Welcome To The Family, Brother

Our Royal Hours

The car finally stops at the entrance of the East Palace. Yunho shake Jaejoong slightly, knowing that the man had fallen asleep.

“Jae, come on. You need to wake up.” Yunho said and that woke the consort up. Jaejoong looked around, still in the black vehicle with his arms around Yunho.

“You have to let go of me now. I can’t exactly shoot at anyone while carrying you.” Yunho said, trying to make some slight humour of the situation.

“We just got shot at, Yunho. Please don’t joke around like that.” Jaejoong replied, still wary of his surroundings.

“I’m sorry. Let’s get out of here first.” The Prince apologised, coming out from the car.

The King was waiting for them alongside his wife and Yoochun.

“Jaejoong, I was so scared hearing what had happened.” Sujin said, immediately hugging her son-in-law.

“Did you get hurt?” Ilwoo asked Yunho, eyebrows furrowed.

“I’m fine, Father.”

“I’m glad you are alright.” Yoochun pitched in but Yunho had ignored him, turning away to look at Donghae.

“Can you get Jaejoong some warm water and make sure he’s alright?” Yunho ordered, seeing Donghae bring Jaejoong into his room.

“Of course, you can always ignore me.” Yoochun blurt out, acting as if he was affected by Yunho’s cold shoulder.

“What is he doing here? Please be informed, Father, that I don’t allow just anyone to step into my residence.” Yunho said as soon as the family of four was alone.

“Yunho, be nice. He is your brother now.”

“I am being nice. Now I’m ordering you to leave the East Palace right now. I don’t want you to even take a step inside here anymore.”

“Be careful where you thread your words. By tonight, I will be officially the same status as you so give me some damn respect. I will be leaving first, Father. And Mother.” Yoochun said, bowing slightly before leaving the building.

“The same status? You can’t be serious, Father.”

“Yunho, I want you to treat him fairly. Yoochun is your brother. You have to accept that fact.” Ilwoo said sternly. Yunho stared defiantly at his father, not wanting to back down. Sujin sigh, predicting another fight happening again.

“Can we please stop? Let's just stop fighting. You have your son now. That should make you happy, right? I think we should just accept everything and move on from there.”

“You’re just going to accept this with open arms? Mother, he is the son of your-”

“Yunho. I suggest you don't remind me on what that woman did to my life. Instead, go to your room and take a rest. We shall not talk about this again. The King’s orders are final.” Sujin concluded before hastily leaving the East Palace.

“What have you done to our family, Your Majesty?” Yunho asked, not expecting an answer from his father before stalking off into his room.

It was not long after that that Jaejoong had made his way to Yunho’s room, knocking on the door and not entering until Yunho gave him permission.

“Who is it?” Yunho asked, coming out from his wardrobe.

“Jae? Is something wrong?” The Prince questioned, surprised to see Jaejoong standing by his door.

“Can I...Can I come in?” Yunho chuckled when he heard that.

“You are welcome in my room anytime you want.” The royal said, pulling Jaejoong in.

“What’s wrong?” Yunho asked, sitting down beside Jaejoong on the couch.

“I…it’s just that umm…”

“I told you before you can tell me anything.” Yunho said, reassuring the man. Jaejoong nod, taking a deep breath before taking Yunho’s hand.

“I’m sorry. Can you just give me a moment? The nerves from just now is still working overdrive and staying in my room alone made me so paranoid that I was going to get shot at again.” Hearing that made Yunho anxious.

Knowing that Jaejoong didn’t feel safe alone was something that made Yunho nervous. He immediately hug Jaejoong tight.

“If it makes you feel any better, you can stay with me here for the time being. At least until things has settled down.”

“That sounds good. Thank you, Yunho.” The two stayed there in silence.

Donghae was about to walk into Yunho’s bedroom, wanting to report on their initial findings. However, Yunho had gestured his hand as he tries to signal Donghae to leave the room immediately.

Yunho was alone with Jaejoong and he didn’t want anyone to ruin that special moment.


“Hmm yes?” Jaejoong finally pulled away from Yunho’s embrace, opting to look into the Prince’s eyes instead.

“The incident at my house got me to realise I make really bad decisions.”

“Was this the part where he breaks it off with me? Not wanting to live dangerously with me any longer?” Yunho thought, mind fluttering away as he tried to imagine a life without Jaejoong again. He knows he could do it again although it won’t be the same as in the past.


“Ahh…” Yunho groaned, head shaking as Jaejoong had pinch his nose.

“What the hell, Jae!”

