The event.

Two different world


A few minutes later, Uncle Jeffrey arrived. Finally! He was quite late to pick me up :/ He drove,wait,not he is the one who drive the car… his driver does.

He arrived right in front of me in a black Cayanne car. I could saw my angry reflection at the car’s window. I bet he know that he arrived late and not punctual. He owe me an apology afterall.

“Assalamualaikum,Kak Su!” He got out from the car. He held out a hand and  I shook his hand back and replied his salam. “I’m sorry to be late. I have some matters to do,” said Uncle Jeffrey.

I stared at him.Not saying one word…YET.

Eventhough he is the Embassy of Malaysia to Korea, but he must give the priority to his family first than anything else!

I’m bugging about this because it’s not good to leave some foreigner alone in the airport. And plus, I’m a girl. Someone can take me right away without even everyone around me noticed.

He asked his driver to log in my bag at the car but. The driver respond right away. And I just place myself in the car beside my uncle.

“So,uncle! I am excited to see you (:” I hugged him. “Eventhough I AM angry about you pick me up late and not being punctual. It’s not good you know to leave me alone at the airport ! For 30 minutes!” I said angrily.

“Well, you didn’t change much since the last time I saw you.. that was during Aidilfitri a few years back right ? Your temper didn’t change too much. You are just the same.” He chukled. I put on my sour face and turn to him.

“By the way,” he continued. “I had arranged some event and activities for you that might will help you discover Korea. If you need any help, you can always call me. For transportation,maybe I will hire a driver for you later,” He smiled at me.

“Thank you,uncle !I am really excited to begin my activity. If can as soon as possible. For language, can I have a Korean language class? I really wanna learn it since I’m going to sit here for 3 months !” I requested.


“Okay,I will schedule that later. But now,you have to attend a special event.”He said.

That’s amazing. First day in Korea, I’m up for an event. COOL.

“South Korea Tourism Organism will held an event tonight. It’s about a new system of promoting Korean Tourism. They invited all the embassadors and some most influences people in South Korea,”He explained.

Then,he goes on “I wanted you to come tonight so I can introduce you to some of my partners tonight. And by the way,Atiqah will come too!”He exclaimed!

Atiqah,is my closest cousin ever. She is a year older than me. I missed her so much that I can’t even show it on my face.

“Okay,Uncle. I will come. Maybe if I know some of your partners,I can be famous! And maybe some of them want me to be their daughter-in-law,” I jokingly added it.

He laugh together with me. I rarely falling in love during my school life. I was mostly focusing on my studies. I like many boys. Crushes,well. TONS!


An hour later we arrived at a mansion.

“So,this is my house,” He introduced.

I looked upon the house in an awe.

“This is such a BIG,MASSIVE house!”I thought.

As we entered the house, we were greeted by a few housekeepers.

“Annyeonghaseyo,Sofea-nim,” The housekeepers greeted.

I smiled and bowed to them too. “Ne,annyeonghaseyo!”

“Okay, this housekeeper,” He pointed to a ponytail-tied up hair girl that maybe in her mid-twenties, “Will show you to your room.If you need help, she will always help you. You can kindly call her. Okay?”

I nodded to him and started to follow the housekeeper. After a few flights of steps,turning at different corridors, I had finally arrived at my bedroom.


I was utterly shock to see my humongous bedroom! It is so huge. With the decoratings,that I always wanted for my bedroom in Malaysia. This pictures is just so perfect to be “My Dream Bedroom”. I love the big,cosy and queen-size bed. The iMAC that was placed peacefully on the very high style study table. On my left side of the bedroom,lay a few racks of ….BOOKS! How on earth? BOOKS! I always interested in books. I have read many authors before! Books are my most faithful bestfriends since I was 4 years old! S

Skimming my hands through the books for a while and I found my bathroom!

A bathtub was perfectly stated at the centre of the bathroom as it functionally draws every attention of the bathroom. With mostly covered with marble, I know that this,or I could say my bathroom will be the kind of bathroom where everyone would die to get it.

“If you need anything,please kindly find for me. I will always available for you,Miss Sofea,” She nodded at me and started to walk out of my room.

In the count of 3,2……1 ! I’m busying myself to get ready for tonight’s event.

I quickly find myself to a …………………

WHAT ? A WALK-IN CLOSET? In my very very very own bedroom? OH… o___O

And I saw some of the clothes were already hung neatly inside the closet. There was a section for my hijabs !! YES,I love all the hijabs that were hung there. For shoes, from slippers to converse and various of high heels from various famous international brands that I always dreamt to own one!

“Thank you,Uncle! You always have a way to tickles my heart,”

I gathered my wandered thoughts upon this “Walk-in Closet” and started to busy myself for this event.



Atiqah quickly ran towards me and hugged me instantly.

“Ow,Atiqah.Look, you’ve ruined my make up!” I pointed out.

“Ahha, sorry Sofea. I was too excited to see you. I am so sorry that I didn’t pick you up at the airport earlier. I have something IMPORTANT,”She bold up the “Important”.

“Something that so important until you can’t even welcome me to Korea.Well,of course you owe me an apology. But your apology to me is tell me what is the IMPORTANT thing that you meant,” I replied.

