"Delete" (Taoris)

Exo Short Stories

OTP: Taoris

Warnings: angst-ish (horrible at writing this because I'm a er for happy endings)

AN: I saw a post on tumblr about the basketball pictures that Kris and Tao took together and this person decided to write a little story about what might have happend and I honestly got so sad reading it and then I thought of this and I just need to get it out at the moment.



                Tao looked at his phone, hoping that he would call but after another hour, there was nothing. No text, no call, nothing. He sighed and put his phone on his nightstand before turning over to face the window. He could see the stars and the moon and wondered if what he has said in the past was worth it now. He left so Tao was angry and confused and they said that it was okay to post it but thinking about it now, it seemed too much. Tao just wished that they could at least talk about it and sort it all out. He closed his eyes, sighed deeply again, and tried to sleep.

He really missed him.


                Yifan was looking through his phone, looking back at all the pictures that he had taken throughout the years. He smiled thinking about the happy moments spent with Exo. Even though they were overworked, most of them still managed to put a smile on his face. He swiped to another picture and his smile slipped off of his face. He managed to steal his phone and take a selca. Underneath it was the caption "Happy Birthday Gege~!" Yifan sighed deeply and clicked the picture. His thumb hovered over the delete button. Chewing his bottom lip, he almost put his thumb down before he stopped himself again. Yifan thought back to what he said when he left. He thought back to what Wang Sicong had told him. After decideding what to do, Yifan put his thumb down on the delete, erasing the past memories that he shared with him.

He didn’t want to relieve those moments anymore.

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