“I said I love you and you just stare blankly at me!” Jaejoong admitted, annoyed that he didn’t get the reaction that he was expecting from Yunho.

“You said what?” Yunho asked, clearly not sure what he had heard. Seeing that Yunho didn’t hear it, Jaejoong decided to back away.

“Nothing. It’s fine. I’m going back to my room.” Jaejoong replied, standing up and turning his back on Yunho. The Prince stands up, hand catching Jaejoong before the man can leave.

“Jaejoong, I want you to say it again. Please.” Yunho insisted, not letting go of Jaejoong so easily. Yunho turn the man to face him, beckoning for Jaejoong to repeat what he had said.

“I said...I said you’re an annoying bastard.” Jaejoong said, opting to back away. He wriggled out of Yunho’s hold.

“For the record, I still love you.” Yunho said sincerely before seeing Jaejoong running back into his room.

Yunho laughed to himself, happy to hear that Jaejoong had love him. Although the boy didn’t repeat himself when Yunho wanted him to. Glancing at the coffee table, he sees the key to Jaejoong’s surprise.

He was about to leave when Donghae had stopped him, choosing to report on their initial findings right there and then.

At the other side of the East Palace, Jaejoong was muffling his screams into his pillow. He was feeling embarrassed for confessing to Yunho straight out that he had love him.

Plus, Yunho didn’t even hear it.

“Kim Jaejoong, you’re an idiot.” Jaejoong mumbled to himself, knowing that he cannot recover from this.

Five minutes later, Jaejoong was still lamenting his misfortune as he muffled his groans of annoyance into the poor pillow.

“Jaejoong?” Yunho called, not bothering to knock as he walk in. He sees the man look up from his pillow, staring at Yunho with red eyes.

“Why are you crying?” The Prince asked, sitting down on the bed.

“Nothing. I'm just...there were dust inside my eyes.” Jaejoong lied.

“Really?” Yunho asked again, this time he have leaned closer at Jaejoong.

The Prince stared into Jaejoong’s eyes before blowing on it gently. Jaejoong tried to back away but the man hold him steady by cupping his face.

“Jaejoong, I'm glad to know that you like me too. Don't be ashamed about it.” Yunho said.

“Do you need anything?” Jaejoong asked, changing the subject instead.

“Jae, let’s not run from our feelings anymore. Give me a chance. Just one more to fix everything. I know you want our relationship to work too. So please...consider forgetting about our agreement. I want to be with you, Jaejoong.” Yunho said, gently holding Jaejoong’s hand.

The consort close his eyes, wanting so badly to be with his partner. Jaejoong felt warm, soft lips on his before immediately opening his eyes. Yunho rest his forehead on Jaejoong, their lips separated.

“Tell me you want to be with me too, Jae.” Yunho breathed out, sighing. Jaejoong reach out to hold onto Yunho’s face, finger tracing the scar on his cheek.

“I do. I’m just scared, Yunho.”

“Kim Jaejoong, this time I promise. For the rest of my life, I won’t betray you. I won’t lie to you. I will always be by your side and I will always protect you. I will put you before me and I will die if you want me to.” Jaejoong chuckled, hearing Yunho said that.

“That sounds like a marriage vow to me.” The consort said but Yunho didn’t laugh, being serious about it.

“One. Just one more.” Jaejoong whispered, placing his lips on Yunho.

The Prince gladly receive it, hand on Jaejoong’s back to pull him closer. They break away a few seconds later, Jaejoong’s lips red from the contact.

“I...I better go now.” Yunho said, scratching the back of his head as he smile awkwardly at Jaejoong.

The man walk out, only to circle back. He sees Jaejoong flushed red, still sitting in his bed.

“I came in here to tell you something. Instead, we did something else.” Jaejoong blinked, eyes staring at Yunho again before snapping out from his trance.

“Do you need anything from me?” Jaejoong asked.

“You have to close your eyes first.” Jaejoong sigh, obeying what Yunho had said. Yunho place a blindfold over Jaejoong’s eyes, covering them.

Once Yunho was sure that the man couldn’t see anything, he helped his consort up.

“Follow me.” Yunho said, hand pulling onto Jaejoong.

“It’s not like I can walk anywhere else, Yunho.” The Prince had ignored him, pulling the man through the backdoor where Yunho’s office is. He walk through the covered walkway, stopping as soon as he reach the building.

“Why did we stop?” Jaejoong asked.

Yunho didn’t answer. Instead, he takes off the blindfold from Jaejoong’s eyes.

The man blink twice, adjusting his eyes to the sudden brightness of the outdoors.

