Chapter 2





First loves don't come true.



Woohyun was a cute and nice child. He wasn't spoiled, rude or loud. He was smart and polite and everyone loved him. Sunggyu was the total opposite. He was a complete brat. But one day, the two of them became a family and that's when all hell broke loose. 


Sunggyu was a bit older and he was used to being the only child, the one being adored. After his mother passed away, his father would do everything for him. He would always forgive him everything, he never yelled and got him even the stupidest things he asked for. However, his father married again. The lady wasn't a problem. Sunggyu didn't remember his mother much and this woman treated him nicely. It was the kid that worried him. He didn't want to share. Anything. Much less his dad. 


Woohyun was excited about getting a father and a brother. Living with his mother was nice but she would just never understand certain things. Because she was a woman. He knew that, even though he was still very young. The new dad was a bit cold and distant but still nice enough so Woohyun didn't mind. His brother... His brother was the greatest person he had ever seen in his life. 


Even though, Sunggyu was always treating him badly, in Woohyun's eyes he was an idol. Their age difference was only two years but for a kid it may as well be twenty. And Sunggyu knew so much. About everything. Woohyun couldn't help it. He was completely fascinated by him. 


Sunggyu, on the other hand, was jealous. His personality was a bit odd and truth to be told, he didn't make friends easily. Actually, he was usually the outcast. For some reason, the other kids would pick on him. Woohyun was the social butterfly. Younger kids, older kids, kids of the same age... They all wanted to talk to him and play with him. He was never left alone in the playground. Sunggyu hated him. 


However, no matter how much he ignored Woohyun or pushed him away, the other was stuck to him like a gum. Sunggyu didn't understand him. For the first time in his life, there was someone who was immune to his tactics. Someone, he couldn't figure out at all. 


One day, he decided to breach the topic with the younger one.

"Why do you always follow me around? I don't even like you."

"That's okay. In family we don't have to like each other but we are still a family."

"No, we are not."

"We are! Our parents married so now we are brothers."

"You are not my brother!"

"But I like you hyung. Can't we just be brothers?"

"NO! I hate you and I will never accept you as my family! Leave me alone!"

That was the first time Woohyun cried and Sunggyu would never admit it aloud but in that moment, he found Woohyun beautiful.


A few days later, they were in the playground. Woohyun was running with other kids while Sunggyu sat alone on the bench. All of a sudden, Woohyun came to him, holding a bunch of flowers he picked up.

"Hyung, I got this for you!"

He smiled shyly but he was obviously excited.

"Leave him alone, Woo. He is weird!"

Some of the other kids yelled, making Sunggyu feel very small. He threw the flowers on the ground.

"I don't want them! Go play with your friends!" He yelled. 

Woohyun looked tearingly on the flowers and then turned around.

"YAH! He is not weird! He is my brother!" He shouted at the boy from before.

"He is not your real brother you don't need to defend him and he is totally weird. We don't like him! Make him go away."

That did it. Woohyun angrily launched himself at the boy and punched him. 

"You go away! I don't like you anymore."

He managed to land a few blows but then Sunggyu pulled him away. The kids ran away, leaving the two of them alone.

"Why did you do it?"


"Attack him. He is your friend."

"He is not my friend anymore."

"Why do you always stick to me? Why do you choose me before your friends?"

"We can pick our friends but we can't pick the family. You are my family and if they don't like you then they are not my friends."

"I told you, we are not a family. I don't want you to hang out with me."

"But then you would be alone, hyung."

"I like being alone."

"Nobody likes to be alone."

"Don't be smart. I am the exception since I absolutely love my own company."

"But doesn't it hurt? When they call you names?"

"Why would it hurt? It's not like they are beating me up."

"Words can hurt, too."


"Yes. They hurt me."

That made Sunggyu stop.

"Hurt you? How?"

"When they call you like that, it feels weird. I don't like it. It's a funny feeling in my chest."

Sunggyu gulped.

"It's okay. I don't mind them."

"Then why didn't you accept my flowers?"


"We learned in school today that you are supposed to give flowers to the one you like. So I picked the nicest for you but you got upset about what he said and threw them to the ground."

"Woohyun-ah. They meant GIRLS. You are supposed to give it to the girl you like."

"I don't like any girl as much as I like you."

"You will one day. Even more."

"I won't. Ever. I will always like you the best."

Sunggyu heart beat fast.

"Don't talk like that. It's weird and I told you, I hate you!"

"Why? Why do you hate me?"

"I just do. Why can't you understand that?"


"Don't call me that!"

Sunggyu pushed him and Woohyun fall to the ground, next to his flowers. 

That was the second time Woohyun cried. Sunggyu looked away. He didn't like the feelings he was starting to have for the other boy. He didn't like them at all.


There is no purer love than the one of a child.

There is no prejudice, no expectations, no conditions, no fears, no doubts, no pride... just love.

When you are a kid, you don't think about the future, about your plans.

You just want to have fun and enjoy the day.

And sometimes you see a person that glows...

and even if the person is not nice to you...

you know that in your eyes...

that person will remain magnificent.




to be continued

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7nfinite #1
Chapter 10: Should have read this earlier. I've subscribed this long time ago but I didn't dare to read it because I was worried about the angst. I'm glad that I finally decided to read it. You've done an amazing job in writing this. Thank you so much for the story :) I'm gonna check out your other woogyu stories now ^^
Chapter 10: It's so GOOD!!! I usually don't like to read stories even if it has slight angst but this story is something totally on a different level...It's so well written...How much I loved this story I can't express in words.
Chapter 10: Waah nice enclosure dear author-nim /claps/

Thank you so much for wrote this story. Thank youuuu
Drhr13 #4
Chapter 10: I really wanna know what could happened next ( i _ i )
Chapter 10: it is all and much more.
they've found each other mirrored .
give and take, to form the perfect image.
beautiful in all its gore.
Chapter 10: I'm not sure what to call their relationship, but I think, in the end, the fact that sunggyu's eyes were opened to what his desire for control did to woohyun, that's enough for me to be reassured that they'll be ok. Thank you for this fascinating story, it puts love in a whole different perspective.
Chapter 10: Oh i've been up and down with this story, in the end everything made sense... and well i dont know how to call their relationship but as long as they still find their reasons in each other then they'll be happy. Thank you for creating this story <3
gula-gula_getah #8
Chapter 10: I didn't expect it to end so soon...but mostly I'm glad gyu doesn't hurt hyun anymore.....I want a sequel!!!!(or not??)I'm afraid of the sequel.what if u make gyu abusive again???oh no!!!!definitely not a sequel...
Chapter 10: Omg it's the end already???!!! no!(T_T)