Jeonghan sighed.


"I know that"


"Keep it lowkey"


"Isn't that obvious?"


"You could be very out of control at times," Jisoo muttered, with his eyes closed. I thought he fell asleep, but he actually listened.


"I don't do fanservice with him, though,"


"It's not just about the fanservice, Seungcheol," Jeonghan looked at me with a pair of tired eyes. "The company. Think about the company"


"And don't forget your younger brothers. You are in a group of 13. You lead the pack. Everyone looked up at you" Jisoo opened his eyes this time. What he said was makes sense enough for somebody drunk, but the 'lead the pack' part left me confused.


"Lead the pack?"


"You are the alpha"




"Forget it"


"Like the raptor named Blue in Jurassic World?"


"Are you drunk?"




Then there was silence. We just sat there, staring into whatever. I was thinking about the possibility of the members to find out about us anytime soon. Will it be okay?


"How did it start? You and Jihoon, I mean"


What took Jeonghan so long to ask that question?


"It just.... did. I've always thought that my feelings for him is just in brotherly way but... well.... you never think about making out with your brother, don't you?"


"That's gross"




"How about Jihoon?"


"How - what?"


"Did he tell you how he feel? How do you know the feeling is mutual?"


Jihoon is not very vocal about his feelings. God, he can barely look me in the eyes when talking. But he'll definitely focus on you when listening. That's one of the things I like about him. And I can say that his studio is like our personal box of love. That place took a big part in our relationship.


Box of love! BOX OF LOVE! BOX! OF! LOVE!


I'm greasy I know but this one is unforgivable. Dad, I'm sorry to disappoint you.


"Seungcheol, stop smiling like an idiot. It's creepy"


I didn't even realize I was smiling.


"Ah why do we have to talk about something like this? It's embarassing!"


Really, though, how can I say like "Oh yeah he looked at me in the eyes and then there were fireworks and butterflies in my stomach and then he kissed me then we kinda making out with him on my lap and-


Yeah, I'm sorry I can't even bring myself to finish that sentence. Ah why does my face feel so hot?


Back to the Han River scene, Jisoo with a hand supporting his head, said something like this:


"You're embarassing, Seungcheol. You know that, dude?"


I couldn't believe my ears. He said the last sentence in English, too. Ah, this kid hang around Seungkwan a little bit too much. Look at him. Never mind his drunk self, sometimes in daily basis he teases me like I'm easy to bully.


Jeonghan chuckled. "Ah, I like drunk Shua better,"


"Ugh. But, let's be real, even if I told you guys the detail, can you face Jihoon without thinking about it at all? Without feeling awkward? I'm doing this so you guys can stay comfy"


"It's okay with me though. Jihoon is kinda hot,"


Okay. I never saw that coming from Jeonghan's mouth. What came next was totally unexpected, though.


"Yeah, he is a cool guy. The gesture he has, and his charisma. Wow, his charisma, I remember feeling a little bit intimidated by him, with that stare and all. Boy got some characters" Jisoo muttered, eyes closed, still in the same position, only with a lazy grin on his face. "Guys, have you tried swimming in that river? Is it that deep?"


"Uhm, Jisoo, we are not supposed to swim in Han River,"


A pause.


"You know where I can get a butterscotch bathbomb?"


Jeonghan and I looked at each other, then burst out laughing because, yeah, Jisoo is such a random drunk. I guess he just wanted to take a bath (or drown himself in a bathtub full of bubbles).


I don't remember how we got home. But I remember seeing Jihoon cutely tucked under the cover. For the first time I saw him sleeping on the bed like normal people instead on his black swivel chair cuddling a damn plushie.


And I remember kissing his forehead.


"Cute," Jeonghan muttered in his sleep.












HELLO GUYS! Here is Seungcheol's short diary. I feel like I should make another point of view after this. Hhhmmm. I hope you guys like this update! <3 And thanks again for those who are reading, subscribing, commenting, and upvoting this fic! I LOVE YOU ALL<3333 Don't miss Hansol too much. He'll be back!

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 9: ahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha. Jihoon and Bumzu! omg! ahahahhahahha
eunlyhae_elf07 #2
Chapter 11: A bit sad Chapter ㅠㅠ Those never ending post-it question about OTP is getting old already they better stop //sign//
Chapter 11: I feel bad for wonwoo and jeonghan at fan sign.. I know we ship meanie, jihan and etc. But the way people kept shoving questions about is kinda too much sometimes. How would they feel after that? It kinda upsets me.. Anyways thanks for the update :) let's all just be happy they give us fanservices
LunaraDamona #4
Chapter 11: This chapter kind of made me sad :(
Vernon seemed so down when he stopped writing and had no time. And his thoughts in this chapter seem really accurate. The whole fanservice thing and obsessed fans.... it makes me sad.
The group chat helped a little to lighten the mood but the chapter felt different from the rest. Where you rushing it?
Thanks anyway for another chapter ^-^
Jihoon_98 #5
Chapter 11: I kinda feel like this is what they must felt, all those things that happened recently...
It's sad you know... Being an Idol.
Sometimes I wonder why fans are so obsessed, I mean, idols are human too...they have their own life.

That aside, thanks for the update!
eunlyhae_elf07 #6
Chapter 10: Jicheolll moment!! They're so cuteeee TT^TT and drunk joshua is kinda adorable xD ohhhh are you gonna include soonseok here?
Chapter 10: ASDFGHJKL DAT JICHEOL YEASSH~ wae they're so cute :'3 /punch my doll/
Also that 'big body' seungcheol. That's cracks me up :'))) /go away you dirty mind/
And btw I see your profile and you're from Indonesia too? Hai hai~ xD
Thankyou for updating~ <3
Chapter 10: Yehey!!! Now that Wonwoo is back, Mingyu won't be too lonely anymore.. And this means, MEANIE interaction at its finest..
Vernnyliet #10
Chapter 10: Waaaaaa yup i know, no one can resist Cheol's puppy eyes >.< oh and guysssss wonuuuuu's baaackkk (which means..... MEANIE IS BAAAAAACKKK XD)