“Surprise!” Yunho exclaimed, hands waving as he presented the small building. Jaejoong look at the brick house then back to Yunho.

“Am I...supposed to be excited for something?” Jaejoong asked and Yunho stopped moving. His hands drop down before he starts to fish around for the keys in his pocket.

Yunho offer the keys to Jaejoong.

“There you go. Open it.”

Jaejoong looked at him warily before grabbing the key. He stuck the key into the door knob before turning the knob, pushing the door open.

Jaejoong’s eyes wandered around the spacious room inside the small house. There was a work station as well as a cozy lounge area.

“I know that you like drawing and designing jewellery. So I figured since I have my own office, I should get you one also.” Yunho explained, leaning against the doorframe as he crossed his arms.

“Yunho, you didn’t have to do this.” Jaejoong said, approaching the wooden table. His initials were crafted to the side of the table and someone had placed all the scraps of drawings into a folder.

“I’ve also selected a few of the royal jewels that you can use. Of course, a guard will be there to protect it.” Yunho informed, coming in to sit down on one of the couch. “I know this isn’t like your work studio at your house.”

“No, this is good. Thank you, Yunho.” Jaejoong said, sitting down beside Yunho. His eyes look around the room in wonder as Yunho stared at him fondly.

“You like it?” Jaejoong nod, smiling back at Yunho. “I initially thought that Donghae was joking when he said that he was going to get you to build me a studio.”

“With me beside you, everything you want is possible. Come on, let me show you the way back.” Yunho said, holding out his hand once he had stand up.

This time, Jaejoong had received the gesture as he links his finger with Yunho. The Prince took that as a positive sign, meaning that their relationship was improving.

“My office has a back door that leads to your studio. There’s a door here if you want to go out to the garden but your only entrance is linked to the walkway. One special thing about this walkway…” Yunho stopped walking, knocking on the glass panel covering the whole corridor from top to bottom.

“It’s bulletproof and it’s a one way mirror so don’t worry of getting shot. If we’re under attack, I would rather you run to your studio than running out of the East Palace.” Jaejoong chuckled, leaning closer to Yunho.

The couple continued walking back to the East Palace, going through the back door in Yunho’s office.

“I didn’t know you have an office back here. I always thought royals don’t have work to do.” Jaejoong mindlessly said, sitting down on Yunho’s chair behind the table. Yunho sat on the table, legs crossed as he look down at Jaejoong.

“Contrary to people’s belief, we do work. Father heads a few of the board of directors in the country.”

“And you?” Jaejoong asked.

“My work now is to graduate from school, maintain my rank in the military and take care of my first priority.” Jaejoong raised his eyebrows upon hearing that.

“First priority? You never told me about that.”

“That is to take care of my royal consort, my Kim Jaejoong.” Yunho replied, giving a flirtatious wink.

“Yunho…” Jaejoong whined, hand playfully hitting the royal.

“What did Donghae tell you on not hitting a royal?”

“Too bad. He’s not here to scold me. I’m going to keep hitting you.”

“I’ll gladly take the hit.” Yunho said and the two laugh.

Jaejoong look away, spotting a woman’s photo in one of the picture frames lining on Yunho’s table.

“Is that her?” Jaejoong asked, gently taking hold of the frame and looking at it closer.

“She’s pretty...” Yunho nod in agreement.

“She was twenty. So young but those scums take her life away.” Yunho said, anger lacing his tone.

“I’m sure she is happy now.” Jaejoong replied, placing the frame back on the table before looking at Yunho.

“I promised Younha that I will bring you to meet her. Do you want to go? It’s alright if you don’t want to. I asked Junsu once but when he found out that I’m used to talking to her grave, he refused because he thought that was weird.” Yunho started rambling, knowing for sure that Jaejoong will not follow him.

“No. I think it’s a good opportunity for me to know you better. I’ll go.” Jaejoong said, contradict to what Yunho had thought.

“Great...That’s great.” Yunho answered, a big smile on his face. The couple spent the next hour talking to each other, laughing after every joke made.

Only when Donghae had came in that they had snapped out from their own little bubble.

“His Majesty would like to extend an invitation for you to join the press conference with him.” Donghae said, reminding them of the upcoming reveal of Yunho’s long-lost brother.

“Tell him that we’ll stay here.” Yunho ordered. Donghae looked at his charge uneasily.

“I repeat, His Majesty would like to extend-”

“I know what that means, Donghae. My decision still stays the same. If my Father has a problem with that, I suggest he deal with it but I am not going to celebrate his reunion with his son.” Yunho said, dismissing Donghae.

“Wasn’t that too harsh? I mean...he’s still your brother.”