“Okay,okay. Sure. I will. Tonight!”She promised.

We were infront of the mirror once again to make a final dress up. And we’re off.

(you will be wearing this with a hijab) This is called "Baju Kurung" in Malaysia with Batik pattern on it.



We were infront of a hotel. It stated there World Hotel. It is a very high class hotel.

I walked hand-in-hand with Atiqah and greeted those peoples around us.

I kept on smiling non-stop. My mouth were getting tired of it. It was because my uncle asked me to do that,so I will smile through the event. Smiling is not a hard thing to do. It’s consider as an alms in Islam.

After the conference finished,we were entertained with dinner at the hotel. It was a buffet dinner.

Unexpectedly, I was too hungry. I cannot hold it anymore. So, I happened to be the first one to queue, took my food and ate silently at the table.

“Sofea,”Uncle Jeffrey called me. “I would like to introduce you to Mr. & Mrs. Choi. They are my closest friend in Korea,”He explained.

“Nice to meet you,Mr. & Mrs. Choi,”I greeted with a smile.

“Oh,dear. You’re so sweet. And you look so pretty today!”Mrs. Choi compliment me.

“Oh,yes. You look so beautiful today,” Mr. Choi agreed to his wife. “I would like to introduce you to my son,Choi Siwon,” He continued.

A tall-handsome figure just came out of nowhere. He was the most handsome man that I ever met in my life. He was tall. Broad shoulders,neatly combed hair and his dazzling smiles are all perfect!

“Hello,Miss Sofea,” He held my hand. “Nice to meet you,” he smiled in the end.

Oh,please. Sofea. Control yourself now. Not now you must be faint. Not now.

“Well,hello. Nice to meet you too,” I said. Kind of blushing. Feeling like wanna  hit my cheek now.

“I think you do not know yet, my son is one of the member of Super Junior. They had debuted two years ago,”Mr. Choi explained.

Oh,I didn’t know that. K-pop was not in my dictionary before this. But,it will be in my dictionary after this.

“Oh,well. I’m sorry that I didn’t acknowledge it,sir. My knowledge about K-pop is not high yet. I should have done some research before coming here actually. Well, you know. I only had 3 days to prepare myself coming here. And recently, I’d just finished my examination! What a rush!”

To my surprise,everyone there laughed at me.

“I liked that kind of personality. Where they speaks fast, and everything that you wanna say, you just inserted inside it and make it fun to hear,”Siwon said.

I’m blushing.Seriously,help me.Ya Allah!

“Okay,I think we should be going now,”Uncle Jeffrey excused. “It’s getting late already.I have some matters to do,by the way,”

“Nice to meet you again,Sofea.I hope we can meet again. Seoul ain’t that big.I promised that we will meet again someday,”Siwon said and wink at me,suddenly.


“Yes. Sure! We must meet someday. Well, you will call me then?,”

I exchanged numbers with him.

“Goodnight! Take care,Mr. & Mrs. Choi! Same goes to you too Siwon,”I said.


Later that night, I couldn’t sleep peacefully because I kept thinking about Siwon.

Well, he is good looking. Tall. He owns the most dazzling eye ever. But the way that I looked at him is that I admire him. Not that I liked him. Crush? A little.

I heard that he is smart and intelligent. He should have run his father’s company if he didn’t join to be one of the Super Junior’s members. I can see that he have a bright future ahead. He is also ambitious. WOW,really. He came from a very rich background. 

I bet with his perfect look, tons of girls would have chase him all the time.

I let out a sigh. And started to drift to sleep. 


  • this story are mostly from Sofea's POV, if I stories from another POV, i will stated there.
  • this journey is about to heat up. AT the beginning, I'm starting to introduce the characters anyway. So basically form chapter 5 onwards the journey begin to heat up!
  • I know some of you can guess who is the guy at the airport who bumped into Sofea right? WELL,if you know... just keep it to yourself. Pretend that you didn't know because Sofea did not recognize him,YET.

AND BY THE WAY, I UPDATED THIS BEFORE I GO TO MO.A LIVE IN KL ! yes, I'm going! I will try to snap some pictures, but I can't promise !! SYUJU GANDA !! 


mood : excited! 

p.s : maybe i will update more tonight ^^, Stay tuned ! please comment below ! ANNYEONG!

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Iqa_ELF #1
hahhaah....finally u updated it!!!!omo who's that girl!!!
Kyaaaaa ! Who is it that new student? Ppali update ! Soon soon soon ! Hahahaha ^^,
Promised I'd comment, rite? kk
You are right, this is a very different kind of story than what I usually read! But it's a lovely one nonetheless!! I hope you update! ^___^
^^, soon
Iqa_ELF #5
OMG.... That is a bit shocking!!! wow,Kyu madethe first move!!!UPDATE SOON
aynn18 #6
new update pretty please ^^ tq
heerinelfpetals #7
kyu palli.. writer.. palli.. new update plzz..
Iqa_ELF #8
another update!!! sofea is going back!!! how about kyu ....pity him!!! dong hae is so cute!!!i hope kyu will confess or at least told sofea about their first meeting. UPDATE SOON!!!