“I doubt so. If Yoochun knows what’s best for him, it will be not revealing himself as a royal.” Yunho explained, asking Jaejoong to join him in his room to watch the press conference.

The couple walk out hand in hand, as they head to Yunho’s bedroom. Jaejoong sat down on the couch, letting Yunho turn on the television.

Once the channel was set, Yunho sat beside Jaejoong.

“The special press conference from the Royal Palace will start in five minutes. Please stay tune to find out more.” The news anchor said before it goes into commercials.

Yunho sigh, resting his head on Jaejoong’s shoulder. They were holding hands, fingers intertwined as Yunho hold on tightly to Jaejoong’s hand.

“I still can’t believe that we’re together.” Yunho said and Jaejoong squeezed the Prince’s hand tighter.

“Ow!” Yunho cried out, alarming the bodyguards that had immediately came in. Yunho immediately dismissed the guards while glaring at Jaejoong who was laughing at him.

“Can you believe me now?” Jaejoong asked, intentionally tightening his hold.

“Oh god! Yes!” Yunho shouted, pulling away.

Again, the guards came rushing in. This time though, the armed guards stayed within the vicinity of the room, choosing to be close.

The couple settled down again with Yunho playfully poking Jaejoong’s side as revenge. In return, his consort poke Yunho’s arm instead.

That started a barrage of playful fighting. First it was Yunho poking Jaejoong’s cheek then Jaejoong hitting him on his arm. The Prince continued by pinching Jaejoong’s cheek which made the other pinch his thigh instead.

“Ow! Stop stop!” Yunho begged, asking Jaejoong to let go before rubbing his bruised thigh.

“Don’t glare at me. You started it.” Jaejoong replied simply when the man had returned the favour by scowling at Jaejoong.

“You’re a naughty little one, aren’t you?”

“I learn from the best, Your Highness.” Jaejoong called and Yunho chuckled, choosing to lean on Jaejoong’s shoulder again. He brought their hands together, squeezing it slightly as the press conference starts.

“Hmm...that’s weird. Usually Mother will be there for every press conference.” Yunho mumbled, not expecting Jaejoong to hear that.

“Maybe she’s sitting in the waiting room.” Unsatisfied with Jaejoong’s answer, Yunho had called one of the guards to come forward.

“The Queen is on her way to Jeju Island. I believe His Majesty suggested her to go for a spa retreat so as to stay away from the public heat.” The guard explained and Yunho dismissed him, knowing clearly what that meant.

“It seems like our Father have dismissed the Queen. For all we know, we could be dismissed too.” Yunho whispered.

“I don’t think your Father would do that. You’re his son.”

“Not his only son now though.” Yunho replied as the King appeared on the screen, walking in with Yoochun behind him. The cameras were rapidly snapping pictures, causing bright flashes on the screen.

“Savages.” Yunho called the reporters, cursing them under his breath. Jaejoong quietly draw circles on the Prince’s palm to calm him down.

“Today is a very happy day for the royal family. For years, I have kept a little secret. A secret that I have chosen to reveal today. Many have speculated on my relationship with Park Hyojoo, my secretary when I first became King, thinking that I have kept her as a mistress of the Palace. I hereby confirm your allegations. Beside me is our son, Park Yoochun. It has been twenty years since my father, the late King, died. Just like me, he came out to the world regarding his affair only twenty years after he was crowned King. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone.” Ilwoo had spoken before standing up, bowing thrice.

The reporters have started throwing questions but the King just calmly raise his hand slightly, a sign that he has more to tell.

Yunho look away, choosing to hide his face in the crook of Jaejoong’s neck. The royal consort instinctively brought his hand to Yunho’s cheek, softly grazing it with his finger.

“From this moment onwards, I would like to announce my retirement from the royal throne.” Yunho raised his eyebrows once he heard that. He didn’t remember his Father saying anything about retiring.

“Now that my son is happily married, I want him to take on the royal throne. Of course, I will still be guiding him.” Ilwoo reasoned, smiling a little when he sees the change in the behaviour of the reporters after hearing the new scoop.

“Yoochun will be added inside the royal family’s registrar, holding the position of a Prince. He will assist my son, the Crown Prince, to run the household of the royal family. That is all. Thank you.” Ilwoo said, concluding the press conference before leaving with Yoochun tailing him.

They disappeared behind the door as the press conference ends.

Yunho sigh, knowing what will happen next. Yoochun will go for interviews after interviews, charming his way through the people.

There were suddenly rushed movements between the guards as something went through their communication system.

“Sir, eagle is down.” The guards inform Yunho and the Prince immediately reacted, running out. Jaejoong was right behind him, letting Yunho to lead the way.

“Move!” Yunho shouted, pushing the palace officials standing on his way. He heads to the waiting room, seeing Yoochun cradling the King who had became unconscious.

“Hey, let go of him!” Yunho screamed at Yoochun, pulling the man up. He slammed the man on the wall.

“What the hell did you do to him, huh? Tell me!”

Jaejoong head to the fallen King, checking to make sure that he was not hurt.

“Someone get a doctor.” Jaejoong ordered. However, he felt a tap on his hand. “Father, are you alright?”

“I’m fine. It’s just a dizzy spell.”

“Let go of me.” Yoochun said, pulling Yunho’s hand away from him.

“He went down by himself, okay? As much as you’re worried, he’s my father too.” Yoochun spat out, turning to look at the King.

“Help me up, Yunho.” Ilwoo said weakly, hand reaching out.

Yunho swiftly put his arm around the King, helping the man up. Donghae place a chair behind the royal before Yunho sat him down.

“Father.” Yunho called worriedly, kneeling before the older man.

“I’m fine. Just a minor falter.”

“Why did you say you want to retire?” Yunho questioned and the King dismissed everyone except for the royal members. Yoochun sat down on the couch, crossed his legs as he stared at the three royals staying together in the middle of the room.

“I’m getting old. I need a replacement for the throne.”

“I know. I get that but why now?” Ilwoo smile, seeing the confused look on Yunho’s face.

“You are married to Jaejoong and I found your brother. It’s time for me to stand down from the throne.”

“This was the reason why you called for me.” Yunho said, knowing he was at fault for disobeying the King’s order just now.

“It’s alright. It was a decision that I wanted to keep secret between the both of us.” Ilwoo replied.

“We should bring you back to your room.” Yunho said, feeling that the talk of the throne can be discussed later. Jaejoong stands up, walking to the door and sticking his head out once the door was open.

“His Majesty is ready to go back to his room.” Jaejoong said before opening the door to let the King’s butler in.

Yunho appeared on Jaejoong’s side, holding onto his consort’s hand. Yunho’s eyes focused on the King’s movements, following the man out. Yoochun stands up, walking towards the couple.

“Future King, huh? Who knew…”

“Excuse me? What does that mean?” Yunho asked, thinking that the man had meant something else.

“Oh you’re too dumb to understand, is it? Well, you’re not really the person fit to sit on that throne, Yunho.”

“And I guess you think you are fit. Let me remind you. I am the Crown Prince in this royal family, the sole successor to the royal throne and the general of the Korean army. While you. You are just some random person who had hid himself for the past twenty years before deciding to appear in front of my face to annoy me.”

Yoochun tried to think of a comeback but Yunho was quick enough to continue.

“Don’t worry. You will have plenty of time to make a comeback. Until then, stay away from my Father.” Yunho warned before giving a smile at Yoochun.

“Welcome to the family.” The Crown Prince said before pulling Jaejoong out.

“Welcome to hell, Yunho.” Yoochun mumbled to himself, being left by himself in the waiting room.

Things are going to be shooting at Yunho a lot these days.



Such a long time since I updated so an extra long chapter should be the way to go. Hope you had fun reading!

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yunboojj #1
Please update....!!!!!
Rockerlyn #2
Chapter 49: wow this is soo thrilling
Everoselen314 #3
Chapter 49: When will you be able to next chapters plz make a happy ending give them lots of children's of course jae should give birth :p plz plz write next chapters I read it in one shot love u
Chapter 49: Nice story. Waiting for a new chap or maybe chaps? Hahahahaha. Keep up the good work
turyka #5
Chapter 49: I missed u!!!! I love this update .. i'm so mad at Changmin and Yoochun.. And the king is a complete moron
Chapter 49: I want to slap Yoochun ugh!
shimdia #7
Chapter 49: I miss you authornim and ofcourse our royal couple Yunjae.. thank you for the update, and good luck for your new career <3 <3
sheilapiglet #8
Chapter 49: I still don't understand the king and his decisions.....and Yoochun is still as annoying as ever.....can't believe Yunho was expected to go on the trip right after being shot....that doesn't even make sense. Anyways, I hope that the story will speed up in the sense of uncovering YC's plans....it's getting a bit draggy since it's been almost 50 chapters and the bad guys are still walking around freely to do whatever they want. Thanks for taking the time to update.
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 49: That King is so blinded..just to have his other son in and not considering the possibility. And where is the security...don't they have a team to investigate into the case.